  • 我想约个时去看库柏先生。
    I'd like to make an appointment to see Mr. Cooper.
  • 大国之既相互借重、合作,又相互制约、竞争。
    The major countries, while cooperating with and seeking support from each other, are nonetheless checking on and competing with one another.
  • --支持利用中国成熟的空技术和空应用技术,在互惠互利的基础上与发展中国家开展合作,为合作国家提供服务。
    - Giving support to using China's mature space technology and space application technology to carry out cooperation with other developing countries and provide services to cooperating countries on the basis of mutual benefit.
  • 极端民族主义,尤其是反对国际合作时候
    Extreme nationalism, especially when opposed to international cooperation.
  • 联合友好的或合作性的联合,如团体或组织之
    Friendly or cooperative association, as between groups or organizations.
  • 互惠一种相互的或合作性的交换优惠待遇或特权,尤指国家之交换贸易的权力或特权
    A mutual or cooperative interchange of favors or privileges, especially the exchange of rights or privileges of trade between nations.
  • 中的一点连接到级坐标原点的直线。
    a line connecting a point in space to the origin of a polar coordinate system.
  • 在计算机图形学中,将坐标超出显示空的显示元素显示在显示空的某个位置上。
    In computer graphics, the display at some point on the display space of the display elements whose coordinates lie outside of the display space.
  • 构成空的每一个因素叫做一维。
    one of three coordinates that determine a position in space.
  • 5.他在个人及小组之做好协调工作,使他们在工作中统成一个整体。
    5. He coordinates with the individual and the group in order to unify them in their work.
  • 星历表一张给出一定时期内一个天体在一些特定时的坐标的表
    A table giving the coordinates of a celestial body at a number of specific times during a given period.
  • 次元需要确定在空或空与时中唯一一点的最小独立坐标数之一
    One of the least number of independent coordinates required to specify uniquely a point in space or in space and time.
  • 度量为坐标系定义的几何函数,有了它,坐标系上任意两点的距离可以通过点的坐标来计算
    A geometric function defined for a coordinate system such that the distance between any two points in that system may be determined from their coordinates.
  • 本质均衡性亚原子粒子的本质平衡性,以其波函数在通过空坐标原点的反射下的移动状况为特征
    An intrinsic symmetry property of subatomic particles that is characterized by the behavior of the wave function of such particles under reflection through the origin of spatial coordinates.
  • 两个人之的紧密配合
    the close coordination between two persons
  • 事实上,我们需要国际更大的合作。
    Indeed, greater international coordination effort is required.
  • 1995年6月,中国国家航天局正式加入了"机构碎片协调委员会"。
    In June 1995, CNSA acceded to the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee.
  • (个人)基本素质包括:平衡、注意力集中、协调和时感。
    The basic individual qualities include balance, concentration, coordination and a sense of timing.
  • 跳水运动员要求有空中感觉,协调,柔韧性,优美,平衡感和时感等素质。
    Diving need spatial awareness, coordination, flexibility, grace, poise and a sense of timing.
  • 问题是他是要不顾一切抗争到底以洗清他的名声,或是承认较轻罪行以设法减少坐监时
    The question is whether he will fight to the bitter end to clear his name or cop a plea to try to limit his time in prison.
  • 研究人员正利用这一新的观点来考察过去的社会是如何解决,或者是未能解决这些持续时长、极为严重的气候事件的。这些事件在现代还绝无仅有。
    Researchers are using this new perspective to examine how past societies managed to cope -- or failed to cope -- with prolonged and severe climate events, events without equal in modem times.
  • 在正常情况下,包裹用两天时到达哥本哈根.
    Under normal conditions a package takes two days to get to Copenhagen.
  • 这是一个粗糙的不适合办公室用的复印机,因为它需要三四分钟长的时做一系列手工操作后才能印出一张。
    It was a crude machine which was not suited for use as an office copier because it required a series of hand operations 3 or 4 minutes in length to produce a single copy.
  • 座舱小飞机机身的空,包括驾驶员的座椅、副驾驶员的座椅,有时还有乘客的座椅
    The space in the fuselage of a small airplane containing seats for the pilot, copilot, and sometimes passengers.
  • 在新被敌人占领的区域,由于敌人为使人民就范开始采取高压政策,而人民又没有在敌人统治条件下对付敌人的经验,所以一般表现不出什么合法斗争*但是经过了一些时,群众往往摸索出一些对付敌人的办法,因此便产生了在某种情况下也可以和敌伪斗争的经验和心理。
    Generally, in areas recently taken over by the enemy there is no legal struggle evident, due to the enemy's high-pressure tactics to subdue the people and because the people lack experience in coping with the enemy under his rule. After a while, however, they will find ways to deal with the enemy, becoming confident of experienced in waging a struggle against the enemy and the puppet regime under given conditions.
  • 这是警察与罪犯之的一场非同寻常的智斗。
    It's the unusual battle of wits between the cops and the robbers.
  • 我们相互的谈话是融洽的和坦率的。
    We had a cordial and frank conversation.
  • 诚恳邀请参加我部本星期六晚举行的招待会。
    You are cordially invited to a reception to be given in our ministry on Saturday evening.
  • 《谜1》在其核心部分探讨了性与信仰之的对话;
    At its core,ENIGMA 1 examined the dialogue between sexuality and religion;
  • 皮孔木本植物的茎干表面上细小轻薄的气孔或狭窄的管子,植物可通过它在内部组织与外界空气之进行气体交换
    One of the small, corky pores or narrow lines on the surface of the stems of woody plants that allow the interchange of gases between the interior tissue and the surrounding air.
  • 实际上,康奈尔系统利用保留带宽,部分地缩小了电路交换和包路由体系结构之的差异。
    In effect, the Cornell system, with its reserved bandwidth, bridges the difference at least part-way between circuit-switched and packet-routed architectures.
  • 康奈尔大学食品专家说,在烹调过程中除维他命c会大量损失外,上述的好处是肯定的,原因是长时烹煮会提高被称为植物性化学物质的有益化合物的水平。
    All this, de-spite a loss of vitamin C during the cooking process, say Cornell food scientists.The reason:cooking substantially raises the levels of ben-eficial compounds called phytochemicals.