  • 也许福州会馆的努力可以华人社团作为参考,如果要等到大气候对华文有利时才努力,就要付出更大的代价了。
    The tireless efforts of the Singapore Foochow Association serves as a good example for other Chinese community groups to emulate. If we choose to wait until the overall situation is more conducive to the learning of the Chinese language, we may end up paying a heavier price.
  • "大多数国家领导人看了全部展览品,予了高度赞扬。"
    Most of the state leaders viewed the exhibits en masse and gave high praise of them.
  • 那个大男孩那个小男孩让路。
    The big boy stepped aside to enable the little boy to pass.
  • 给…装上玻璃
    To enclose or encase with glass.
  • 她极喜爱汤姆送她的花。
    she was enchanted with the flowers Tom sent her.
  • 有个疯子撞上了我的汽车;你出去的时候有个人你打电话;有一天我的王子会出现;某个销魂的夜晚。
    some lunatic drove into my car; some man telephoned while you were out; some day my prince will come; some enchanted evening.
  • 他经常孩子们讲魔法师的故事。
    He always tells the children the stories of the enchanter.
  • …戴上花环用或好象用花环环绕或装饰
    To encircle or deck with or as if with a garland.
  • 把…装在小盒或…提供小盒
    To enclose in or furnish with a capsule.
  • 毕恭毕敬地将贴了邮票的寄自己的信封好口。
    enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope with all submissions.
  • mp3编码软件,即实际编制mp3音乐文件的应用程序,把作为音乐最强烈要辨认的声音样本的部分保留下来,而对最终质量损害不是很大的部分抛弃掉。
    MP3 encoding software -- the application that actually builds the MP3 music file -- saves parts of the sound sample most strongly recognized as music;what's discarded doesn't detract too much from the final quality.
  • 他很有幽默感,他对这次遭遇的不动声色的叙述他的听众带来许多乐趣。
    He have a good sense of humor and his dry account of the encounter delighted his listeners.
  • 对于这种同志,我们应予热情的鼓励和欢迎。
    You should warmly encourage and welcome such comrades.
  • 某人带来希望;使某人振作;鼓舞某人
    Raise the hopes or spirits of sb; encourage sb
  • 振奋,鼓舞予力量、勇气或希望;激励
    To give strength, courage, or hope to; encourage.
  • 宠物甚至有助于人际关系:它们使主人们看起来更友善,并且也带人们一个交谈的好话题。
    Pets even encourage social relationships: They give their owners an appearan
  • 予帮助、鼓励或同情的;支持的;支援的;赞助的
    Giving help, encouragement or sympathy
  • 了我们很大鼓舞。
    This gave us great encouragement.
  • 他不吝惜于与人鼓励。
    He is unstinting in his encouragement.
  • 他帮我出主意,我鼓励。
    He assisted me with good counsel and encouragement.
  • 马丁在黑暗中挣扎,没有人他出主意,没有人他鼓励。
    Martin struggled in the dark, without advice, without encouragement.
  • 他碰到困难时,他们都他鼓励。
    Whenever he ran up against difficulties, they all gave him encouragement.
  • 然后,佐伊利用弗兰妮的公开钥匙对发送弗兰妮的报文加密。
    Zooey then uses Franny's public key to encrypt a message to her.
  • 朋友的信以祝好这句话结束。
    He ended his letter off with good wishes to his friend.
  • 1997年2月130个美国的环保组织签名上书副总统阿尔·戈尔,要求他促进加拿大政府通过有关濒危物种的法案,当时加拿大议会也正在考虑这个问题。
    And in February 1997, 130 American environmental organizations signed a letter asking Vice President Al Gore to encourage the Canadian Government to pass an endangered-species bill then being considered by the Canadian Parliament.
  • 货物到达后,我们会尽力将其介绍当地的顾客。
    Upon the arrival of the goods we will use our best endeavour to bring them under the notice of the trade here generally.
  • 你无尽的新年祝福!
    Endless good wishes for the New Year!
  • 同有些看法恰恰相反,《契约》不接受公司资助,不予公司认可或表彰,联合国的徽记得到严格的保护。
    Contrary to some perceptions, the Compact does not accept corporate funding. It does not endorse companies or give them recognition, and the UN logo remains strictly guarded.
  • 被背书人通过背书而被转让可转让文件所有权的人
    One to whom ownership of a negotiable document is transferred by endorsement.
  • 予正式的认同;通过奉行正常的手续使成为法定的或合法的。
    given formal standing or endorsement; made official or legitimate by the observance of proper procedures.
  • 使正式,使有效予正式的认同;通过奉行正常的手续使成为法定的或合法的
    To give formal standing or endorsement to; make official or legitimate by the observance of proper procedure.
  • 让渡为取得价值,通过交货或交货并担保把权力或所有权(比如一张期票)转交另一方
    To transfer title to or ownership of(a promissory note, for example) to another party by delivery or by delivery and endorsement in return for value received.