  • 坐车大约10分钟。
    About ten minutes' ride.
  • 大约10小时。
    It's about ten hours.
  • 耕作区;纽约区
    A farming area; the New York area.
  • 在车出站以后两小时。
    About two hours out of the terminal.
  • 契约快要期满了。
    The contract will terminate soon.
  • 如有需要,行政长官可以终止他们的合
    Where necessary, the Chief Executive may terminate their contracts.
  •  近日则有报道说,终止保单、孩子补习或女佣聘的家庭多了起来。但不管怎样省,一日三餐总是要的。
    Recently, the newspapers had reported that many Singaporeans tried to make ends meet by terminating their insurance policies, forgoing tuition classes for their children and even ending maids' contracts.
  • 我们对于这些术语的使用,早如此习以为常,故很可能在签的文字上,予以简化。
    We are so used to these words, and it's very likely that we're often very brief in contract terminology.
  • 斜坡的坡度平均为30分之1,但包括陡的,很可能是垂直的峭壁和覆盖着沉淀物的坡度不大的阶地。
    The slope averages about1 in 30, but contains steep, probably vertical, cliffs, and gentle sediment-covered terraces.
  • 根据一八九八年六月九日在北京签订有关拓展香港界址的条,中国同意把九龙界限街以北直至深圳河的新界地域,以及235个岛屿租借予英国,为期99年。
    By a convention signed in Peking on June 9, 1898, respecting an extension of Hong Kong territory, the New Territories - comprising the area north of Kowloon up to the Shum Chun (Shenzhen) River, and 235 islands - was leased for 99 years.
  • 它的欧洲部分有200万平方英里的面积。
    Its European territory covered about 2000000 square miles.
  • 现时有验车中心18间,年内共进行26100次黑烟测验。
    The 18 test centres conducted about 26100 tests in 1997.
  • 阿爸父《新》中的上帝
    In the New Testament, God.
  • 旧约的一个章节
    A book of the Old Testament.
  • 艾比盖尔《旧》中的大卫之妻
    In the Old Testament, the wife of David.
  • 首六卷《旧全书》的头六卷
    The first six books of the Old Testament.
  • 他研读旧圣经关於犹太人被放逐至巴比伦诸章。
    He studies the exilic books of the Old Testament.
  • 圣经基督教的圣经,一本古代作品集,包括《旧全书》和《新全书》
    The sacred book of Christianity, a collection of ancient writings including the books of both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
  • 耶和华指上帝,特别指基督教《圣经·旧》中的上帝
    God, especially in Christian translations of the Old Testament.
  • 在《旧》中,寺庙的神殿
    In the Old Testament, the sanctuary of the Temple.
  • 四个福音中的最后一个。
    the last of the four Gospels in the New Testament.
  • 使徒书信在新中当作福音书收录的书信
    One of the letters included as a book in the New Testament.
  • 大洪水在旧全书中,特指在诺亚时代发生的大洪水
    In the Old Testament, the great flood that occurred in the time of Noah.
  • 大多数澳门居民是佛教徒,占7%的天主教徒和宗教故址证明这里是东西方文化特殊的交汇点。
    While the majority of Macau's inhabitants are Buddhist, some seven per cent are Catholic and the religious sites of Macau testify to the special mix of eastern and western cultures here.
  • 这时,总统当选人克林顿颇不高兴,他质问《纽时报》何以报导他偏离布什政策而表示愿与伊拉克化干戈为玉帛?
    President-elect Clinton, meanwhile, got testy as he challenged a New York Times report that he had offered an olive branch to Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein and thus diverged from Bush's policy.
  • 专家为特克斯在当地大学的兽医学实验室预了门诊。
    He made an appointment for Tex at the local college's veterinary laboratory.
  • 两年前撒切尔夫人来谈,当时她坚持历史上的条按国际法仍然有效,一九九七年后英国要继续管理香港。
    When Mrs Thatcher came to hold talks with us two years ago, she insisted that according to international law a treaty once signed remains valid and that Britain would continue its administration of Hong Kong after 1997.
  • 马基雅维利,尼克尔1469-1527意大利政治理论家,他的著作君主论(1513年)阐述了一个意志坚定的统治者不顾道德观念的束如何获得并保持其权力
    Italian political theorist whose book The Prince(1513) describes the achievement and maintenance of power by a determined ruler indifferent to moral considerations.
  • 著名的心理治疗专家和作家翰·格雷在该书的封面上称赞它是“实用而有价值的工具”。
    Popular therapist and author John Gray praises it, on the front cover, as a " practical and valuable tool.
  • 但对于伯尔尼公第六条之2规定之权利或对于从该条引申的权利,成员应依本协议而免除权利或义务。
    However, Members shall not have rights or obligations under this Agreement in respect of the rights conferred under Article 6bis of that Convention or of the rights derived therefrom.
  • 碑文记载,“舅甥二主,商议社稷如一,结立大和盟,永无渝替!神人俱以证知,世世代代,使其称赞。”
    The monument inscription reads in part, "The two sovereigns, uncle and nephew, having come to agreement that their territories be united as one, have signed this alliance of great peace to last for eternity! May God and humanity bear witness thereto so that it may be praised from generation to generation."
  • 翰现在和安妮很亲近。
    John is very thick with Anne now.