| - 政府需要的是一位新的领导人,他将能明辨善恶,并能向公众表明不能容忍虚伪狡诈的行为。
What the government needed was a new leader who would know the sheep from the goats and show to the public that dishonesty would no longer be tolerated. - 这次选举,陈水扁得了将近40%的选票,宋楚瑜得票约37%,连战只得了23%。
The candidate for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), Chen Shui-bian, obtained nearly 40% of the votes; James Soong secured only about 37%;while the KMT candidate Lien Chan got a dismal 23%. - 这次选举,陈水扁得了将近40%的选票,宋楚瑜得票约37%,连战只得了23%。
The candidate for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), Chen Shui-bian, obtained nearly 40% of the votes; independent candidate James Soong secured about 37%; while the KMT candidate Lien Chan got a dismal 23%. - 对违反土地利用总体规划擅自将农用地改为建设用地的,限期拆除在非法转让的土地上新建的建筑物和其他设施,恢复土地原状,对符合土地利用总体规划的,没收在非法转让的土地上新建的建筑物和其他设施;可以并处罚款;
For converting agricultural land into land for construction uses in violations to the provisions of the general plans for the utilization of land, an order shall be given to dismantle the new buildings or other facilities illegally built on the land illegally transferred for restoration of the land to the original state, and whereas in such cases no violation to the general plan for the utilization of land, the new building and other facilities on the land illegally transferred shall be confiscated and a fine may be imposed. - 第七十六条 未经批准或者采取欺骗手段骗取批准,非法占用土地的,由县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门责令退还非法占用的土地,对违反土地利用总体规划擅自将农用地改为建设用地的,限期拆除在非法占用的土地上新建的建筑物和其他设施,恢复土地原状,对符合土地利用总体规划的,没收在非法占用的土地上新建的建筑物和其他设施,可以并处罚款;
Article 76 Occupying land without approval or by deception, the land administrative departments of the people's governments at and above the county level shall order to return the land illegally occupied; turning to agricultural land into land for construction uses without authorization in violation of the general plans for the utilization of land, dismantling of the new buildings and other stuctures on the land illegally occupied within a prescribed time limit shall be ordered and whereas the act has not violated the general plans for the utilization of land, the new buildings and structure concerned shall be confiscated and a fine may be imposed concurrently. - 将(人体)肢解成四分
To dismember(a human body) into four parts. - 如果你再迟到,你将被解雇。
If you are late again, you will be dismissed. - "你如果再次迟到,就将被解雇。"
If you're late again you'll be dismissed. - 如果你执意捣乱,我将解雇你。
If you persists in causing trouble, I will dismiss you. - 如来你们使产品质量下降,我将把你们所有的人都解雇掉。
If you let the quality of the products down. I'll dismiss all of you. - 他将其遭不公正解雇一事上诉劳工关系法庭。
He took his case of unfair dismissal to the industrial relation tribunal. - 外交大臣被免职将成为报纸的热门新闻。
The dismissal of the Minister of Foreign Affairs will make good copy in the newspaper. - 虽然好莱坞一致看好他将再度因此片获得奥斯卡奖提名,但汤姆汉克斯本人却不以为然,完全不在乎自己是否能获得提名。
After winning back-to-back best actor awards for Philadelphia and Forrest Gumphe is refreshingly casual, even dismissive of his Oscar prospects. - 公司目标:通过迪斯尼公司的go网络将迪斯尼引入因特网;
Corporate goals: Pushing Disney content to the Internet through its GO Network; - 非暴力反抗将会使你锒铛入狱
Civil disobedience will land you in jail. - 如果你违背校长的指示,你将受到处罚。
If you disobey the headmaster 's instructions , you will be punished. - 孩子们将房间搞得很乱。
The children disordered the room. - 阳光计算机公司推出的吉尼(音译)软件就是一种将这些毫无联系的装置连接在一起工作的网络管理系统,朗讯技术公司提供了管理智能网络的无线系统。
Sun Computer's Jini software is a network management system that allows these disparate devices to work together, and Lucent Technologies offers wireless systems for managing these intelligent networks. - 同时,任何想把企业网与外部的业务伙伴或客户(它们必定是用不同的系统和协议)相连的企图,意味着该单位必须吸纳因将不同网络连接起来所需的、且不可预测的成本。
Also, any attempts to link enterprise networks with external business partners or customers -- with inevitably different systems and protocols -- meant the organization had to absorb the unpredictable costs involved with integrating disparate networks. - 请将货物交运时间通知我们。
Please advise us of the dispatch of the goods. - 维修管理人将派一组人去修理损坏的地方。
The maintenance supervisor will dispatch a crew to repair the damage. - 有的,车辆调度中心将为你提供出租车及包租车服务。
Yes, taxi and contract services are also provided by Traffic Dispatch Center. - 我们将派遣两名驻工地的工程师指导设备的安装。
We'll dispatch two resident field engineer to instruct the erection of the equipment. - 货物将如期发运,希望贵方今后将有更多的订货。
The goods will is dispatch without delay and we hope that today's order will is follow by many more. - 分遣为了特殊任务而将某一军事单元(如:部队或船只等)从一个庞大母体上派遣出
The dispatch of a military unit, such as troops or ships, from a larger body for a special duty or mission. - 请赐给我们以人生的奢侈品吧,我们将会扔掉一切必需品。
Give us the luxury of life and we will dispense with necessary. - 分配者,药剂师,分配器分配或分发的人或物,尤其是指机器或器皿,用它可将东西分发并用起来方便或规定数量
One that dispenses or gives out, especially a machine or container that allows the contents to be removed and used in convenient or prescribed amounts. - “中央要我们将队伍分得很小,散向农村中,朱、毛离开队伍,隐匿大的目标,目的在于保存红军和发动群众。
To preserve the Red Army and arouse the masses, the Central Committee asks us to divide our forces into very small units and disperse them over the countryside and to withdraw Chu Teh and Mao Tse-tung from the army, so concealing the major targets. - 榴弹一种装有化学制剂的玻璃容器,它被扔出并摔碎时其化学制剂将散播开
A glass container filled with a chemical that is dispersed when the container is thrown and smashed. - 从中央或者集中的地方分散开;特别是将权力或者职能从中央政府分散到地方政府。
withdrawn from a center or place of concentration; especially having power or function dispersed from a central to local authorities. - 通过混合不同元素尤其是将一种元素分解成颗粒并使它们遍布另一种物质而形成的。
formed by blending unlike elements especially by reducing one element to particles and dispersing them throughout another substance. - 扰乱将…从一个稳定的状况移走;掀翻;打乱
To displace from a settled condition; disrupt.