  • 在这场长达十余年的惨烈的战期间,由于故宫博物院的工作人员不畏艰难险阻,尽职尽责,南迁文物数量虽巨,却没有一件丢失和损伤,故宫人员的精神、事迹,可歌可泣。
    During this tumultuous decade of war and revolution, not one item of the treasures was lost or damaged even though the sheer volume involved was so enormous. This was largely due to the dedicated energy of the Palace Museum staff, whose achievement in preserving these treasures was nothing short of heroic.
  • 毛泽东批驳了这种观点,同时写了这篇文章,指出抗日游击战发展的正确道路。
    Comrade Mao Tse-tung refuted this view and wrote this article to show the correct road of development for anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare.
  • 他们为夺硬币扭打起来。
    They begin to tussle with each other for the coin.
  • 在他决定讲实话之前,进行了一番良心上的斗
    Before he chose to tell the truth he tussle with his conscience.
  • 我和他激烈地斗了几分钟,终于从他手中夺走了那本书。
    I tussled with him for a few minutes and managed to wrench the book from his grasp.
  • 经过几个小时的思想斗之后,她决定接受那份工作。
    After tussling with herself for several hours she decided to accept the job.
  • 他经过了几天的思想斗,决定接受我的建议。
    After tussling with himself for some days, he decided to accept my offer.
  • 因此,那种以为中国革命力量瞬间就可以组成,中国革命斗顷刻就可以胜利的观点,是不正确的。
    It is therefore wrong to think that the forces of the Chinese revolution can be built up in the twinkling of an eye, or that China's revolutionary struggle can triumph overnight.
  • 扭曲的(尤其是因疼痛或斗)。
    twisted (especially as in pain or struggle).
  • 苏联是社会主义的国家,是共产党当权的国家,它对于战的态度必然是鲜明的两种态度:(1)坚决地不参加非正义的、掠夺的、帝国主义的战,对于战的双方,严守中立。
    The Soviet Union is a socialist country, a country in which the Communist Party is in power, and it necessarily maintains a clear-cut twofold attitude towards wars: (1) It firmly refuses to take part in any unjust, predatory and imperialist war and maintains strict neutrality towards the belligerents.
  • 对立面的斗无所不在。
    The struggle between opposites is ubiquitous.
  • 难看的脸;难看的家具;战是丑陋的。
    an ugly face; ugly furniture; war is ugly.
  • 将来的总统在16岁时进大学;等待着这一议案的将来动作;后来的发展;没有进一步的论。
    the future president entered college at the age of 16; awaiting future actions on the bill; later developments; without ulterior argument.
  • 工会官员中间就如何对付管理部门最后通牒的最好方法进行论。
    The union official argue among themselves over the best way to deal with the ultimatum from the management.
  • 工会领导人宣称他们斗的最终目的是要增加工人工资和改善工作条件。
    The union leaders declared that the ultimate aim of their struggle was to pay increase and improved working conditions for the workers.
  • 经过多次失败,战以我们的最终胜利而结束。
    After many defeat, the war end for us in ultimate victory.
  • 关于毛泽东反对军队中极端民主化的斗,参见本卷《关于纠正党内的错误思想》。
    For Comrade Mao Tse-tung's struggle against ultra-democracy in the army, see "On Correcting Mistaken Ideas in the Party" of this volume.
  • 他将对那项端进行仲裁。
    He will umpire the dispute.
  • 和裁判论是没有用的。
    There is no use arguing with the umpire.
  • 孙中山先生致力国民革命凡四十年还未能完成的革命事业,在仅仅两三年之内,获得了巨大的成就,这就是广东革命根据地的创立和北伐战的胜利。
    In a mere two or three years, tremendous successes were achieved in the national revolution to which Dr. Sun Yat-sen had devoted forty years and which he had left unaccomplished; these successes were the establishment of the revolutionary base in Kwangtung and the victory of the Northern Expedition.
  • 不知道手头的法律
    Unacquainted with the legal issues at hand.
  • 为着克服党内这种右倾机会主义,而使全党更明确地了解战和战略问题在中国革命问题上的首要地位,并动员全党认真地从事这项工作,毛泽东在六届六中全会上又从中国政治斗的历史方面着重地说明这个问题,同时说明我们的军事工作的发展和战略方针的具体变化的过程,从而取得了全党在领导思想上和工作上的一致。
    In order to overcome this Right opportunism, bring the whole Party to a clearer understanding of the prime importance of the problems of war and strategy in the Chmese revolution and mobilize it for serious work in this connection, Comrade Mao Tse-tung again stressed the importance of the subject at this plenary session, approaching it from the viewpoint of the history of China's political struggles, and analysed the development of the Party's military work and the specific changes in its strategy. The result was unanimity of thought in the Party leadership and unanimity of action throughout the Party.
  • 他们采取了后一种办法,由工人推选代表,开了几天会,刘司令员也去讲了话,结果,包括原来准备向工业部作斗的代表在内,全体举手赞成不增加工资。
    The cadres adopted the latter option: workers elected representatives to attend a conference which lasted a few days and at which Commander Liu Bocheng delivered a speech. The result was that all the representatives, including those who planned to wage a struggle against the Department of Industry, unanimously voted in favour of not raising their wages.
  • 约翰满怀信心地取似乎是无法实现的目的。
    John was full of confidence in striking for what seemed unattainable.
  • 他们不是不知道他们是在同技术超群的人竞
    They are not unaware that they are contesting with a walk-away winner.
  • 他想起了他曾在战中见过那些没有掩埋的尸体。
    He remembered the unburied dead he had seen in the war.
  • 人们企图答复这个问题,为这个问题而论,给这个问题弄得迷惑不解,这正可以证明这种工夫是徒然的、不必要的。
    And the very fact that people try to answer this question and quarrel over it and are puzzled by it serves to show it up as quite vain and uncalled for.
  • 莫测威胁了欧洲21年。
    The uncertainty of war hung over Europe for twenty-one years.
  • 无可议的事实;无可议的合法地位
    Unchallengeable facts; an unchallengeable legal position.
  • 经过了多年的家族斗这后,叔父们同意不究旧账,以便他们的子女能够通婚。
    After years of family fighting, the uncles agreed to wipe off old scores so that their children could marry.
  • 经过多年家族斗之后,长辈们同意消除宿怨,以便孩子们可以通婚。
    After years of family fighting , the uncles agreed to wipe off old scores so their children could marry.
  • 第五、我们要保护我们的企业集团,还是让市场力量迫使它们进行改组,集中于核心业务,或者让那些不具竞力的企业关闭?
    Fifth, we face the choice of protecting our conglomerates or allowing market forces to force them either to restructure in order to concentrate on their core competencies or to allow the uncompetitive ones to die.