  • 跨党竞选在多于个政党的初选中登记(某人)作为候选人
    To register(someone) or be registered as a candidate in the primaries of more than one political party.
  • 作为科幻小说的种类型而不是只对未来做刻板如实的预言德莱克斯勒有关纳米技术的作品对激发青少年对宇宙的兴趣方面可与电影“星球大战”相媲美,有异曲同工之妙。这种强烈的热情有时会使青少年选择以航空或天体物理学为自己的终身职业。
    As a subgenre of science fiction-rather than a literal prediction of the future-books about Drexlerian nanotechnology may serve the same function as Star Trek does in stimulating a teenager's interest in space, a passion that sometimes leads to a career in aeronautics or astrophysics.
  •  ()不按照国家规定申报登记工业固体废物或者危险废物,或者在申报登记时弄虚作假的;
    failing to report and register industrial solid waste or hazardous waste, as prescribed by the State, or resorting to deception in reporting and registering;
  • 请在这里登记下好吗,先生?
    Will you register here, please?
  •  美国航空航天局将会就此问题出版本袖珍书,向世界证明美国人的确曾踏上月球。
    So the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) will produce a mini-book to show that yes, indeed, Americans did land on the Moon.
  • 我对他的名字简直点印象也没有。
    His name simply didn't register with me.
  • 我对这个名字简直点印象都没有。
    The name simply didn't register with me.
  • 我想要加入这班级。
    I want to register for this class.
  • 在预选中登记作为个政党以上的候选人。
    register as a candidate for several parties.
  • 未检验分类法的创建过程般是,首先简单地注册个新的tmodel,然后将这个tmodel归类为个标识分类法或个类别分类法。
    Unchecked taxonomies are registered by simply registering a new tModel, and classifying that tModel as either an identifier or as a categorization taxonomy.
  • 香港特别行政区永久性居民中的中国公民,只要年满21岁,在外国无居留权,过去三年通常在香港居住,并且是名列正式选民登记册的登记选民,便可在任何个地方选区参选。
    Any permanent resident of the HKSAR who is a Chinese citizen with no right of abode in any foreign country may stand for election in any geographical constituency, provided that he or she is a registered elector on the Final Register, has attained the age of 21, and has ordinarily resided in Hong Kong for the preceding three years.
  • 九九九年,共有658家海外注册公司办理注册。
    During 1999, 658 of these were registered.
  • 大约有20人已登记加入这协会。
    About 20 people have registered in the association.
  • 为就业选配计划的登记人提供的就业选配服务,并为他们安排小组辅导及工作坊;
    organising group counselling and workshops for JMP registrants on top of one-to-one job matching service;
  • 她还从加州科技大学找来批飞行学工程师帮她验证这个想法。
    She got a team of aeronautic engineers from Caltech to help her test the theory.
  • 通过告知服务提供方和注册方,任何方可以更新其联络人的详细资料。
    Either Party may update its contact details by notifying the Provider and the Registrar.
  • 般来说,凡有意举行婚礼者,必须在婚礼举行日期至少15天前通知婚姻登记官。
    Normally, at least 15 days' notice of an intended marriage must be given to the Registrar of Marriages.
  • 倘若婴儿出生后年内尚未登记,在获得生死登记官同意后,可补办手续。
    A birth which has not been registered within one year may be post-registered with the consent of the Registrar of Births and Deaths.
  • 《非本地高等及专业教育(规管)条例》在九九七年六月生效,非本地课程注册处处长由教育署署长担任,而评审局则获委任为处长的顾问,就非本地高等及专业教育课程是否符合条例订明的准则而获准注册或豁免注册,或是否有需要附加注册条件等事,向处长提供意见。
    With the implementation of the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance in June 1997, the HKCAA was appointed the adviser to the Registrar of Non-local Courses, who is the Director of Education. The HKCAA advises the registrar whether certain non-local higher and professional courses meet the criteria for exemption or registration, and whether conditions should be imposed.
  • 共有的管辖是指下述任何个位置的法庭管辖(a)注册方的主要办公地点(假如域名持有方已经向该司法管辖部门提交注册协议寻求对有关该域名或该域名引起的争议的法庭裁决)或(b)向服务提供方提交申诉时,域名持有方为注册域名在注册方的whois数据库中出现的地址。
    Mutual Jurisdiction means a court jurisdiction at the location of either (a) the principal office of the Registrar (provided the domain-name holder has submitted in its Registration Agreement to that jurisdiction for court adjudication of disputes concerning or arising from the use of the domain name) or (b) the domain-name holder's address as shown for the registration of the domain name in Registrar's Whois database at the time the complaint is submitted to the Provider.
  • 如果该域名(或者"www."后接域名)对应的是活动网页(而不是服务提供方认为的由注册方或isp维护的放置多重域名持有者所注册的域名的般网页),该网页上出现的任何电子邮件地址或者电子邮件链接;
    and(C) if the domain name (or "www." followed by the domain name) resolves to an active web page (other than a generic page the Provider concludes is maintained by a registrar or ISP for parking domain-names registered by multiple domain-name holders), any e-mail address shown or e-mail links on that web page;
  • 功能的增强使得用户能够在uddi中的相似信息加以区分,这是通过对基于已校验标识符的验证的商业注册信息的注册来实现的。
    This enhancement makes it possible to distinguish copycat information within UDDI from the registrations of the authentic business registration based on validated identifiers.
  • 请把住宿登记表填下好吗?
    Could you fill out this registration card?
  • 请填下这张登记表,好吗?
    Would you please complete the registration form?
  • 您介意填下登记吗?
    And would you mind filling out the registration form?
  • 对不完全具备设立条件或在管理上存在些突出问题的宗教活动场所政府部门予以暂缓登记或临时登记。
    Government departments shall defer the registration or only approve temporary registration of religious sites which cannot completely satisfy these basic requirements or have prominent management problems.
  • 现在请你填下这份登记表,好吗?
    Now would you fill in this registration form, please?
  • 截至九九九年十二月,共有297项课程注册,261项课程获豁免注册。
    At December, 297 courses were registered and 261 courses exempted from registration.
  • 就商标注册的程序而言,前者似乎更简单点儿。
    The former seems simpler in regard to the registration procedures.
  • 在高位上居留是很不稳的,其退步或是复亡,或者至少是声名暗晦,——那是件很可悲的事。
    The standing is slippery, and the regress is either a downfall, or at least an eclipse, which is a melancholy thing.
  • 在回归分解中相对于批对数的光滑曲线;对线性回归来说曲线是直线。
    a smooth curve fitted to the set of paired data in regression analysis; for linear regression the curve is a straight line.
  • 我们说中美关系停滞不好,倒退更不好,但是旦发生某种事情迫使我们的关系倒退的话,我们也只能正视现实。
    We maintain that stagnation in Sino-U.S. relations is undesirable and that regression is even more undesirable. However, if something forces a regression in relations, we cannot but face reality squarely.