  • 劳驾,请问到转炉车怎么走?
    Excuse me please. Can you tell me the way to the converter workshop?
  • 我去年参观你们厂的转炉车时,那儿的工人告诉我说他们采用的是l.d.炼钢法。
    When I visit your converter workshop last year, the worker there tell me that they used the l.d. process.
  • 汇率在十月十三至十五日期转弱,降至兑换保证适用汇率水平,引发兑换保证交易。
    The exchange rate weakened to touch the convertibility rate during October 13-15, triggering the Convertibility Undertaking.
  • 答:中央银行从来没有制定到本世纪末实现人民币可自由兑换的时表。
    A: The central bank has never made a timetable for the free convertibility of the Renminbi by the turn of this century.
  • 港元对美元汇率于一月初至三月底期在7.746至7.7499之窄幅上落,随着总结余兑换保证适用汇率开始每日调整一点子,汇率也相应逐步回落。
    The Hong Kong dollar exchange rate vis-à-vis the US dollar traded within a narrow range of 7.7460 to 7.7499 from early January to end-March, before easing gradually alongside the movement of the Convertibility Undertaking in respect of the Aggregate Balance by 1 pip per calendar day.
  • 五月下旬市场传出阿根廷废除货币发行局制度的谣言,七、八月台湾海峡局势日趋紧张,人民币贬值的谣言再次出现,种种因素导致五月下旬至八月底出现资金流出港元的情况,以致多次触发兑换保证交易。
    There were some outflows from the Hong Kong dollar during late May to the end of August, amid rumours of the abolition of Argentina's currency board system in late May, escalating tension across Taiwan Strait and renewed rumours of RMB devaluation in July and August. The Convertibility Undertaking was triggered on several occasions.
  • 深槽在装饰线条的上部凸起部分与下部之的一条纵向槽
    A lengthwise groove on a molding between the convex upper part and the soffit.
  • 烦转告下列消息给福克斯先生,他将下榻于王子饭店788号房
    Convey following msg to Mr. Fox Hotel Prince No. 788
  • 运费中不包括火车站至轮船码头之的运输费用。
    Fares do not include conveyance between railway stations and steamer piers.
  • (运输工具)滞留,延期船、货车或其他运输工具在装卸货物期超过了规定的离开时而滞留
    Detention of a ship, freight car, or other cargo conveyance during loading or unloading beyond the scheduled time of departure.
  • 概念主义一种抽象艺术或艺术学说的学派,通过否定艺术品本身的重要性和传送一种思想使观众进行心智的交流
    A school of abstract art or an artistic doctrine that is concerned with the intellectual engagement of the viewer through conveyance of an idea and negation of the importance of the art object itself.
  • 为传送信息在各操作部件之建立起来的一种联系。
    An association established between functional units for conveying information.
  • 用于传递数据而依附于某一物理现象的一种时相关值。
    A time-dependent value attached to a physical phenomenon and conveying data.
  • 一种把声音从一屋子移到另一屋子的管子。
    a tube for conveying the sound of a voice from one room to another.
  • 他被判有间谍罪。
    He is convict of spy.
  • 用毒气将被定罪囚犯处死的房
    Room in which a convict prisoner is executed by poisonous gas.
  •  (7)(a)执行委员会每年举行一次通常会议,由总干事召集,最好和本组织协调委员会同时同地点召开。
    (a) The Executive Committee shall meet once a year in ordinary session upon convocation by the Director General, preferably during the same period and at the same place as the Coordination Committee of the Organization.
  • 你们看,在他的那个遗嘱上面,不是写着“最近主张开国民会议……,尤须于最短期‘促’其实现,是所至嘱”吗?
    Read his Testament and you will find the following words: "Most recently I have recommended the convocation of the national assembly, and its realization in the shortest possible time must in particular be urged.This is my heartfelt charge to you."
  •  (7)(a)大会通常会议每二历年召开一次,由总干事召集,如无特殊情况,和本组织的大会同时同地点召开。
    (a) The Assembly shall meet once in every third calendar year in ordinary session upon convocation by the Director General and, in the absence of exceptional circumstances, during the same period and at the same place as the General Assembly of the Organization.
  • 煮得时太长但还可以吃。
    cooked too long but still edible.
  • 切碎的水果或者和在面团里,或者夹在面层中,然后焙烤,切成条状。
    cookies containing chopped fruits either mixed in the dough or spread between layers of dough then baked and cut in bars.
  • 凉爽的秋天;凉爽的房;凉爽的夏装;凉爽的饮料;凉爽的微风。
    a cool autumn day; a cool room; cool summer dresses; cool drinks; a cool breeze.
  • 需要时间冷静下来
    Needed time for tempers to cool.
  • 没有空气调节器,在这屋里很难入睡。
    It is hard to sleep without a cooler in this room.
  • 它在较低的温度下开始发酵,所需时较长:从三个星期到三个月不等。
    It is fermented at cooler temperatures and matures for a longer period of time: anywhere from three weeks to three months.
  • 在新加坡这个大都会里,人与人之的关系无疑比在乡村时代冷淡多了。这或许与人们开始注重“钱”途和个人利益有关。
    There is no doubt that human relationships are much cooler in our metropolis today as compared with the days of the kampung, probably as a result of people's mind being increasingly focused on money and personal gains.
  • 在新加坡这个大都会里,人与人之的关系无疑比在乡村时代冷淡多了。这或许与人们开始注重“钱”途和个人利益有关。
    There is no doubt that human relationships are much cooler in our metropolis today as compared with the days of the village time, probably as a result of people's minds being increasingly focused on money and personal gains.
  • 在那些可以要的房中他们挑了一最凉快的。
    They picked the coolest room among those available.
  • 冷却器用于多级热层冷却流体的装置
    A device for cooling a fluid between successive heating stages.
  • 不幸的是,夜也不凉爽似乎已是注定的事实;
    Unfortunately, a lack of nighttime cooling seems to be in the cards;
  • 我察觉他们彼此有些冷淡。
    I notice a certain coolness between them.
  • 年轻小伙子关在房内是无益于健康的。
    It is not healthy for a young guy to stay coop up inside.