  • 他在园中间种上玫瑰。
    He planted roses in the middle of the garden.
  • 请报德克萨斯州产中等棉50包、11月份交货的最低格是多少?
    At what lowest price can you quote for 50 bales middling texas cotton for november?
  • 首先,你的主人不想还要为你送的寻找合适的瓶,因为他/她忙着要做许多别的事情。
    First,your host doesn't want to search for the right size vase in the midst of all his or her other duties.
  • 几天后钱就光了;在中西部的汽油站汽油用完了。
    The money had gone after a few days; Gas is running low at the gas stations in the Midwest.
  • 密西西比河河谷下游的一种芳香的灌木,很小,从仲冬到春季开
    fragrant shrub of lower Mississippi valley having very small flowers from midwinter to spring.
  • 起初,杜洛瓦还略作姿态,不同意让德·马莱尔夫人钱,但不久便接受她的定期小量资助了。
    Duroy objected mildly to having Mme. de Marelle bear this expense, but it was not long before he found himself regularly accepting small sums of money from her.
  • 一种草本植物,具有亮丽的黄,其叶微酸,在印度、中东和希腊烹调中可生食或煮食;遍布全球。
    weedy trailing mat-forming herb with bright yellow flowers cultivated for its edible mildly acid leaves eaten raw or cooked especially in Indian and Greek and Middle Eastern cuisine; cosmopolitan.
  • 温和的早春天气会使果树很快开
    The mildness of the early spring weather will have helped to bring the fruit trees into blossom quickly.
  • 25%的人认为增加的里程这一优势是值得钱的。
    25% feel that increase mileage is an advantage worth paying for.
  • 这些玫瑰是在我生命每一个里程碑中都陪伴我的一系列鲜中的第一束。
    Those roses were the first in a series of large bouquets that accompanied all th e milestones in my life.
  • 有大的星星般的的生长于北美南部的马利筋。
    milkweed of southern North America having large starry purple-pink flowers.
  • 美国东部的马利筋,有轮生的窄叶子和白绿色的
    milkweed of the eastern United States with narrow leaves in whorls and greenish-white flowers.
  • 爱德烈拉属的任何植物,具有乳状汁液和亮丽的黄色序。
    any plant of the genus Andryala having milky sap and heads of bright yellow flowers.
  • 稻搓菜一种欧洲产的一年生植物(稻搓菜属欧洲稻槎菜),移植到北美洲东部,有奶汁和小的头状
    A European annual plant(Lapsana communis) naturalized in eastern North America, having a milky juice and small yellow flower heads.
  • 主要是热带乔木或灌木或草本植物科具有乳汁和常有艳丽的朵;许多是麻醉药的原料。
    chiefly tropical trees or shrubs or herbs having milky juice and often showy flowers; many are sources of drugs.
  • 长有漏斗形的和牛奶树汁的长青的乔木或灌木的属;非洲热带到西南亚和玻利尼西亚。
    genus of evergreen trees or shrubs with white funnel-shaped flowers and milky sap; tropical Africa to southeastern Asia and Polynesia.
  • 长有一些奶液和艳丽的蓝色的的草本和半灌木的属;欧洲到亚洲较少到日本和北美洲。
    genus of herbs and subshrubs with milky juice and showy bluish flowers; Europe to Asia Minor to Japan and North America.
  • 任何一种热带美洲的每年落叶的灌木或树,属于鸡蛋属,乳状的树液和艳丽的芬芳的漏斗状的不同颜色的
    any of various tropical American deciduous shrubs or trees of the genus Plumeriaving milky sap and showy fragrant funnel-shaped variously colored flowers.
  • 在…上滚刻上滚;刻凹槽
    To provide with knurls; mill.
  • 米勒先生了多年的时间学习做木工的诀窍。
    Mr Miller spent years learning the tricks of the trade as a carpenter.
  • 他们想费最少的时间和钱。
    They want to spend a minimum of both time and money.
  • 买那件貂皮大衣,你一定了大价钱。
    You must have paid the earth for that mink coat!
  • 长叶薄荷一种产于欧亚大陆现正移植于美国东部的野生薄荷(马薄荷马薄荷属),叶子长而对生,细长的序紧密而呈穗状
    A Eurasian wild mint(Mentha longifolia), naturalized in the eastern United States and having long, opposite leaves and dense, spikelike elongated clusters of flowers.
  • 他花了五十块钱。
    He was minus fifty dollars.
  • 现在,我决定对词汇要像守财奴那样不轻易放过;也要像穷人过日子,把每个句子当作身边最后一块钱,慢慢掉。
    Now, I decided, I had to become a miser with words and stretch every sentence like a poor man spending his last dollar.
  • 游行车在一个可移动的平台上布置好的游行时可拉动或推动的展览或场景
    A decorated exhibit or scene mounted on a mobile platform and pulled or driven in a parade.
  • 迈克了一天的时间在一块木头上刻一艘船。
    Mike spent a whole day modeling a ship out on bits of wood.
  • 公子》杂志的发言人伊丽莎白·诺丽斯说:"我们认为在她们找到新工作之前,可以把这份工作权当有意思的事情去做。而且她们有可能会因此而转行成为模特。"
    "We're looking at this as something fun for them to do while they're looking for another job. This might even turn into a modeling career for them," Playboy spokeswoman Elizabeth Norris said.
  • 在天板和一堵墙顶之间的角落里的塑造物。
    a molding at the corner between the ceiling and the top of a wall.
  • 檐屋子的墙顶上与天板之间的铸制品
    The molding at the top of the walls of a room, between the walls and ceiling.
  • "但是,如果此次结果只是有色人种在长期以来倍受冷落过程中的昙一现的话,那么好莱坞就是压根没有体现公平的真正意义。"
    "However, if this proves to be a momentary flash in a long history of neglect, then Hollywood has failed to learn the real meaning of equality."
  • 于是你就200英镑买了那辆车?那你为那钱得不亏。
    So you bought the car for??200? I'd regard that as money well spent.