  • 我希望更多华社组织,例如社团、会馆,校友会等资助杰出文人出版丛书。
    I hope that more Chinese organizations like societies, clan associations, alumni and so on, will sponsor the publication of anthologies by outstanding writers.
  • 因此,今天作为名誉校友被邀请到这座著名学府来演讲是一种特殊的、真正独特的荣誉。
    It is an exceptional, and indeed unique, privilege to be invited today as an honorary alumnus to address members of this distinguished institution of learning.
  • 恐怕不可能。
    I am araid not.
  • 事实上,许多人致富并非出于欲望而是由于恐惧,他们认为钱消除那种没有钱、贫困的恐惧,所以他们积累了很多的钱,可是他们发现恐惧感更加强烈了,他们更加害怕失去钱。
    In fact, the reason many rich people are rich is not because of desire but because of fear. They actually think that money can eliminate that fear of not having money, of being poor, so they amass tons of it only tofind out the fear gets worse. They now fear losing it.
  • 只有业余运动员才参加奥运会比赛。
    Only amateurs may complete in the Olympic Games.
  • 这可使业余画家的创作更容易了。
    This could make the creation of amateur painters much easier.
  • 他斜坡滑雪的技使我们赞叹不已。
    We is amazed at his expertise on the ski slope.
  • 黛比也为自己爆发出那么大的力量而感到十分惊异。
    Debbie too is amazed at the strength she managed to muster.
  • 她对付困境的力使我惊讶。
    I am amazed at her ability to cope with the difficult situation.
  • 出神使不动弹,如由于恐惧、惊奇或敬畏
    To render motionless, as with terror, amazement, or awe.
  • 金融风暴不断蔓延,导致通货紧缩,亚洲没有一个地方够幸免;这场风暴仍未平息,由俄罗斯以至巴西等较远的市场,看在眼里,都不寒而栗,惊骇万分。
    No one has been immune from the deflation and contagion of this turmoil, and distant markets from Russia to Brazil watched with tremor and amazement how this drama is still unfolding.
  • 那个孩子吃那么多的东西,真是令人惊讶。
    It's amazing the amount that child can put away.
  • 王平:她还真想得到!
    Wang Ping: It is amazing that she could have this idea!
  • 如果与java或javascript相结合,它产生更惊奇的结果。
    If integrated with Java or Javascript, it produces even more amazing results.
  • 她编结起来快得出奇。她一个下午就编结好一件婴孩的紧身短上衣。
    She was amazingly quick with her needles. She could knit up a baby's coat in an afternoon.
  • 如果它们有一趟前往亚马逊的蜜月之旅,想想看,那该是多么的幸福呀!。
    A honeymoon up the Amazon you feel. Would be charming.
  • 位于西雅图的amazon.com公司把书与cd推荐给可购买的用户的力就是一个例子,这是根据用户在此网站注册时列出的兴趣作出的。
    An example is Seattle-based Amazon.com Inc.'s ability to suggest books or CDs users may want to purchase based on interests they list when registering with the site.
  • 那些笃信亚马逊并为数众多的人认为众多良莠不齐的网上零售商会越来越少,亚马逊会列为极少数够生存下来的网站之列。
    Those who believe in Amazon - and there are many - say that as the ranks of online retailers grow thinner, the company will be among the few left standing.
  • 协作过滤软件将它获得的有关用户习惯行为的信息与有相似兴趣的其他客户的数据进行比较,这样,用户就获得类似amazon的“购买此书的人也买了……”一类的推荐意见。
    Collaborative-filtering software compares the information it gains about one user's behavior against data about other customers with similar interests.In this way, users get recommendations like Amazon's "Customers who bought this book also bought..."
  • 肺鱼亚马孙河,中部和西部非州,澳大利亚的一种细长的淡水鱼;这类鱼除了鳃之外还有肺状的器官,够呼吸空气。某些鱼种还可在土地中粘液丝结成的茧状物中经历一段干旱而不死
    Any of several elongated freshwater fishes of the Amazon, western and central Africa, and Australia that have lunglike organs as well as gills and are able to breathe air, allowing certain species to survive periods of drought inside a mucus-lined cocoon in the mud.
  • 今天,科学们认为琥珀是带电的,当摩擦时,有时会出现火花,而且琥珀吸引纸屑或其他轻小的物体。
    Scientists say today that the amber had become charged with electricity. When this happens, there are sometimes sparks, and the amber will attract to it small pieces of paper or other very light objects.
  • 几乎每种文化都把琥珀视为太阳的一小块,认为它为佩戴者带来好运。
    And almost every culture had regarded amber as a bit of the sun with the power to bring good fortune to anyone who held it.
  • 琥珀:希腊人把这种石头称为电子,这就让我们有了电这个词;这种石头摩擦时冒出火花,又多少为我们解释了为什么史前时代的人们就可已经把琥珀视为吉祥物。
    Amber-The Greeks called this stone electron,which gave us our word for electricity,and its power to give off sparks when rubbed gives us a clue why even prehistoric people may have considered amber a lucky charm.
  • 大约2,000年前,中国的一位哲学家王充发现,如果把一块琥珀在一块兽皮上或木头上摩擦,随时都产生电。
    About 2,000 years ago, Wang Chong, a Chinese philosopher, discovered that it one rubbed a piece of amber with a piece of fur or wood, he could always produce electricity.
  • 我在匆促间看到的这一情景,可已对我产生了某种影响,这种影响目前我还捉摸不清,我清楚的只是它直到今天仍一直留存在我的记忆之中。
    The scene so briefly glimpsed any have had some significance for me that I cannot guess at now. All I know is that my memory retains it, like a fly in amber, to this day.
  • 两只手都发挥相同作用的;双手灵巧的
    Able to use both hands with equal facility; ambidextrous.
  • 现在,新一代的各校校友在统一教育源流的环境求学,在政府照顾得很好的校园学习,在中华文化已经淡薄的气氛中受教育,就不知道以后他们的凝聚力否像前辈一样。
    The situation is rather different now for younger generations of students. They learn under an uniform education system in campuses which are well taken care of by the government, but which lack a strong ambience of Chinese culture. I wonder if their friendships will last after they leave school, as in the case of students in the past.
  • 使逃避困难或者义务成为可的歧义(尤指在法律或者合同的文本中的)。
    an ambiguity (especially one in the text of a law or contract) that makes it possible to evade a difficulty or obligation.
  • 他们在前景未卜的环境中施展才,得到发展。
    "They thrive in ambiguous situations.
  • (源自希腊神话)此庙在特尔非城,人们认为那里的神职人员够传达阿波罗神的神谕。
    (Greek mythology) a temple at Delphi where a priestess supposedly delivered messages from Apollo to those who sought advice; the messages were usually obscure or ambiguous.
  • 这个句子用词含糊,以致有两种解释的可
    The sentence is so ambiguously worded that it admits of two interpretations.
  • 不过,法案委员会和关注团体则对一些基本问题表示关注,例如城市规划委员会的职责、运作和组成,条例草案欠缺补偿条文以及可对发展造成的延误等。
    There were some concerns expressed by the bills committee and stakeholders over a number of fundamental issues such as the ambit, operation and composition of the Town Planning Board, the lack of provision for compensation and the possible delay to the development process.