  • 库存的东西或供物(特别是备将来或紧急之用)。
    a supply or stock held in reserve especially for future use (especially in emergencies).
  • 出现紧急情况时,请警察打电话。
    In an emergency, telephone the police.
  • 受困的地区空运救急物资
    Fly emergency supplies to a stricken area.
  • 我接爱默生6-1358转201分机。
    Please put me through to Emerson 6 - 1358, extention 201.
  • 他吃了有毒的浆果, 已了他催吐剂.
    He was given an emetic (medicine) after eating poisonous berries.
  • 有关吸引移居海外的新加坡人回流,参与促进国家繁荣进步的各项硬件与软件建设工程,我国设在世界各国的大使馆、领事馆、商业办事处等有关团体,应该扮演积极的角色,加强和移居各国的新加坡人保持更密切的联络与接触,把国内各项发展的实况传达他们。
    Our country's missions and other bodies abroad should help attract emigrant Singaporeans back home by maintaining close ties with them and keeping them posted on developments at home.
  • 艾米莉向我承认她没有她母亲写信。
    Emily confessed to me that she have not write to her mother.
  • 埃米莉小姐一人独自住在那所大房子里,在等待30年前她打算嫁的那个男人。
    Miss Emily lives by herself in that big house, waiting for the man she was supposed to marry thirty yearn gao.
  • 但是,很快,他精神振作起来,立即跑到银行取了一大笔钱,然后又匆匆回店,把钱交了埃米莉。
    Pretty soon he pulled himself together and went to the bank and cashed a fat check. Then he came back and gave Emily the money.
  • 8.合众国不得颁发任何贵族爵位:凡是在合众国政府担任有俸或有责任之职务者,末经国会许可,不得接受任何国王、王子或外国的任何礼物、薪酬、职务或爵位。
    Clause 8:No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.
  • 予道德上或者情感上的力量。
    give moral or emotional strength to.
  • 过于重视,过于关注予…太多的强调,重要性或太多的考虑
    To give too much emphasis, importance, or consideration to.
  • 陈云同志讲过,抗战初期他从莫斯科回到延安,毛泽东同志他谈过三次要学哲学,特别是强调实事求是,陈云同志觉得受益很大。
    Comrade Chen Yun said that when he came back to Yan'an from Moscow at the initial stage of the War of Resistance Against Japan [1937-45], Comrade Mao Zedong advised him on three occasions to study philosophy, emphasizing in particular the need to seek truth from facts. Comrade Chen Yun said he benefited greatly from that study.
  • 我一直都是态度坚决地表明我不知道要嫁什么样的男人,但有一点是肯定无疑的--他不会是务农的或养乳牛的!
    I had always been emphatic that I didn't know whom I would marry, but one thing was for sure--he would not be a farmer or dairyman!
  • 孩子们忙着花园除草。
    The children were employed in weeding the garden.
  • 他忙于花园里的花木浇水。
    He was employed in watering the garden.
  • 把一个新雇员介绍老板
    introduce a new employee to the boss
  • 把一个新雇员介绍你的同事
    introduce a new employee to your colleagues
  • 奖金雇员的工资以外的一笔钱或相应的东西
    A sum of money or the equivalent given to an employee in addition to the employee's usual compensation.
  • 他付他的员工优厚的薪水。
    He pays his employees well.
  • 招收,补充……提供新成员或新雇员
    To supply with new members or employees.
  • 他那吝啬的雇主不肯他加薪
    His tightfisted employer was unwilling to give him a raise
  • 他那吝啬的雇主不肯他加薪。
    His tightfisted employer is unwilling to give him a raise.
  • 第一天,他的老板了他一些果酱。
    On the first day, his employer gave him some preserve.
  • 新法律予警察在紧急情况下搜查私人住宅的权力。
    The new law empowered the police to search private houses in an emergency.
  • 授权予(某人)授权或批准;授权或予权力
    To grant authorization or sanction to(someone); authorize or empower.
  • 这些公司都处于试验和实施ldap的不同阶段,他们认为ldap通过予用户对公司信息有更多的控制权而使用户更有能力。
    These companies are all in various stages of piloting and implementing LDAP, which they believe will empower users by giving them more control over corporate information.
  • 瓦格斯腾出自己的工具袋,把它留印第安人。
    Vargas emptied his tool bag and left the bag with the Indian.
  • 几个世纪过去了,有一次它们擦肩而过时,在寒冷空旷的夜空中,它们向彼此伸出手来。yee偷偷塞lan一个月亮,因为yee有三个月亮,而lan一个也没有。
    Centuries went by,and one time as they passed,reaching out through the cold and emptiness to be with one another,Yee slipped Lan a moon,because Yee had three and Lan had none.
  • 既然白色构成了天堂——我梦寐以求的来世之家——的色调,那么灰色我留下的除了空虚与压抑之外,还是空虚与压抑。
    Since white was the colour of the kind of paradise I so much longed to live in someday, grey left behind nothing more than a bitter taste of emptiness and depression.
  • 他把空瓶子全退商店了。
    He took all the empties back to the shop.
  • 一种专家系统,其设计用来模拟有经验的地质学家对定的前景地区或地点含有由样品表示的某类矿藏的可能性进行估价的推理过程。参阅expertsystems。
    An expert system designed to emulate the reasoning process of an experimental geologist in assessing a given prospective site or region for its likelihood of containing ore deposits of the type represented by the model.