  • 前的洪水,使南方許多地方遭受了重大損失嗎?
    Was it the unprecedented flood that caused great damage to many places in the South?
  • 當代的自然科學正以前的規模和速度,應用於生産,使社會物質生産的各個領域面貌一新。
    Contemporary natural science is being applied to production on an unprecedented scale and with unprecedented speed. This has given all fields of material production an entirely new look.
  • 在這些應用中,dna指紋會給判决帶來前的近乎完美的準確度。
    In these applications, DNA fingerprints bring an unprecedented, nearly perfect accuracy to the determination.
  • 此階段中,中國已經結成了廣大的統一戰綫,實現了前的團结。
    In this stage, China has already built up a broad united front and achieved unprecedented unity.
  • 交通建設前發展,現代綜合運輸體係初步形成。
    Transport developed on an unprecedented scale, and a comprehensive modern transport system began to take shape.
  • 我們的任務,是領導一個幾萬萬人口的大民族,進行前的偉大的鬥爭。
    Ours is the task of leading a great nation of several hundred million in a great and unprecedented struggle.
  • 今天的世界的人民運動,正在以前的大規模和前的深刻性發展着。
    The popular movements in the world today are developing on a scale and with a depth that are unprecedented.
  • 我國的人民革命在我們黨的領導下,已經在一九四九年獲得了全國範圍內的勝利,實現了前未有的國傢統一。
    Under the leadership of our Party the people's revolution attained nationwide victory in 1949, bringing about unprecedented national unity.
  • 七大把毛澤東思想規定為黨的指導思想,使我黨在政治上、思想上、組織上達到前的團结,並在這個基礎上領導全國人民打敗了日本侵略者,以後又打敗了美帝國主義支持的蔣介石,纔有了全國的勝利。
    At the congress it was decided that Mao Zedong Thought be the Party's guiding ideology, as a result of which our Party became unprecedentedly united politically, ideologically and organizationally. On this basis the Party led the entire nation in defeating the Japanese aggressors and then Chiang Kai-shek, who was supported by U.S. imperialists, before achieving nationwide victory.
  • 《考剋斯報告》不僅污衊中國“竊缺美國核武器和導彈技術,而且還攻擊中國將美國高性能計算機、民用航、精密機械等先進技術用於軍事目的,並據此建議要全面加強對中國兩用商品和技術出口的控製,甚至無理要求中國建立所謂的公開和透明的制度,能使美國指定的美國國民在不事先通報的情況下,對最終用戶進行就地檢查。
    The Cox Report not only slanders China "stealing" US nuclear weapon and missile technology, but also charges that China has applied the advanced US technologies in the areas of high-performance computer, civil aviation and precision machinery for military purposes. And, based on this, it suggests the United States intensify control over the export of dual-purpose commodities and technology to China. It even unreasonably demands China should establish a so-called open and transparent system which enables American nationals designated by the United States to examine on the spot the end-users without advance notice.
  • 即使沒有人為失誤,太軍用技術也可能是不可靠的。
    Even without human error, space military technology can be unreliable.
  • 兩三年來,我們一直批評美國的霸權主義,批評他把臺灣當作他的一艘“永不沉沒的航母艦”。
    Over the past two or three years we have repeatedly criticized the hegemonism of the United States, which regards Taiwan as its unsinkable aircraft carrier.
  • 在五十年代,麥剋阿瑟、杜勒斯就把臺灣看作是美國在亞洲和太平洋的“永不沉沒的航母艦”,所以臺灣問題一直是中美建交談判中最重要的問題。
    In the 1950s, MacArthur and Dulles regarded Taiwan as an unsinkable U.S. aircraft carrier in Asia and the Pacific. The Taiwan question was therefore the most important issue in the negotiations on the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States.
  • 但是衹有靠大量增加勞動,才能生産出更多的糧食,因此不僅農業人口比起遊牧人口來說閑時間要少得多,而且由於長期使用不完善的工具和不熟練的技藝(在世界上很大一部分地區直到現在仍是這樣),除了在氣候和土壤特別有利的情況下,農民們生産不出超過自身消費量很多的餘糧,因而供養不了大群從事其他産業的勞動者。
    But this additional food is only obtained by a great additional amount of labour; so that not only an agricultural has much less leisure than a pastoral population,but, with the imperfect tools and unskillful processes which are for a long time employed (and which over the greater part of the earth have not even yet been abandoned), agriculturists do not,unless in unusually advantageous circumstances of climate and soil, produce so great a surplus of food, beyond their necessary consumption, as to support any large class of labourers engaged in other departments of industry.
  • 不久以前,說到太旅遊是不可思議的。
    Voyages through space were unthought-of till recent times.
  • 着不用的房間常常積起大量灰塵。
    There is a collection of dust in an unused room.
  • 把磁盤上的文件、庫、文件夾移到一起,使未使用的間成為一個連續區。
    To move files, libraries, or folders together on disk to create a continuous area of unused space.
  • 在數據管理係統中,把庫中的若幹成員移放在一起,以便把庫中未用的存儲間構成一片連續的區域。
    In data management system, to move library members together in a library to create one continuous area of unused space in the library.
  • 氣清香劑釋放到氣中以減弱不希望的氣味的物質
    A substance released into the air to counteract unwanted odors.
  • 在參觀和拍賣之間有一天隙時間,這是留給地毯商拆卸帷幔、壁毯等墻上飾物用的。
    An interval of one day had been left between the viewing and the sale in order to give the upholsterers enough time to take down the hangings, curtains and so forth.
  • 天空天空的較高區域
    The upper region of the sky.
  • 用手支撐身體懸的動作。
    the act of supporting yourself by your hands alone in an upside down position.
  • 他頭腦裏空空如也。
    He is all vacant upstairs.
  • “我一嚮不喜歡目一切的人。”
    "I never like upstarts."
  • 飛機嚮高空飛去。
    The plane flew upwards.
  • 如果我們用熱氣裝滿一隻氣球,它就會升起來。”
    If we fill a balloon with hot air, it will go upwards."
  • 開始時,每口鐘顫震發出的聲音,清純,簡直彼此孤立,徑直升上燦爛的晨
    First, the vibration of each bell mounts straight upwards, pure and, so to speak,isolated from the others, into the splendid morning sky;
  • 厄休拉簡直太幸運了,共有兩百個申請這個課程的一個額,因此他們衹好把全部名字都一起放在帽子裏——結果正好摸到了她的名字。
    Ursula has the luck of the devil. There were two hundred applicants for one place on the course so they put all the names in hat-and hers was the one that was chosen.
  • 房子7月1日以後就能使用了;2000平方英尺的可用辦公間。
    the house is available after July 1; 2000 square feet of usable office space.
  • 與陸軍和海軍相比,美國軍是一支年輕的隊伍,但它已經建立起了一種偉大的傳統。
    The USAF is a young Service when compared with the Army and Navy, but it has already established a great tradition.
  • 人很快就習慣了失重狀態。
    The astronauts soon got used to the condition of weightlessness.
  • 整天空談沒有用處。
    It is useless talking all the time.