  • 色的壁纸使得房间明亮。
    The white wallpaper lightened the room.
  • 用石灰水刷;通常指的是粉刷墙。
    cover with whitewash; as of walls.
  • 了,15,沃特先生,5015房间。
    Yes, I see. 15, Mr. Walter, Room 5015.
  • 她久病后脸色变得苍
    Her face wan after her long illness.
  • 她久病后脸色变得苍
    Her face waned after her long illness.
  • 他不想要蓝色的,他要色的。
    He does not want blue, he wants white.
  • 他不想要蓝色的,他要色的。
    He do not want blue, he want white.
  • 头部为黑相间的北美洲林莺。
    North American warbler having a black-and-white head.
  • 东半球与大喉莺的鸟但体型较小。
    Old World warbler similar to the greater whitethroat but smaller.
  • 相间的北美洲林莺,头部和喉部为橙色和黑色相间。
    black-and-white North American wood warbler having an orange-and-black head and throat.
  • 黑顶颊林莺一种北美鸣禽(黑顶颊林莺林莺属),其雄性有一黑冠
    A North American warbler(Dendroica striata), the male of which has a black cap.
  • 他过着双重人格的生活--天当教区委员、夜里当贼。
    He is living a double life- a church warden by day and a thief by night.
  • 他以前过着双重人格的生活——天当教区委员、夜里当贼。
    He was living a double life--a church warden by day and a thief by night.
  • 他以前过着双重人格的生活--天当教区委员、夜里当贼。
    He was living a double life - a church warden by day and a thief by night.
  • 他从泥土上爬起来——起先是提心吊胆,待看到她的态度、她的神情的时候,他明她已经将他给忘到了脑后;
    He raised himself out of the dust-warily at first. Until he saw by her attitude, her looks, that she had forgotten him;
  • 天越来越长,天气越来越暖和。
    The day is getting longer and warmer.
  • 晚近美国上层阶级的一些人自称为wasp,意思就是“种盎格鲁撒克逊基督教新教徒”。
    Some upper-class people in the United States recently had the fashion of calling themselves WASP's , which means White Anglo-Saxon Protestants.
  • 他的所有努力都费了。
    All his efforts were wasted.
  • 设法让他明做那种工作是浪费生命.
    Try to get through to him that he's wasting his life in that job.
  • 他谁的话都不听,你只是在费口舌。
    He won't pay attention to anybody. You're just wasting your breath.
  • 水正白白流掉。
    The water is wasting.
  • 时间在过去,让我们开始吧。
    Time is wasting ; let us get started.
  • 他谁的话都不听,你只是费口舌。
    He won't listen to anybody. You're just wasting your breath.
  • 她毫不犹豫地告诉他,向她求婚是费时间。
    She told him right off that he was wasting his time proposing to her.
  • 老师这么小的孩子灌输理论,真是费时间。
    The teacher is wasting his time trying to drive theory into such small children.
  • 但是今年,宫观察家不但跟踪乔治w·布什的日程安排,而且对迪克·切尼的日程安排也给予同样密切的关注。
    But this year White House watchers are following not only George W.Bush.Dick Cheney is being tracked with equal intensity.
  • 沃森本人也坚持自己是清的。
    Watson himself insisted that he was innocent.
  • 沃茨医生说这场历时半个小时的手术和平时给人类进行的内障手术没有什么区别,唯一不同的是她必须要忍受这位"长毛病人"身上散发的"刺鼻的气味"。
    Watts said the half-hour operation was no different from treating a human for cataracts -- apart from a "pungent aromatic smell" emanating from her hairy patient.
  • 抹香鲸的油脂中提取的色蜡状物质。
    a white waxy substance from oil of the sperm whale.
  • 胎儿皮脂覆盖在胎儿皮肤表面的一种蜡状色保护性物质
    A waxy white protective substance covering the skin of a fetus.
  • 淀粉状蛋一种硬蜡状沉积物,含有组织退化产生的蛋质和多糖
    A hard, waxy deposit consisting of protein and polysaccharides that results from the degeneration of tissue.
  • 杓兰属的一种兰花,花茎纤细,茎上长一朵或几朵蜡色花,有囊状唇瓣。
    any of various orchids of the genus Paphiopedilum having slender flower stalks bearing 1 to several waxy flowers with pouchlike lips.