  • 他們的糧、棉依賴從國外進
    They are dependent upon importation from foreign countries for cotton and grain.
  • 第五條之四〔專利:利用進國的專利方法製造産品的進
    Article 5quater [Patents: Importation of Products Manufactured by a Process Patented in the Importing Country]
  • 貨物進時所交付的關稅。在同類貨物再出時可以退稅。
    Duties paid on goods on importation may be drawn back when the same goods are reexported.
  • 在那個國傢,所有進貨物曾課以5%的從價稅。
    In that country, an ad valorem duty of five percent was imposed on all goods on importation.
  • 希臘現在連進生活必需品的資金都沒有。
    Greece is today without funds to finance the importation of those goods that are essential to bare subsistence.
  • 這定將有助於他們對是否進此項設備迅速作出决定。
    This will certainly help them to make a quick decision with regard to the importation of the equipment.
  • 對,除了中國等六個國傢外,我們國傢不允許從別的國傢進絲綢。
    Yes. No importation of silk goods is allowed from other than the six nominated countries or regions which include China?
  • 該條例和附屬規例就氣體燃料的進、生産、儲存、運輸、供應及使用等事宜,作出周詳的安全規定。
    This ordinance and its subsidiary regulations cover all aspects of fuel gas importation, manufacture, storage, transport, supply and use of gas.
  • 1995年11月,中國發佈了《關於堅决嚴格控製境外廢物轉移到我國的緊急通知》,1996年3月又頒布了《廢物進環境保護管理暫行規定》,依法防止廢物進污染環境。
    To provide legal basis for preventing environmental pollution by the importation of wastes, in November 1995 China published the Emergency Announcement on Strictly Controlling Trans-Boundary Movement of Wastes to China, and in March 1996 it published the Provisional Regulations on Environmental Protection and Management of Wastes' Importation.
  • 思想文化界要多出好的精神産品,要堅决製止壞産品的生産、進和流傳。
    People engaged in ideological and cultural work should create more fine intellectual products, and the production, importation and circulation of undesirable ones should be resolutely banned.
  • 已經造成環境污染的,由省級以上人民政府環境保護行政主管部門責令進者消除污染。
    If such importation has caused environmental pollution, the competent administrative department of environmental protection of the people's government at or above the provincial level shall order the importer to eliminate the pollution.
  • 個人和商事組織須要繳納的所得稅、財産稅、銷售稅、國産貨物稅、增值稅、進稅以及就業稅均由法律加以規定。
    Individuals and business entities may find themselves responsible for payment of income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, excise taxes, value added taxes, importation taxes, and employment taxes each subject to different regulations.
  • 除對專利方法的保護延及到該專利方法直接得到的産品外,還明確規定進專利産品必須得到專利權人同意,使得對專利權人權益的保護更加充分;
    In addition to extending the protection of a patented process to include products directly produced by that process, the law clearly stipulates that the importation of patented products requires the permission of the patent holder, thereby giving more effective protection to the rights and interests of patentees;
  • 三是進一步強化了對專利權的保護,除對專利方法的保護延及到該專利方法直接得到的産品外,還明確規定進專利産品必須得到專利權人同意,使得對專利權人權益的保護更加充分;
    Third, the protection of patent rights has been further strengthened. In addition to extending the protection of a patented process to include products directly produced by that process, the law clearly stipulates that the importation of patented products requires the permission of the patent holder, thereby giving more effective protection to the rights and interests of patentees.
  •  生産者、銷售者、進者或者使用者必須在國務院經濟綜合主管部門會同國務院有關部門規定的期限內分別停止生産、銷售、進或者使用列入前款規定的名錄中的設備。
    Producers, sellers, importers or users shall stop the production, sale, importation or use of the equipment listed in the catalog as mentioned in the preceding paragraph. This must be done within the time limit prescribed by the competent department for comprehensive economic and trade affairs under the State Council in conjunction with the relevant departments under the State Council.
  • 那個進商想要投保一切險。
    That importer wishes to insure against All Risks.
  • 全國最大的煙草進商。
    The country's largest importer of tobacco
  • 商賺不到錢怎麽辦?
    What if the importer does not make a profit?
  • 是的,他從事國際貿易,他是一個進商。
    Yes,he's engaged in international trade . He is an importer.
  • 是的,他從事國際貿易,他是一個進商。
    Yes, he's engaged in international trade. He is an importer.
  • 它的創立者是香水進商西塔羅。他在這裏僅僅陳列所有的香水。
    The bar, created by perfume importer Cithera, only displays the perfumes.
  • 是的,他從事國際貿易,他是一個進商。
    Yes , he has engaged in international trade . He is an importer.
  • 第五十六條對進人及商品所有人的賠償
    Article 56 Indemnification of the Importer and of the Owner of the Goods
  • 布萊剋先生與中方進商就商品檢驗問題進行洽談。
    Mr. Black is talking with the Chinese importer about inspecting the goods.
  • 我們確信,您將滿意地成為本廠相機的進商。
    We are confident that you will become a satisfied importer of our cameras.
  • 你可從任何一位有興趣嚮你買酒的中國進商入手。
    You may begin with any Chinese importer who's interested in buying your wine.
  • 商須嚮本方的往來銀行申請開具信用證。
    The importer has to apply to his bank to open a Letter of Credit.
  • 根據他對進商的實力和銷售渠道的判斷,出商還可以規定進商銷售規定産品的地區。
    Based on his judgment of importer's strength and channel of distribution, the exporter can also specify the area in which the importer can sell the specified products.
  •  (b)應立即將中止放行通知進人及權利持有人。
    the importer and the right holder shall be promptly notified of the suspension.
  • 當其他進商將貨物投放市場時,我們已經以盈利價格售出了我們的貨。
    When other importer place their goods on the market, we have sell ours at profitable price.
  • 以上是淨價,不包括佣金。我們一般不給進商佣金。
    The above is net price, not including commission. We do not give commission to importer in general.
  • 業務使用的進國在本國銀行辦理的信貸。
    credit opened by an importer at a bank in his own country upon which an exporter may draw.