  • 布在热带太平洋、印度洋和南大西洋的橄榄色的海龟。
    olive-colored sea turtle of tropical Pacific and Indian and South Atlantic oceans.
  • 傍晚时,鸽子回来了,嘴里衔着一片刚啄下的橄榄叶。
    She came back to him towards evening with a newly plucked olive leaf in her beak.
  • 这桔子汁给你们两人
    Divide the orange juice between you.
  • 再来一次底线得就可以保证获得胜利。
    One more touchdown will assure victory.
  • 我向你保证,他们和我们在一起十安全。
    I assure you they'll be perfectly safe with us.
  • 此外,该局还举办一连串活动,目的都是向国际财经界及银行界保证,香港在政权移交后,港元及金融制度仍然十稳健。
    It was part of a series of events aimed at assuring international financial and banking communities of the stability of the Hong Kong dollar and monetary system after the transfer of sovereignty.
  • 星状体的有丝裂星状体的,与之相关的,或似其形状的;星星状的
    Of, relating to, or shaped like the mitotic aster; star-shaped.
  • 星心球,中心球星体的中心部,其射线除外
    The central portion of a cell aster exclusive of the rays.
  • 维沃说这或许是跟小行星相撞引起的,抑或是慧星的高速旋转导致的裂。
    Weaver says it may have been an initial collision with an asteroid, or perhaps the comet's rapid rotation caused it to unravel.
  • 虽然宇宙真空中小行星内部结构有待于组合化学的研究来揭密,但因缺乏大量的液态水,复杂的大子也可在无溶液稀释的状态下逐渐形成。
    Although the interior of an asteroid in the vacuum of space presents its own challenges to combinatorial chemistry, the absence of large quantities of liquid water could enable complex molecules to form slowly without being diluted in solution.
  • 文中地图显示了世界范围内13岁至14岁此病患者的布资料,这是通用的哮喘病统计指标,此资料来自最大的流行病研究组织之一,国际儿童哮喘及过敏研究机构的研讨报告,这个年龄段,患病儿童的布状况具有代表性,与成人及幼儿的情况相同。
    The map shows data on the prevalence of wheezing -- a commorily used indicator of asthma -- for 13- and 14-year-olds, taken from one of the largest epidemiological studies, the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood. Among this age group the pattern of wheezing is about the same as that in younger children and adults.
  • 虽然父母中一方,或情况更糟,双方均患哮喘会增加下一代的患病风险,但好像舆论一致同意:此病流行布的不同,主要不在于基因因素而是环境及生活方式所致。
    Although having an asthmatic parent -- or, worse still, two asthmatic parents -- increases a child's risk, there seems to be a consensus that differences such as those depicted on the map result not primarily from genetic factors but from environment and lifestyle.
  • 消像散的消像散的,用于复合透镜,其中隔部抵消了每一个透镜的散光效果
    Free from astigmatism. Used of a compound lens in which the separate components compensate for the astigmatic effects of each lens.
  • 他发现的情况使他十惊讶。
    He was astonished at what he found.
  • 他万分惊讶。
    He was astonished beyond measure.
  • 他对于托尼考试不及格十吃惊。
    He was astonished at Tony's having failed in the exam.
  • 凯西对托尼考试不及格十惊讶。
    Kathy was astonished at Tony's having failed in the exam.
  • 当罗尔斯·罗伊斯计算出他们的债务是几亿英镑时,公众都十吃惊。
    The public was astonished when Rolls Royce computed their debts at several hundred million pounds.
  • 阿蒙特·巴桥内以惊人的10钟优势技压群雄获得自行车公路赛冠军,这是最令法国人骄傲的时刻,这种绝对优势在奥运史上是前无古人、后无来者。
    France proudest moment came in the cycling competition when Armand Balnchonnet won the road race by an astonishing 10 minutes-the most lopsided breakaway in Olympic history, before or after.
  • 更令人吃惊是,一幅w87解图出现在修订报告的第78页上,很有可能与秘书o'leasy在1995年告诉世界的是同一个。
    And what may be even more astonishing, is that a cut-away diagram of the W-87-which may well be the same one secretary O'Leary gave the world in 1995--appears on page 78 of the Redacted Report!
  • 在慕尼黑对纳粹子的安抚、让步;安抚的姿态;令人奇怪的和解讲话。
    the appeasing concessions to the Nazis at Munich; placating (or placative) gestures; an astonishingly placatory speech.
  • 我争夺秒,把上衣往墙上一抛,一纵身就骑到墙上去了。
    I lost no time. Chucked my coat up to the wall and was sitting astraddle before I knew where I was.
  • 货物已遗失,请贵公司方面也检查一下。
    Goods partly go astray please investigate also your side
  • 边界各县的党,几乎完全是农民成的党,若不给以无产阶级的思想领导,其趋向是会要错误的。
    The Party organizations in the border area counties, which are composed almost exclusively of peasants, will go astray without the ideological leadership of the proletariat.
  • 跨着两腿开的姿势;横跨
    In a straddling position; astride.
  • 跨坐两腿开跨坐或站;跨坐
    To sit or stand on with the legs astride; straddle.
  • 他在使前轮跨地裂的同时曲曲折折前进。
    He kept the frout wheels astride the crack as he followed its zig-zag course.
  • 布鲁斯接上了低档,开车速度令人害怕;他在使前轮跨地裂的同时曲曲折折前进。
    Bruce engaged low gear and drove at a terrifying speed, keeping the frout wheels astride the crack as he followed its zig-zag course.
  • 布于亚、非、欧洲的一种带有羽状复叶并味涩的凤尾草。
    spleenwort of Europe and Africa and Asia having pinnate fronds and yielding an astringent.
  • 如果与茶叶接触时水是沸腾的,就会提取出高比例的多酚化合物,使得这种热饮料过涩口。
    If water boils when it is in contact with tea leaves, a high proportion of polyphenolic compounds are extracted. These make the hot beverage excessively astringent.
  • 之一对座行星之间相距七十二度或五之一黄道带的占星术方位
    The astrological aspect of planets distant from each other by72= or one fifth of the zodiac.
  • 天球上黄道旁边的一条带形区域;被划为个星座或用作占星的征兆。
    a belt-shaped region in the heavens on either side to the ecliptic; divided into 12 constellations or signs for astrological purposes.