  • 数种旧大陆和美洲栎树的任一种,每花有六至八雄芯,槲果在一年成熟,叶脉不超过边。
    any of numerous Old World and American oaks having 6 to 8 stamens in each floret, acorns that mature in one year and leaf veins that never extend beyond the margin of the leaf.
  • 他们坚信,电脑网络业只要保持先进科技的势头,在新世纪还是会长期繁荣下去的。(庄开仁译)
    They are confident that it will flourish well into this century provided it maintains its cutting-edge in science and technology.
  • 旅游:入境旅游略增,国旅游繁荣。
    Tourism: International tourism grew slightly, with the domestic tourism flourishing.
  • 香港的报业发展蓬勃,享有新闻自由。年再有8份报章及111份期刊杂志面世。
    In 1997, a further eight new newspapers and 111 new periodicals joined the ranks of its flourishing free press.
  • 血液在体内循环.
    Blood flows round the body.
  • 在磁场周围能够产生磁发电机原动力在电器产生电流的线圈。
    the electric coil around a field magnet that produces the magneto motive force to set up the flux in an electric machine.
  • 流明(光通量单位)国际度量系统中的光通量单位,等于一烛光的均匀点光源在单位主体角发出的光通量
    The unit of luminous flux in the International System, equal to the amount of light given out through a solid angle by a source of one candela intensity radiating equally in all directions.
  • 那些价格是船上交货价还是成本保险运费在价?
    Are those prices FOB or CIF?
  • 我们向您报3日有效实盘。
    We offer you firm for three days on fob basis.
  • 带有短焦距在小范围照相的照相机镜头。
    a photographic lens with a short focal length used to take pictures at short ranges.
  • 慢性子的人倾向于成为注重心世界的哲学家和艺术家。
    Slow people tend to be the inner-focused philosophers and artists.
  • 第一阶段是1978—1984年,以推进家庭联产承包责任制为主要容。
    The first stage(1978-84)focused on the promotion of the household contract responsibility system.
  • 只有这样做,才能真正地巩固国和平,停止国的武装敌对,增强国的团结,以便举国一致抗御外敌。
    Only thus can internal peace be truly consolidated, internal armed hostilities ended and internal unity strengthened, enabling the whole nation to unite and resist the foreign foe.
  • 合拢,指某些动物的器官。
    fold inwards, of certain animals' organs.
  • 把他的孩子搂到怀里;把支票放进信封
    Folded his children to his breast; folded the check into the letter.
  • (幼叶等)镊合曲状的边缘卷起或向里翻折的
    Having the edges folded or turned inward.
  • 这些毯子被叠起来装入箱
    The blankets were folded up and packed in boxes.
  • 现在我们把你寄来的信,另夹在一个文夹,以便回信时查阅,你也可以照办。
    From now on, we will keep your letters in a folder for reference when replying to you; You can do something similar.
  • 恶灵犹太民间传说中,死者的游魂进入生存的体并控制生者的行为
    In Jewish folklore, the wandering soul of a dead person that enters the body of a living person and controls his or her behavior.
  • 临时区域市政局经常在社区会堂、游乐场及游憩用地,为区居民举办免费文娱节目,包括传统民间表演,以至现代流行节目。
    The council regularly presents free cultural and entertainment programmes in community halls, playgrounds and open space areas for residents in the vicinity with programmes ranging from the traditional and folkloric to the modern and popular.
  • 他的追随者赞赏他对讲授容的自信,对学生智力的启迪。
    His followers appreciated the fact that he believed in. what he taught and that he was intellectually stimulating.
  • 主要内涵是:
    It has the following meanings:
  • 信的内容如下:
    The letter reads as follows:
  • 当我们过去力争和平统一的时候,他们就竭力挑拨战和分裂。
    In the past, while we were fighting strenuously for peace and unity, they were doing all they could to foment civil war and splits.
  • 这对于指挥战、制造分裂、并欲在这次事变中置蒋氏于死地的日本帝国主义和中国讨伐派⑵的阴谋,给了一个打击。
    It is a blow to the intrigues conducted by the Japanese imperialists and the Chinese "punitive" group[2] to stage-manage a civil war, foment splits and get Chiang killed in the Sian Incident.
  • 另一方面,风格单处理表示方面的问题,如字体、颜色和页边空白,其意图是简化网站,缩短下载时间和更容易把相同的容让多种类型的设备显示。
    Style sheets, on the other hand, handle issues of presentation: fonts, colors and margins.The intent is to simplify sites, decrease download times and more easily present the same content to multiple types of devices.
  • 演奏厅内不准吸烟。
    Smoking is forbidden in the concert hall.
  • 部猛烈喷出的现象。
    the forceful expulsion of something from inside.
  • 在“治外法权”下,西方一些传教士以帝国主义侵略势力为后盾,深入中国地建教堂,设教区,霸占田产,欺压官民。
    Taking advantage of extraterritoriality some Western missionaries, backed by the aggressive imperialist forces, went to inland China to build churches and set up parishes. They forcibly occupied land, and bullied and oppressed Chinese officials and civilians.
  • (指玻璃)施压将空气注入熔化的球体而形成。
    (of glass) formed by forcing air into a molten ball.
  • 桡骨一种长的、棱柱状、微弯的头,两根前臂骨中较短较粗的一根,位于尺骨的后侧
    A long, prismatic, slightly curved bone, the shorter and thicker of the two forearm bones, located on the lateral side of the ulna.
  • 如果预计天气恶劣,天气预报人员必须能够在该飞机航程提出另一个天气适合着陆的机场。
    If bad weather is expected the forecaster must be able to suggest another airport within the range of the aircraft where the weather will be suitable for landing.