  • 他在离开办室前把秘密文件锁藏起来。
    He locked away the classified documents before he left the office.
  • 一个确实高级的共场所。
    It's a really classy joint.
  • 一个确实高级的共场所。
    It 's a really classy joint.
  • 这是该司的海洋运输货物保险条款。
    Here is the copy of the Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of PICC.
  • 这与联合国人权文书和约的有关内容是一致的。
    This is in conformity with the relevant clauses of the UN documents and conventions on human rights.
  • 对给予拘留的处罚,由安机关依照治安管理处罚条例的规定裁决。
    punishment of detention shall be decided by public security organs in accordance with rules of penal clauses on public order administration.
  • 她是我们司的档案员。
    She is the filing clerk of our company.
  • 司雇用一名新职员。
    The firm took on a new clerk.
  • 例如初级文员、信差或司助理?
    Such as junior clerk, messenger or office assistant?
  • ”由于戴维斯有25年的销售经验,一两天后他就接到克里夫兰电信司打来的电话,过了两个星期他便得到了这份工作。
    "Within a day or two, Davis received a phone call from the Cleveland telecommunications firm, and within two weeks was hired.
  • 桑达斯基美国俄亥俄州北部一城市,位于克利夫兰西部桑达斯基湾沿岸,该湾是伊利湖的一个入口。桑达斯基河,流程约241里(150英里),向西北注入该湾。桑达斯基建于19世纪初叶,是一个输入港和制造业中心。人口29,764
    A city of northern Ohio west of Cleveland on Sandusky Bay, an inlet of Lake Erie. The Sandusky River, about241 km(150 mi) long, flows west and north into the bay. Sandusky was founded in the early1800's and is a port of entry and manufacturing center. Population,29, 764.
  • 设想一下,如果去工作只是从床上爬起来,穿着睡衣,走到计算机前,或者与位于纽约的销售部门、位于旧金山的市场部门、位于达拉斯的批发部门、位于克利夫兰的制造部门和位于圣路易的it部门开会,而不用任何人离开办室,欢迎来到虚拟司。
    Imagine if going to work were a matter of simply rolling out of bed and walking over to your computer while still in your pajamas.Or if a meeting with the New York-based sales department, San Francisco-based marketing department, Dallas-based distribution department, Cleveland-based manufacturing arm and St. Louis-based IT department occurred without anyone having to leave an office.Welcome to the virtual corporation.
  • 那只聪明的狐狸骗了这只鸡。
    That clever fox cheated this cock.
  • 他们在开场合相处融恰, 但他们的性情不是真正合得来的。
    They get well along in public, but their personalities don't really click .
  • 他有力地维护了当事人的民权利。
    he defended his client's civil rights trenchantly.
  • 我带客户到我们的办室参观。
    I showed the client around our office.
  • 他们向顾客建议与另一家司联合。
    They advised their client to merge with another company.
  • forrester研究司过去常常向客户提供有关客户/网络计算的建议,作为它的客户机/服务器咨询的高级形式。
    Forrester Research used to advise customers on client/network computing, as its advanced form of client/server consulting.
  • 代理司专门从事为客户买卖股票和债券的
    A firm engaged in buying and selling stocks and bonds for clients.
  • 为了引起众对其客户的注意而设计广告的代理处。
    an agency that designs advertisement to call public attention to its clients.
  • 第三十二条 国务院气象主管机构负责全国气候资源的综合调查、区划工作,组织进行气候监测、分析、评价,并对可能引起气候恶化的大气成分进行监测,定期发布全国气候状况报。
    Article 32 The competent meteorological department under the State Council is in charge of the overall survey and zoning of climatic resources nationwide, coordinates efforts in climate monitoring, analysis and assessment and in the monitoring of the atmosphere composition that may cause climate deterioration, and issues, at regular intervals, bulletins on climatic status.
  • 根据《气候变化框架约》,中国没有限制二氧化碳排放的具体义务,但本着对保护全球气候负责的态度,采取了节约能源与发展能源工业并重的方针,努力提高能源利用效率,积极调整能源结构,大力发展水电,适当发展核电,加强地热、太阳能、风能、海洋能等新能源的研究与开发,以减少温室气体的排放。
    According to the Framework Convention on Climatic Changes, China is under no specific obligation to limit the emission of carbon dioxide. However, mindful of its responsibility for protection of the global climate, China follows the principle of attaching equal importance to economization on energy and expansion of the energy industry, striving to raise its energy utilization efficiency and to readjust its energy structure. While appropriately developing nuclear power, China spares no effort to develop hydroelectric power and to strengthen research into and exploitation of geothermal power, solar energy, wind energy, oceanic energy and other new energy sources, so as to reduce the green-house gas emission.
  • 市外路上有一处很陡的上坡路。
    There was a steep climb on the road out of town.
  • 两家司很快地成交了。
    The two companies clinched the deal quickly.
  • 于是康明奈亚斯继续又说道:“到爵的末日将近的时候这种秘而不宣的性情不免稍损他的理智”。
    Whereupon he goeth on, and said that towards his latter time, that closeness did impair, and a little perish his understanding.
  • 我想你应该搬到离你办室近一点的地方。
    I think you should move closer to you office.
  • 是的,而且也离你司更近了。
    Yes. And we're much closer to your company, too.
  • 司因缺钱而被迫关闭。
    Lack of money forced the closure of the company.
  • 在一个晴朗的天气里,我和朋友们一起去园。
    My friends and I went to the park together on a cloudless day.
  • 征用的土地是用作路交叉部分的;没收的酒被倒进了水沟里。
    the condemned land was used for a highway cloverleaf; the confiscated liquor was poured down the drain.
  • 室的工作人员凑钱给她买了一件生日礼物。
    The workers in the office clubbed together to buy her a present for her birthday.
  • 警察彻底搜查寓,寻找谋杀案的线索。
    The police shaked down the apartment for clue to the murder.