| - 通常在一个飞机里装有两个、三个或四个已经足够了,但一些大的飞机要装六个。
Usually two, three or four are enough for an aeroplane; but some big aircraft have six. - 他的器材因某种原因与飞机绞在一块,他因此被困死在那里。
He got his equipment tangled with the aeroplane in some way, and plunged to his death. - 大多数人认为第一次飞机飞行是在1903年,但并非如此。
Most people believe that the first aeroplane flew in 1903, but this is not true. - 飞机把我们降落在一个大广场的中央。
The aeroplane landed us in the middle of a big square. - 中央各部门、各省、自治区、直辖市在香港特别行政区设立的一切机构及其人员均须遵守香港特别行政区的法律。
All offices set up in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region by departments of the Central Government, or by provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government, and the personnel of these offices shall abide by the laws of the Region. - 首先,由于受东南亚、东亚金融危机的影响,这些国家和地区经济不景气,减少了进口量,因而使中国对这一地区的出口减少,人民币贬值并不能扩大中国对这一地区的出口;
Affected by the financial crisis, economies of countries and regions in Southeast and East Asia have slumped, resulting in their reduced imports. This has forced China to cut its exports to the region The devaluation of the RMB, however, cannot expand China's export to this region. - 这辆`出租汽车'是一架小型瑞士飞机,叫`皮勒特斯。波特'。
The'taxi' is a small Swiss aeroplane called a'Pilatus Porter'. - 第一架飞机造于十九世纪。
The first aeroplane was built in the 19th century. - 第一百五十五条中央人民政府协助或授权香港特别行政区政府与各国或各地区缔结互免签证协议。
Article 155 The Central People's Government shall assist or authorize the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to conclude visa abolition agreements with foreign states or regions. - 一架飞机从空中飞过,尾部拖着一条水汽形成的白线。
An aeroplane flew across the sky trailing white vapor. - 这飞机一个钟头能飞1200公里。
The aeroplane can go at 1200 kilometres per hour. - 在询价中,重要的是要仔细考虑向什么地区发询价信,以及在同一地区要给多少供货商发这样的询价信。
It is essential in making inquires to consider carefully to which regions the inquiries are to be sent and how many suppliers are to be approached in one and the same region. - 小麦一种一年一熟的谷类禾本植物小麦(禾本植物)属,生长于地中海地区及西南亚,尤指夏季小麦,广泛种植于气候温和地带,品种繁多,其可食性谷粒具重要商业价值
Any of various annual cereal grasses of the genus Triticum of the Mediterranean region and southwest Asia, especially T. aestivum, widely cultivated in temperate regions in many varieties for its commercially important edible grain. - 第一百三十二条凡涉及中华人民共和国其他地区同其他国家和地区的往返并经停香港特别行政区的航班,和涉及香港特别行政区同其他国家和地区的往返并经停中华人民共和国其他地区航班的民用航空运输协定,由中央人民政府签订。
Article 132 All air service agreements providing air services between other parts of the People's Republic of China and other states and regions with stops at the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and air services between the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and other states and regions with stops at other parts of the People's Republic of China shall be concluded by the Central People's Government. - 蒂姆在看一架飞机。
Tim is looking at an aeroplane. - 一个地区,一个人
A region; a person. - 香港海关与区内成员合力制定了二零零一年及二零零二年的地区策略纲领。
The department, in collaboration with the regional members, devised a two-year Regional Strategic Plan for 2001 and 2002. - 工业署的另一项调查发现,截至一九九九年六月一日,共有2490家海外公司在本港设立亚太区总部或分区办事处。
Another Industry Department survey identified 2 490 overseas companies which had established regional headquarters or regional offices in Hong Kong by June 1, 1999. - 一所国际学校;还有大约450家法国公司,其中约100家更在香港设立地区总部或地区办事处。
an international school, and some 450 companies, about 100 of which have established their regional headquarters or regional offices here in Hong Kong. - 我相信该组织的进一步成长和扩大,将会有利于世界和地区的和平、稳定,也会为推进区域经济合作发挥越来越重要的作用。
We believe that this Organization will serve regional and world peace and stability. It will also play an increasingly important role in advancing regional economic cooperation. - 方言一地区方言,尤指不具文学传统的方言
A regional dialect, especially one without a literary tradition. - 一架飞机在头上嗡嗡飞过。
An aeroplane droned overhead. - 四百一十四间美国公司在香港设立分区总部或办事处;
Four-hundred-and-fourteen US companies have regional headquarters or offices there. - 午宴上喝的葡萄酒是roussettedesavoie,一种产自萨瓦地区的白葡萄酒。
The wine, Roussette de Savoie, was a regional white. - 一、民族区域自治制度与人民的政治权利
I. Ethnic Regional Autonomy System and the People's Political Rights - 一种语言(特别是法语)的地区方言;通常被认为不够规范。
a regional dialect of a language (especially French); usually considered substandard. - 民族乡是对民族区域自治制度的一种补充。
Ethnic townships are a supplement to the system of regional autonomy. - 1999年7月,核、航天、航空、船舶、兵器工业总公司等五个军工总公司改组为中国核工业集团、中国核工业建设集团、中国航天科技集团、中国航天机电集团、中国航空工业第一集团、中国航空工业第二集团、中国船舶工业集团、中国船舶重工集团、中国兵器工业集团和中国兵器装备集团等十大集团公司。
In July 1999, the corporations of five military industries, involved in nuclear, astronautics, aeronautics, ship-building and weapons sectors respectively, were reorganized into ten corporations, namely, China National Nuclear Corporation, China Nuclear Engineering and Construction Corporation, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, China Aerospace Machinery and Electronics Corporation, China Aviation Industry Corporation I, China Aviation Industry Corporation II, China State Shipbuilding Corporation, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, China North Industries Group Corporation and China South Industries Group Corporation. - 在世界和地区范围内仍存在一些不安定因素。
However, there still exist some factors of instability both globally and regionally: - 在世界和地区范围内仍存在一些不安定因素。霸权主义和强权政治仍然是威胁世界和平与稳定的主要根源;
However, there still exist some factors of instability both globally and regionally: Hegemonism and power politics remain the main source of threats to world peace and stability; - 如此庞大的人口总量和年人口增长量,对于中国这样一个底子薄、耕地少、经济文化水平比较落后和地区之间发展不平衡的国家来说,是一个沉重的负担。
Such massive total population and annual population growth constitutes a heavy burden for China, a country that has a weak foundation and little cultivated land, whose economic and cultural level is rather backward and where development is regionally imbalanced. - 四个寄存器作为一个寄存器用。同quadrupleregister。
Four registers that function as a single register.