  • 用香草、芥末和腌马槟榔蕾作调料的蛋黄酱沙司;同沙拉和凉肉一起食用。
    a mayonnaise sauce flavored with herbs and mustard and capers; served with e.g. salad and cold meat.
  • 姑娘们围着站朔节柱轻快地跳起了舞。
    The girls danced lightly round about the maypole.
  • 鲜花开满草原。
    Flowers bestrewed the meadow.
  • 草地上的野菊长得很茂盛。
    Daisics are running wild in the meadow.
  • 这顿饭了我们30英镑.
    The meal cost us 30.
  • 他每一分钟都要考虑再三,这使他获得“吝啬”的名声。
    He watches every penny he spends, which gives him a reputation for meanness.
  • 用来检验药品、清洗伤口或获得某种分泌物的样本的小片棉
    small piece of cotton used to apply medication, cleanse a wound, or obtain a specimen of a secretion.
  • 他每天8或10小时作沉思冥想。
    He meditates away eight or ten hours every day.
  • 点时间把这个问题认真想一想吧。
    Spend some time meditating on the problem.
  • 这个恬静的园适合冥想。
    This peaceful garden lends itself to meditation.
  • 一个产于地中海的草本属,开白色或粉色小
    Mediterranean herbs having small white or pink flowers.
  • 地中海西南地区的一种灌木,有雏菊状的头状
    shrub of southwestern Mediterranean region having yellow daisylike flowers.
  • 红千层属植物红千层属和白千层属各种澳大利亚灌木或树木,具有稠密的状圆柱形尖刺,上带大量长而突出的雄蕊,令人想起清洁瓶子的刷子
    Any of various Australian shrubs or trees of the genera Callistemon and Melaleuca, having densely flowered, cylindrical spikes with numerous, long, protruding stamens that suggest a brush used to clean bottles.
  • 图案里的不同纹,都各有特色。
    he tried to pick up the strands of his former life; I could hear several melodic strands simultaneously.
  • 一些意想不到的费把他们的钱耗光了。
    Their money melted away on unexpected expenses.
  • 雪花触地便融化了。
    Snowflakes are melting as they reached the ground.
  • 明楼刘少奇同志纪念馆
    Comrade Liu Shaoqi Memorial, Huaminglou
  • 国家元首也许没有太多的政治上的权力,也许只限于礼仪上的职责(会见大使、在全国性纪念仪式上放圈、宣布议会开始等)。
    A head of state may not have much political power, and may be restricted to ceremonial duties ( meeting ambassadors, laying wreaths at national memorials, opening parliament, etc ).
  • 人,人,到底是人,而完全没有提到鸟和山川!
    Men, men, men, everywhere, and no mention of flowers and birds and hills and streams!
  • 民间有"猫有九条命"的说法,这次buddy猫用自己的一条命救了主人的一条命。1月31日位于多伦多市郊buddy和它主人居住的寓所突然起火,这只长有深色条纹的猫跳到主人身上,大声地"喵喵"叫,直到把主人从睡梦中叫醒。
    The dark tabby transferred some of his own nine lives to his owner when a fire erupted in their shared apartment in a Toronto suburb on Thursday. The cat responded by jumping on the man and meowing loud enough to wake him up.
  • 那个商人经营羊毛兴棉的生意。
    The merchant deals in wool and cotton.
  • 我瞧着所有这些东西,每一件都使我联想到那个可怜的姑娘的一次肉体买卖。我心想,天主对她尚算仁慈,没有让她遭受通常的那种惩罚,而是让她在晚年之前,带着她那容月貌,死在穷奢极侈的豪华生活之中。对这些妓女来说,衰老就是她们的第一次死亡。
    As I contemplated all these things, each to my mind standing for a separate prostitution of the poor girl, I reflected that God had been merciful to her since He had not suffered her to live long enough to undergo the usual punishment but had allowed her to die at the height of her wealth and beauty, long before the coming of old age, that first death of courtesans.
  • “我不过是一朵。”
    "I am a mere flower."
  • 我就是喜欢在园里瞎转。
    I love just messing about in the garden.
  • 请将保管在贵公司30包棉,运交冈田公司,并将提单寄本公司。
    Please ship my thirty bales cotton, now kept in your warehouse, to Messrs. Okada& Co., and forward B/L to me.
  • 请将保管在贵公司30包棉,运交冈田公司,并将提单寄本公司。
    Please ship my thirty bales of cotton, now keep in your warehouse, to Messrs. Okada& co., and forward b/l to me.
  • 与诸如(面向)对象和客户机/服务器等最新趋势不同,cbd不只是一种分布计算新样,而是一种广泛的体系结构,支持整个生命周期计算的理念,包括设计、开发和部署。
    Unlike recent trends such as objects and client/server, it is not just another flavor of distributed computing, but an extensible architecture to support a full lifecycle computing metaphor, including design, development and deployment.
  • 我估计这个园的面积有1千平方米。
    I will estimate the size of the garden at 1000 square mete.
  • 挖一个直径为1米、深为2米的洞大约要费我两个小时半的时间。
    It take me about two hour and a half to dig a hole one meter in diameter and two meter in depth.
  • 一个小小的电火,困难会意外地绕过了最为精心设计的线路。
    The line of design meticulously was wound in understanding other places of difficulty to a small electric spark.
  • 为履行我方诺言,我们即用电报向您报出20吨棉的价格。
    To implement our promise, we are cable you an offer for 20 metric ton cotton.
  • 微体化石一种微小的化石,如粉粒或单细胞有机体的化石
    A microscopic fossil, as of a pollen grain or unicellular organism.