  • 授权某政治代表机构它的代表发出的命令或委任
    A command or an authorization given by a political electorate to its representative.
  • 革命立法提案权一种权利和程序,通过它们公民可以通过请愿形式提出一项法案并将其提交选举团
    The right and procedure by which citizens can propose a law by petition and ensure its submission to the electorate.
  • 操作部件或电子器件供电的一种电力分配总线(或电缆线)。
    An electric power distribution bus(or cable) that supplies functional units or electronic devices.
  • 玛丽买了一个电吹风。
    He bought an electric hair-dryer for Mary.
  • 一名电工开始办公室接电灯线。
    An electrician started wiring the office for hights.
  • 我们的洗衣机坏了,我得电工打电话.
    Our washing machine has broken; I'll ring the electrician.
  • 阳极处理,阳极氧化用电解方式(金属面)镀上一层保护性或装饰性的氧化物
    To coat(a metallic surface) electrolytically with a protective or decorative oxide.
  • 电流,电能,电力供电路、网络或设备的电流、电动力量或电力
    Current, electromotive force, or power supplied to an electric circuit, network, or device.
  • 她一出席(仪式)增添了高雅的气氛.
    Her presence imparted an air of elegance (to the ceremony).
  • 她的出席会议带来了庄严的气氛。
    Her presence imparts an air of elegance to the meeting.
  • 这个房间的家具这房间一种优雅的气氛。
    The furnishings of the room imparted an air of elegance.
  • 教师希望小学生读宗教故事来提高他们的修养。
    The teacher hoped to elevate the mind of her young pupil by read them religious story.
  • 我指一下电梯在哪儿,行吗?
    Can you please direct me to the elevator?
  • 过去财政部管得多,反而挨了骂。挨骂有两方面:一方面是袖筒里谈交易,不钱挨骂,了钱也挨骂;
    In the past the Ministry of Finance exercised too much control over departments, only to elicit complaints for the following two reasons. One, as it drew up the budget behind closed doors, it was criticized right and left whether it allocated funds to the departments or not.
  • 为了奖励后羿,王母娘娘赐后羿一种长生不老药,但是王母警告他必须正当使用。
    As his reward, the Heavenly Queen Mother gave Hou Yi the Elixir of Immortality, but she warned him that he must use it wisely.
  • 艾伦倒了一杯酒。
    He poured Ellen a glass of wine.
  • 严格说来,它算不上是一封情书,实际是只是几页内容详尽的行动指南。信里称"我最亲爱的菲娜"该怎么摆脱她父亲的监视,夜里逃出家门,詹杰会在浅滩上牵马等着她,然后将她驮到史密斯多普,到了那里再去找理查德的"知心朋友亨利·威尔逊",他会她钱为她作好安排,使她能跟随她的情人到开普敦,随后转道英国。"亲爱的,这样我们就可以在英国结婚了。
    It was not a love letter in the true sense of the word, but pages of the minutest directions of how"my sweetest Phina"was to elude her father's vigilance, creep down to the drift at night and there meet Jantje with a horse which would take her to Smitsdorp. There she was to go to "my true friend, Henry Wilson",who would give her money and make arrangements for her to follow her lover to Cape Town and from there to England ," where, my love, we can he be married at once.
  • 在印刷技术中,定尺寸的铅字所占有的表面积。这样,一个8点的铅字则占有8点em的印刷面积。
    In printing, the surface area taken up by type of a given size. Thus an8 point type occupies a print area of8 point em.
  • 假如你想摆脱某些人,只要他们说些对他们有利的事情就行了。
    If you want to get rid of somebody just tell'em something for their own good.
  • “这是他的,请替我放在他的坟前。”
    “They’re for ’im. You’ll put ‘em on ‘is grave for me, won’t you?”
  • 第二,它这一解放开辟了广大的可能性和现实的道路,这就大大地促进了西方和东方的被压迫民族的解放事业,把他们吸引到胜利的反帝国主义斗争的巨流中去;
    2) It has opened up wide possibilities for their emancipation and the right paths towards it, has thereby greatly facilitated the cause of the emancipation of the oppressed peoples of the West and the East, and has drawn them into the common current of the victorious struggle against imperialism;
  • 请再我一张旅客出境登记表好吗?
    May I have another embarkation card?
  • 请打电话中国大使馆。
    Please call the Chinese Embassy.
  • 这公司与美国大使馆有供合同。
    This company have the contract to supply the american embassy.
  • 他常他的旅游趣闻添枝加叶。
    He often embellishes the tales of his travels.
  • 只有个别品质极坏的,如严重的贪污腐化及有意识地破坏、抵制党的政策的人,才予纪律处分。
    We should only take disciplinary measures against the few people who are of extremely bad character--ones who are guilty of serious embezzlement or corruption, or who have tried to undermine or opposed the Party's policies.
  • 校名字首形式的徽章以学校名字首字母的形状制成的徽章,奖那些表现优异的人,尤指那些大学体育竞赛中表现优异者
    An emblem in the shape of the initial of a school awarded for outstanding performance, especially in varsity athletics.
  • 赋与实质与内容或物质形式;具体化
    To give substance or material form to; embody.
  • 用户应抓住更大的技术自的机会。
    Users should embrace the chance for greater technical self-sufficiency.
  • 韩国队胜出的比赛,似乎世界传达了一个信息——看到了没有?
    Through the matches where their team emerge unbeaten, we seem to send out a message to the world: See?
  • 万维网的出现最现实的应用程序一个漂亮的图形用户接口。
    The emergence of the World Wide Web has given even the most mundane of applications a spiffy GUI.
  • 改革开放以来,中国文坛上女作家群的出现,文字创作带来了前所未有的繁荣。
    Since China implemented its reform and opening up policies, the emergence of a galaxy of women writers has brightened the literary scene.