  • 在于:(一)由于不认识中国革命战争中的特点而产生的、表现于第五次反“围剿”斗争中的严重的原则错误,包含着不顾主客观件的“左”的急性病倾向,这种倾向极端地不利于革命战争,同时也不利于任何革命运动。
    They are: (1) The tendency to "Left" impetuosity, which disregards both the subjective and the objective factors, is extremely harmful to revolutionary war and, for that matter, to any revolutionary movement -- it was among the serious errors of principle which were manifested in the struggle against the enemy's fifth "encirclement and suppression" campaign, and which arose from ignorance of the characteristics of China's revolutionary war.
  • 约将促进两国间的贸易。
    The treaty will give an impetus to trade between the two countries.
  • 1996年以来,国家边防委员会在九个陆地边境省区组织了大规模的边防基础设施建设,有效改善了边境管理件,带动和促进了边疆地区的经济和社会发展。
    Since 1996, the State Frontier Defense Commission has organized the construction of frontier defense infrastructure on a large scale in nine overland frontier provinces and autonomous regions, which has effectively improved the administrative conditions of border areas, and given impetus to economic and social development there.
  • 他们利用这通往海边的小径,这实际上侵犯了土地主人的财产所有权。
    By using the path to the shore, they are actually impinging on the owner's property rights.
  • 第十五例自2002年4月1日起施行。
    Article 15 This Regulation shall be implemented as of April 1, 2002.
  •  第一百二十二本细则自2001年7月1日起施行。
    Rule 122 These Implementing Regulations shall enter into force on July 1, 2001.
  • 第四十一 国务院根据本法制定实施例。
    Article 41 The State Council shall formulate the implementing regulations in accordance with this Law.
  • 第四十九 国务院根据本法制定实施例。
    Article 49 The State Council shall, on the basis of this Law, formulate the implementing regulations.
  •  (一)申请不符合本细则第二第一款规定的;
    where the application does not comply with the provisions of Rule 2, paragraph one of these Implementing Regulations;
  • 文康广播局局长主管古物管理事宜,负责透过古物古迹办事处执行《古物及古迹例》的规定。
    The Secretary for Broadcasting, Culture and Sport is the Antiquities Authority who implements the provisions of the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance through the AMO.
  • 学习哲学的最佳途径就是将它当成一个侦探故事来处理:跟踪它的每一点蛛丝马迹、每一线索与暗示,以便查出谁是真凶,谁是英雄。
    The best way to study philosophy is to approach it as one approaches a detective story: follow every trail, clue and implication, in order to discover who is a murderer and who is a hero.
  • 他们的疑问中暗示的事实是国会忽略了著作权款中的要点,转而保护少数强大的团体的利益。
    Implicit in their questions was concern that Congress ignored the point of the Copyright Clause and instead acted to protect the interest of a few powerful groups.
  • 《婚姻制度改革例》规定,凡在一九七一年十月七日或以后在本港缔结的婚姻,应含有一男一女自愿终身结合的意思,而不应涉及任何其他人士的参与,这些婚姻只可根据《婚姻例》的规定缔结。
    The Marriage Reform Ordinance provides that all marriages entered into in Hong Kong on or after October 7, 1971, shall imply the voluntary union, for life, of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others.They may be contracted only in accordance with the Marriage Ordinance.
  • 比如:"始终尽力而为","从现在做起","永不撒谎",以及最重要的一:"凡是你必须做的事你都能做到"。
    “ Always do your best.” “ Do it now.” “ Never lie!” And most importantly,“ You can do whatever you have to do.
  • 第五之四〔专利:利用进口国的专利方法制造产品的进口〕
    Article 5quater [Patents: Importation of Products Manufactured by a Process Patented in the Importing Country]
  • 例和附属规例就气体燃料的进口、生产、储存、运输、供应及使用等事宜,作出周详的安全规定。
    This ordinance and its subsidiary regulations cover all aspects of fuel gas importation, manufacture, storage, transport, supply and use of gas.
  • 第三十禁止引进不符合我国环境保护规定要求的技术和设备。
    Article 30. A ban shall be imposed on the importation of any technology or facility that fails to meet the requirements specified in the regulations of our country concerning environmental protection.
  • 第五十六对进口人及商品所有人的赔偿
    Article 56 Indemnification of the Importer and of the Owner of the Goods
  • 根据上文第五十一对商品放行的中止,应立即通知进口人和申请人。
    The importer and the applicant shall be promptly notified of the suspension of the release of goods according to Article 51.
  • 如果进口人已向该主管当局提出反对中止的申诉,则该项中止行为原则上应遵守上文第五十五的规定;
    Where the importer has lodged an appeal against the suspension with the competent authorities, the suspension shall be subject to the conditions, mutatis mutandis, set out at Article 55;
  • 视…而定的有影响的、取决于或有件的
    Imposing, depending on, or containing a condition.
  • 利用、依靠或者包含件。
    imposing or depending on or containing a condition.
  • 四是重新规定了对专利实施强制许可的件。
    Fourth, conditions for imposing compulsory patent license were re-stipulated.
  • 第七 国家保护林农的合法权益,依法减轻林农的负担,禁止向林农违法收费、罚款,禁止向林农进行摊派和强制集资。
    Article 7 The State protects the legitimate rights and interests of forest growers, alleviates their burdens according to the law, forbids law-breaking imposition of levies and fines on them, and forbids the imposition of contributions and mandatory fund-raising on them.
  • 这是日本侵略战争的基本件,战争的不可避免和中国的不能速胜,就建立在这个日本国家的帝国主义制度及其强的军力、经济力和政治组织力上面。
    These are the basic factors in Japan's war of aggression. The inevitability of the war and the impossibility of quick victory for China are due to Japan's imperialist system and her great military, economic and political-organizational power.
  • (九六)防御的和攻击的阵地战,在中国今天的技术件下,一般都不能执行,这也就是我们表现弱的地方。
    96. At China's present technical level, positional warfare, defensive or offensive, is generally impracticable, and this is where our weakness manifests itself.
  • 这几条就了不起呀!
    But the ones I have just cited are impressive enough!
  • 我觉得这轧机生产线是我参观过的给人印象最深的一
    I think this is the most impressive mill line I have ever seen.
  • 工作条件有了改善。
    The working conditions have been improved.
  • 学校的办学件得到了很大的改善。
    the new school represents a great improvement.
  • 他致力改善工作件。
    He directed his energies to improving the working condition.
  • 我们用两毛毯和几根长竿搭成一个临时帐蓬。
    We improvised a tent out of two blankets and some long poles.