  • 在裁军会谈中我们最不喜欢的是好战的军。
    The lasting we want it a trigger-happy general at the disarmament talks.
  • 我动气了, 但她一笑, 又我的气儿给消了.
    I felt angry, but her smile disarmed me.
  • 对于小公司来说,利率的增长会是灾难性的。
    The rise of interest rates will be disastrous as far as small firms are concerned.
  • 敌人如此深入,其困难是非常之大的,其后果不堪设想。
    In penetrating so deeply, he will encounter immense difficulties, with consequences disastrous beyond imagination.
  • 13.要了解你个性中的二元性,你具备“充分确信”的积极面,同时具备“完全不相信”的消极面,务必实践第一种个性,而第二种个性会自动消减。
    13. Be aware of the dual nature of your personality.You have a side with a great capacity for belief and a negative side with an equal capacity for disbelief.Exercise the first,and the second will wither away.
  • 第一阶段,拔出病人口腔后部的一颗牙齿,它挖刻成薄薄的圆盘。
    First, one of the patient's back teeth is extracted and carved into a thin disc.
  • 非常小的(3英寸)扁平海鱼,腹部下面有吸盘能自己固定于岩石上。
    very small (to 3 inches) flattened marine fish with a sucking disc on the abdomen for clinging to rocks etc..
  • 夏威夷研究人员实质上运用了与克隆多莉相同的方法,即:取了枚卵子,从中取出含有脱氧核酸(dna)遗传基因信息的细胞核并其丢弃。
    The Hawaii researchers use essentially the same recipe used to make Dolly: Take an egg. Scoop out the nucleus, which contains the DNA genetic information, and discard.
  • 公民的通信自由和通信秘密受法律保护,对于陷匿、毁弃和非法开拆他人信件的人,一经发现,要作出严肃处理,情节严重的受到法律制裁。
    freedom and privacy of correspondence are protected by law, and those who hide, discard, damage or illegally open other people's letters, once discovered, shall be seriously dealt with, and grave cases shall be prosecuted.
  • 胎便汇集于腹部小肠中的一种深绿色渣滓物,并在出生时或近出生之时排出
    A dark green fecal material that accumulates in the fetal intestines and is discharged at or near the time of birth.
  • 采取更坚决的行动来对付那些不断把浓烟放到空气里的工厂。
    Firmer action will be taken against factories discharging smoke into the air.
  • 该中心会是一所综合专业设计中心,旨在推动设计工作成为增值的活动;
    The centre will be a multi-disciplinary design centre which aims to promote design as a value-added activity;
  • 拒绝参加罢工的人员会受到工会纪律委员会的严厉处罚。
    The men who refused to go on strike will have to face the rough justice of the union's disciplinary committee.
  • 纪律法庭通常至多暂停5年。在这5年期间,被取消资格的初级律师必须真有其人,他的行为受到检查。
    The Disciplinary Tribunal suspend usually to a maximum of five years. The whole of that time the struck-off solicitor must be "Simon pure".
  • 有些工科毕业的学生,在《联合早报》任职,从事新闻传播的工作,如果有跨院系的中文选修课程,为南洋理工大学的学生提供更多的选择。
    There are engineering and science graduates among Lianhe Zaobao journalists. If there were to be Chinese Studies electives available, NTU students pursuing inter-disciplinary courses would enjoy the benefit of having more choices to choose from.
  • 有了这样的誓言,我毫不犹豫地承担领导伟大人民大军的任务,致力于对我们普遍问题的强攻。
    With this pledge taken, I assume unhesitatingly, the leadership of this great army of our people dedicated to a disciplined attack upon our common problems.
  • 我们开展多元文化活动,如由全世界青少年参加的音乐会、展览、艺术比赛和野营。
    We will stage multi-disciplined cultural programs, such as concerts, exhibitions, art competitions and camps which will involve young people from around the world.
  • 他拒绝把人家告诉他的事吐露出来,理由是那失信。
    He refused to disclose what had been told him, on the grounds that it would be a breach of confidence.
  • 4.如果披露有关秘密信息妨害法律的执行或违反公共利益,或损害特定的公有或私有企业的合法商业利益,则本条第1款至第3款均不要求成员披露该秘密信息。
    4. Nothing in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 shall require Members to disclose confidential information which would impede law enforcement or otherwise be contrary to the public interest or would prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of particular enterprises, public or private.
  • 他现在可以讥笑我们的窘迫,但不久他会转喜为忧的。
    He may laugh at our discomfiture now , but before long he will be laughing on the other side of his face.
  • 他曾想出了一个把病人从担架转到医院病床上的方法,不舒适度降到最低。
    He devised a way of moving a patient from a stretcher to a hospital bed with the minimum of discomfort.
  • 为残障学生提供较适宜的学习环境,从而提高其学习兴趣。
    By so doing, we hope to reduce the discomfort that these children bear due to their physical condition, and thus to improve their learning interest.
  • 我们不仅用汽车我们运送到想要去的地方,还要用它舒适地我们送到那里.
    Not only do we depend on our cars to get us where we want to go, we also depend on them to get us there without discomfort.
  • 将机车摘离列车
    disconnect a locomotive from a train
  • 控制内外网络之间访问的最安全方法是两者断开。
    The most secure method to control access between the internal and external network is to disconnect the two.
  • 来自我们主持研究计划的部门的支持会在三月31日后。
    the support from our sponsoring agency will discontinue after March 31.
  • 该报於六月底停止发行。
    Publication of the newspaper will discontinue at the end of June.
  • 这些货物减价出售。
    These goods will be sold at a discount.
  • 一再反覆这个经验,读时不必想当时有多少心得,你终发现,自己拥有一种力量,促使自己忘却沮丧挫败、战胜恐惧、克服拖延,并且自在地汲取和使用想像力。
    Repeat this experience from time to time, giving no concern as to how much or how little you learn at the time, and eventually you will find yourself in possession of a power that will enable you to throw off discouragement, master fear, overcome procrastination, and draw freely upon your imagination.
  • 谈话转移到另外一个话题上。
    He shifted the discourse and brought another subject on the carpet.
  • 经检验,我们发现你方货短缺20包,请立即短缺部分发来。
    Upon examination, we discover a short delivery of 20 bales.
  • 石油的发现会使这个国家富起来。
    The discovery of oil will enrich the nation.