  • 会长通知我说他们已经被协会除了。
    I am instructed by the chairman that they have been expelled from the society.
  • 这些程序提供了有一老师和多个学生参加的、实况的在线课程,或者作为一种自修课程,学生按自己的进度学习。
    These programs offer live, online classes with an instructor and other students or as independent study in which students work at their own pace.
  • 故事发生在弗吉尼亚州皮里营的"农场"--中情局的秘密培训基地。一年轻的情报受训生怀疑他的教练(和"农场"的其他人)是双重间谍。
    Set at the "secret"CIA training facility called the Farm at Camp Peary in Virginia,a young agent trainee suspects his instructor (and others at the Farm) of being a double agent.
  • 音乐事务处共开办了689个器乐训练班和兴趣班,学员有3635
    A total of 689 instrumental music training classes and interest classes have been conducted for 3 635 trainees.
  • 贝斯特,查尔斯·赫伯特1899-1978美裔加拿大生理学家,因其对胰岛素的发现与应用方面的工作而著
    American-born Canadian physiologist noted for his work on the discovery and application of insulin.
  • 中华人民共和国成立后,新疆地方政府发布行政命令,废除了带有侮辱性的称谓、地,如“迪化”改为“乌鲁木齐”,“镇西”改为“巴里坤”等。
    After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the local government of Xinjiang promulgated an administrative order to abolish appellations and names of places containing meanings insulting to ethnic minorities. For instance, the place name of “Dihua” was changed to “Urumqi,” and that of “Zhenxi” to “Barkol.”
  • 一个参加保险的人;一个字被写在保险单上的顾客。
    an insured person; the client in whose name an insurance policy is written.
  • 举个例子来说,假设我们有一个方法叫f(),它没有自变量,返回的是类型为int的一个值。
    For example, suppose you have a method f( ) that takes no arguments and returns a value of type int.
  • 那么,假设有一个为a的对象,可为其调用方法f(),则代码如下:intx=a.f();
    Then, if you have an object called a for which f( ) can be called, you can say this:int x = a.f();
  • 他经此丑闻誉很难不受损。
    He can scarcely survive this scandal with his reputation intact.
  • 研究人员对8729怀孕妇女的饮食进行了比较,以确定早产及初生婴儿体重过轻是否与孕期海洋食品的摄入量有关。
    To determine the relation between intake of seafood in pregnancy and risk of preterm delivery and low birth weight,the researchers compared the diet of 8729 pragnant women.
  • 在首年录取的3033全日制学员中,超过六成修毕全部十个单元,取得全科毕业证书。
    Of the 3033 full-time students from the first year intake, more than 60 per cent of them were awarded a full certificate after successfully completing all 10 modules in the programme.
  • 用枚举关键字(enum)定义的一种数据类型,为整数值的有序集合。这些整数值和说明中命的常数标识符相关联,虽然枚举变量是以整数的形式存储的,但它们可以在程序中使用,就象它们具有独特的数据类型一样。
    A type defined(with the enum keyword) to have an ordered set of integer values. The integer values are associated with constant identifiers named in the declaration. Although enum var iables are stored internally as integers they should be used in programs as if they had a distinct data type.
  • 它们还允许电子签和数据完整性检查。
    They also allow electronic signatures and data-integrity checks.
  • 明钥系统也允许电子签和数据完整性检查。
    Public-key systems also allow electronic signatures and data-integrity checks.
  • 我想当一正直的艺术家和演员;
    I want to be an artist and an actress with integrity;
  • 那个唯一可笑的错误使这个律师的誉扫地。
    That one silly error reflects upon his integrity as a solicitor.
  • 布鲁姆伯利英国伦敦中北部的居住区,因在20世纪初期与知识界的人物,包括弗吉尼西·沃尔夫、e。m。福斯特及约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯的关系而闻于世
    A residential district of north-central London, England, famous for its associations with members of the intelligentsia, including Virginia Woolf, E.M. Forster, and John Maynard Keynes, in the early20th century.
  • 《生死时速》使桑德拉一举成
    Speed launched her popularity intensely.
  • 推进跨行业、跨地区的资源重组和股份制改造,加强与国际著体育公司的合作与交流。
    Promote inter-industry and inter-regional reorganization of resources and the reorganization of sports enterprises into join stock companies, and strengthen the cooperation and exchange with famous international sports companies.
  • 律师希望能说通监狱长,请求他释放那囚犯。
    The lawyer is hoping to be able to intercede with the prison governor, asking that the prisoner should be set free.
  • 不要忘了,我们在第一次截听的电话中,两伊拉克人曾谈到有必要将一辆改装的车辆隐藏起来,以免被核查人员看到。
    Remember the first intercept in which two Iraqis talked about the need to hide a modified vehicle from the inspectors.
  • 该计划每日吸引约7700乘客在大榄转车。
    The scheme attracted around 7 700 passengers per day to interchange at Tai Lam.
  • 既然大部分美国人分不清语法成份,他们就把动词和词交互使用。
    Since most Americans can't name the parts of speech anyway, they use them interchangeably.
  • 吉迪恩他是各教派和国际社会的成员,以把圣经放在旅馆的房间里而闻
    A member of an interdenominational and international society known for placing Bibles in hotel rooms.
  • 有些最有趣的字来自美国印第安人的语言。
    Some of the most interesting names came from American Indian languages.
  • 这个字听起来很有趣。
    The name sounds interesting.
  • (3)同政府间国际组织的旗帜、徽记、称相同或者近似的;
    those identical with or similar to the flags, emblems or names, of international intergovernmental organizations;
  • 环境规划署-气象组织政府间气候变化问题小组是一个世界性网络由120多个国家的1000多科学家组成,负责评估对全球气候变化的了解情况--气候变化的原因、影响及减轻和适应气候变化的可选办法。
    The UNEP-WMO Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a worldwide network of more than 1,000 leading scientists from over 120 countries, assesses the state of knowledge on global climate change – its causes, impact and options for mitigating and adapting to it.
  •     (b)本条第(1)款(b)项的规定,仅适用于政府间国际组织经由国际局通知本联盟国家的徽章、旗帜、其他徽记、缩写和称。
    The provisions of paragraph (1)(b) of this Article shall apply only to such armorial bearings, flags, other emblems, abbreviations, and names, of international intergovernmental organizations as the latter have communicated to the countries of the Union through the intermediary of the International Bureau.
  •  (6)至于本联盟国家国旗以外的国家徽记、官方符号和检验印章,以及政府间国际组织的徽章、旗帜、其他微记、缩写和称,这些规定仅适用于接到上面第(3)款规定的通知超过两个月后所注册的商标。
    In the case of State emblems other than flags, and of official signs and hallmarks of the countries of the Union, and in the case of armorial bearings, flags, other emblems. abbreviations, and names, of international intergovernmental organizations, these provisions shall apply only to marks registered more than two months after receipt of the communication provided for in paragraph (3), above.
  •     (b)上述(a)项规定应同样适用于本联盟一个或一个以上国家参加的政府间国际组织的徽章、旗帜、其他徽记、缩写和称,但已成为现行国际协定规定予以保护的徽章、旗、其他徽记、缩写和称除外。
    The provisions of subparagraph (a), above, shall apply equally to armorial bearings, flags, other emblems, abbreviations, and names, of international intergovernmental organizations of which one or more countries of the Union are members, with the exception of armorial bearings, flags, other emblems, abbreviations, and names, that are already the subject of international agreements in force, intended to ensure their protection.