  • 他们在雪地上铲了一条路。
    They shoveled a path through the snow.
  • 把一个俘虏从奴役中解救
    Deliver a captive from slavery.
  • 正式从奴隶制度解放来的行为。
    the formal act of freeing from slavery.
  • 他们终于获得解救,从奴隶制里解放来。
    They were at last delivered from slavery.
  • 从奴隶制中解放来的人。
    a person who has been freed from slavery.
  • 我认不刻在柱子上的是什么。
    I can't decipher what is inscribed on the pillar.
  • 他的追随者们盲目地相信他提的新饮食方法。
    his followers slavishly believed in his new diet.
  • (希腊神话)宙斯和达那厄的儿子,在雅典娜和赫尔墨斯的帮助下,杀了美杜沙,从海怪处救安德罗米达。
    (Greek mythology) son of Zeus and Dana who slew the Gorgon Medusa (with the help of Athena and Hermes) and rescued Andromeda from a sea monster.
  • 这样造成的结果便是:对于用new创建的对象,只要我们愿意,它们就会一直保留下去。这个编程问题在c和c++里特别突
    It turns out that because objects created with new stay around for as long as you want them, a whole slew of C++ programming problems simply vanish in Java.
  • 汤姆·克鲁斯欣然接受在《木兰花》中演一个低俗的性指导者,《木兰花》是《一夜成名》的导演p.t.安德森执导的另一部电影。
    Tom Cruise jumped at[1] the chance to play a sleazy sex guru in Magnolia, the new ensemble[2] piece from Boogie Nights director P.T. Anderson.
  • 那姑娘拿一套精美的邮票。
    The girl came up with a set of exquisite stamps.
  • 英镑急速升值给口商造成困难.
    The pound's rapid appreciation is creating problems for exporters.
  • 之后,这个市镇变得充满生气。
    The town came to life after sunrise.
  • 吊桥放下时, 铁链发叮当声.
    The chains clanked as the drawbridge opened.
  • 我伸长脖子,看看我是否能瞥见一只可爱的小猫从摩托车光滑的合金边斗里探头来,或者,有没有可能从骑手黑色皮夹克的前胸里向外窥探。
    I crane my neck to see if I can catch a glimpse of some tiny little kitten poking its head up out of a sleek chrome side-car or maybe even peeking out from inside the front of a black leather jacket.
  • 他戴了一个亚麻色的小假发,式样别致,鬈曲光泽,紧紧扣在头上。据说是用头发做的,可看上去更像是甩真丝或玻璃丝纺来的。
    He wore an odd little sleek crisp flaxen wig, setting very close to his head: which wig, it is to be presumed, was made of hair, but which looked far more as though it were spun from filaments of silk or glass.
  • 你真走运, 不用席那死气沉沉的招待会.
    You can thank your lucky stars (that) you don't have to go to this dreary reception.
  • 鸟类学习飞翔是于本能。
    Birds learn to fly by instinct.
  • 她是一位杰的科学家--同时还是一位很有才华的画家呢。
    She was a distinguished scientist and a gifted painter into the bargain.
  • 请别声——我母亲睡觉睡不实。
    Please do not make any noise my mother 's a very light sleeper.
  • 那部电影爆冷门,成了今年的最佳影片。突然间,每一个人都不得不一睹为快
    That movie is the sleeper of the year: suddenly everyone has to see it.
  • 那部电影爆冷门,成了今年的最佳影片。突然间,每一个人都不得不一睹为快
    That movie is the sleeper of the year: suddenly everyone have to see it.
  • 伍迪·艾伦在他1973年拍摄的电影《沉睡者》中对类似假设的处理则要诙谐得多。在这部电影中,一个未来的独裁者被炸弹炸死,只留下一个鼻子。他的追随者希望用这个鼻子克隆一个新的领袖。
    Woody Allen dealt with a similar premise a lot more playfully in his 1973 film Sleeper, in which a futuristic tyrant is killed by a bomb blast, leaving nothing behind but his nose -- a nose that his followers hope to clone into a new leader.
  • 1998年,布鲁斯-威利斯演了斥巨资拍摄的《世界末日》(“armageddon”),这部电影取得了较高的票房收入,并使他作为动作明星的声望达到了巅峰。这以后,布鲁斯-威利斯选择了一部规模较小的影片,1999年他演了kurtvonnegut的筹划已久的《冠军的早餐》(“breakfastofchampions”)。
    In 1998, Willis' reputation as an action hero was reinforced with the big-budget, big-box office Armageddon, but following this success, Willis opted for a smaller project, this time in the form of the long-delayed production of Kurt Vonnegut's Breakfast of Champions (1999). Though Breakfast failed to live up to the expectations likely imposed by comparisons to Kurt Vonnegut's source material and remained largely unseen, it was Willis' next small project that would find him, as well as a relatively unknown child actor named Haley Joel Osment, in what would become a phenomenally successful sleeper-hit in box-office history.
  • 去走走以驱赶睡意。
    He went out to walk off his sleepiness.
  • 清澈的水中映蔚蓝的天空。
    The clear water mirrored the blue sky.
  • 从她的表情中我可以看他那些挖苦人的话已经触及她的痛处.
    I could see from her expression that his sarcastic comments had hit home.
  • 她冷嘲热讽把我噎得一句话都说不来.
    I felt completely squashed by her sarcastic comment.
  • 我完全于偶然遇见了她。
    I met her by sheer chance.
  • 他困得那副样子,连汽车朝那房子开去时发的声音都没能使他清醒。
    In his sleepy state, the sound of a car driving up to the house scarcely impinge on his consciousness.
  • 要人家差到,当天回来。真是荒唐。我得5点起床,弄得现在困极了。
    It's absurd to have to make a one- day trip to.... and back. I have to get up at five, and now I am so sleepy.
  • 要人家差到,当天回来。真是荒唐。我得5点起床,弄得现在困极了。
    It 's absurd to have to make a one - day trip to.... and back. I have to get up at five, and now I am so sleepy.