Chinese English Sentence:
  • 我反对一件西付两次款。
    I oppose paying twice for a item.
  • 在今西藏中部和部分别设立“乌思藏行都指挥使司”与“朵甘行都指挥使司”,隶属于陕西行都指挥使司,相当于行省级军区机构,兼理民政。
    In the central and eastern parts of present-day Tibet, the Dbus-Gtsang Itinerant High Commandery and the Mdo-khams Itinerant High Commandery were set up respectively. Equivalent to provincial-level military organs, they operated under the Shaanxi Itinerant High Commandery and, at the same time, handled civil administration.
  • 这婴儿太小了,不能自己吃西。
    The baby is too young to feed itself.
  • 把这件东西单独放。
    Put it by itself.
  • 通常由美国捕鲸人完成的,用鲸须、鲸牙和海象胡须等雕刻出来的西。
    an article carved or engraved from whalebone, whale ivory, walrus tusk, etc., usually by American whalers.
  • 他给杰克逊一些西。
    He gave Jackson something.
  • 印度尼西亚一城市;位于雅加达南爪哇岛的西部;因其气候成为旅游胜地。
    a city in Indonesia; located on western Java (southeast of Jakarta); a resort known for its climate.
  • 三宝垄印度尼西亚爪哇岛北部一城市,位于雅加达以的爪哇海岸。是主要港口和工业中心。人口1,026,671
    A city of northern Java, Indonesia, on the Java Sea east of Jakarta. It is a major port and industrial center. Population,1, 026, 671.
  • 万隆印度尼西亚一城市,位于雅加达南爪哇岛的西部。1810年为荷兰人建立,是一个工业和文化中心,并因其凉爽、益于健康的气候成为旅游胜地。人口1,462,637
    A city of Indonesia in western Java southeast of Jakarta. Founded by the Dutch in1810, it is an industrial and cultural center and a resort known for its cool, healthful climate. Population,1, 462, 637.
  • 把很多东西塞进衣箱
    to jam various things into a suitcase
  • 分布于美国南部至墨西哥北部和牙买加一带。
    southeastern United States to northern Mexico and Jamaica.
  • 有什麽西把锁卡住了.
    There's something jamming (up) the lock.
  • 日本在中国的东面。
    Japan lies to the east of China.
  • 桃叶珊瑚属产于亚的一种桃叶珊瑚属常绿灌木,尤指山茶,因其光滑坚韧的叶子可做装饰而被栽培
    Any of several eastern Asian evergreen shrubs of the genus Aucuba, especially A. japonica, grown as an ornamental chiefly for its glossy, leathery leaves.
  • 贾森新买的玩具火车是他得意的西。
    Jason's new toy train is his pride and joy.
  • 所有这些在java里都得到了简化,任何西都可看作对象。
    All this is simplified in Java.
  • 苏腊巴亚印度尼西亚爪哇岛北部城市,临爪哇海。该市是一个重要的海军基地。人口2,027,913
    A city of northeast Java, Indonesia, on the Java Sea. It is an important naval base. Population,2, 027, 913.
  • 爪哇咖啡(java)确实是很好的西,但却没有“那么”好!
    Java is good, but it’s not that good.
  • 北美洲部常见的松鸦;亮蓝色羽毛,胸部为灰色。
    common jay of eastern North America; bright blue with grey breast.
  • 不要如此忌妒你的朋友所拥有的西。
    Don't be so jealous about what your friends have.
  • 加拿大总理克瑞强在提前举行的国会大选中大获全胜。周二计票结果显示,各党在不同地区的得票率有明显区别,自由党掌有大部分的部得票率,而保守党则是西部。
    Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien has swept to victory in a federal election called ahead of time, but results still coming in on Tuesday showed a clean split between the Liberal east of the country and the conservative stronghold in the west.
  • 北美中部和部的一种普通的接骨木,结黑紫色的浆果;果实用来做果酒和果冻。
    common elder of central and eastern North America bearing purple-black berries; fruit used in wines and jellies.
  • 美国和日本联合研发战区导弹防御系统,并计划在亚地区部署这种系统,将使美日军事同盟的整体攻防水平提高到前所未有的程度,也远远超出了日本的防卫需要,这将引起地区军备竞赛,不利于亚太地区的安全与稳定。
    The joint research and development of the theater missile defense system by the United States and Japan with a view to deploying it in East Asia will enhance the overall offensive and defensive capability of the US-Japan military alliance to an unprecedented level, which will also far exceed the defensive needs of Japan. This will touch off a regional arms race and jeopardize security and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.
  • 美国和日本联合研发战区导弹防御系统,并计划在亚地区部署这种系统,将使美日军事同盟的整体攻防水平提高到前所未有的程度,也远远超出了日本的防卫需要,这将引起地区军备竞赛,不利于亚太地区的安全与稳定。
    The joint research and development of the theater missile defense (TMD) system by the United States and Japan with a view to deploying it in East Asia will enhance the overall offensive and defensive capability of the US-Japan military alliance to an unprecedented level, which will also far exceed the defensive needs of Japan. This will touch off a regional arms race and jeopardize security and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.
  • 麦迪逊美国新泽西州北部的一个自治村镇,位于莫里斯镇的南部。是主要的居民区。人口15,850
    A borough of northeast New Jersey southeast of Morristown. It is mainly residential. Population, 15,850.
  • 美国新泽西最大的城市;位于新泽西北部。
    the largest city in New Jersey; located in northeastern New Jersey.
  • 美国新泽西州北部城市,与曼哈顿相对。
    a city in northeastern New Jersey (opposite Manhattan).
  • 林登美国新泽西州北部一城市,是与伊丽莎白毗邻的一个工业中心。人口36,701
    A city of northeast New Jersey, an industrial center adjacent to Elizabeth. Population,36, 701.
  • 斯普林菲尔德美国新泽西州北部一个镇,纽华克市郊的主要住宅区。人口15,740
    A township of northeast New Jersey, a mainly residential suburb of Newark. Population,15, 740.
  • 美国新泽西州南部一城市,位于大西洋沿岸;著名的旅游及赌博中心。
    a city on the Atlantic shore in southeastern New Jersey; a resort and gambling center.
  • 就像一件穿旧了的、袖子上满是窟窿的套衫,那是熟悉的西,给人以慰藉。
    Like a wellworn jersey with holes in the sleeves, it's the comfort of the familiar.
  • 米德尔顿美国新泽西州部一社区,位于雷德班克西北。1665年有人在此定居。人口62,298
    A community of eastern New Jersey northwest of Red Bank. It was settled in1665. Population,62, 298.