| - 数学中的一种逻辑形式,其中变量被认为是在0和1之间的连续值。当逻辑规则把输入数据和判定与目标或子目标联系起来时,它可用于专家系统,但此时数据常常是用似然语言而不是用确定语言表示。
In mathematics, a form of logic in which the variable may assume a continuum of values between1 and0. It is used in expert systems when logical rules relate the input data and assertions to goals and subgoals but the data is often expressed in terms of likelihood rather than certainty. - 纤羽具有少量或没有羽支的发状羽毛,通常处于外侧羽毛之间
A hairlike feather having few or no barbs, usually located between contour feathers. - 近年来,中国和国际机构以及有关国家的政府和民间组织在生殖保舰青少年教育、紧急避孕、男性参与计划生育等方面进行了卓有成效的合作。
In recent years, China has worked in effective cooperation with the international institutions, and also governmental and non-governmental organizations of related countries in areas such as reproductive health, adolescents education, emergency contraception, male's participation in family planning and others. - 香港家庭计划指导会是政府补助机构,设有八间节育指导所、三间青少年保健中心及一部流动诊所车,提供有关性与生殖健康的服务,包括生育指导、避孕方法、男女绝育、妇科检查、婚前检查、怀孕前验身、激素补充治疗、更年期服务和青年辅导等服务。
The government-subvented Family Planning Association of Hong Kong runs eight birth control clinics, three youth health care centres and a mobile clinic. Sexual and reproductive health services in fertility regulation, contraception, male and female sterilisation, gynaecological check-up, pre-marital check-up, pre-pregnancy check-up, hormone replacement therapy, menopause service and youth counselling are offered. - 虹膜眼睛中一层带色素的,球形的可伸缩的薄膜,处于角膜和晶状体之间,为瞳孔所穿过。它调节进入眼球的光的数量
The pigmented, round, contractile membrane of the eye, suspended between the cornea and lens and perforated by the pupil. It regulates the amount of light entering the eye. - 美国国会通过的防止失业者受到损害或在他们受雇用期间感染疾病的法案。
a law passed by US Congress to prevent employees from being injured or contracting diseases in the course of their employment. - 心舒张后期发生在心室充盈和心房开始收缩之间的心脏舒张休息期
The last stage of diastole in the heart, occurring just before contraction and during which little additional blood enters the ventricle. - 痉挛一种由于紧张或寒冷而导致的肌肉突发性、无意识的、间歇性的紧缩,能导致剧烈的疼痛,通常发生在腿部或肩部
A sudden, involuntary, spasmodic muscular contraction causing severe pain, often occurring in the leg or shoulder as the result of strain or chill. - 防御装备承包商雷神系统公司,花费了1亿美元和14年的时间才研究出了把军事热成像技术用于民用汽车的方法。
Raytheon Systems, the defense contractor, has spent $100 million and 14 years figuring out how to adapt the military's thermal imaging technology to civilian autos. - 格:这种现象是否反映了一个潜在的、很难解决的矛盾,即市场经济和社会主义制度之间的矛盾?
Grunwald: Are these phenomena indicative of a latent contradiction that is hard to resolve -- a contradiction between a market economy and the socialist system? - 二律对立,二律矛盾矛盾或对立,尤指两种法律或规则之间的
Contradiction or opposition, especially between two laws or rules. - 邓:社会主义和市场经济之间不存在根本矛盾。
Deng: There is no fundamental contradiction between socialism and a market economy. - 二律背反看上去同样必要及合理的原理或结论之间的矛盾;充满矛盾的人或事
A contradiction between principles or conclusions that seem equally necessary and reasonable; a paradox. - 荷加斯,威廉1697-1764英国艺术家,他的讽刺画批评了当时社会上奢侈和贫穷之间的强烈反差
British artist whose satirical paintings attacked the contradiction of luxury and squalor in society. - 根本对立,相互矛盾的感情之间的平衡
A poise between disparate and contradictory emotions. - petri网中两个事件间的矛盾现象,指的是多个事件共享一个事前条件或共享一个事后条件。在此情况下这些事件中只有一个可能发生。
A contradictory phenomenon between two events in Petri net. It means that several events share a precondition or share a postcondition. In this situation, only one of these events mayoccur. - (二六)我们已把强弱、大孝进步退步、多助寡助几个敌我之间矛盾着的基本特点,作了比较研究,批驳了亡国论,答复了为什么不易妥协和为什么政治可能进步的问题。
26. In our comparative study of the enemy and ourselves with respect to the basic contradictory characteristics, such as relative strength, relative size, progress or reaction, and the relative extent of support, we have already refuted the theory of national subjugation, and we have explained why compromise is unlikely and why political progress is possible. - 女低音和女高音之间的女声声部。
the female singing voice between contralto and soprano. - 声音在女低音和女高音之间的女高音。
a soprano with a voice between soprano and contralto. - 次高音;女中音音域在高音与低音中间的嗓音
A voice having a range between soprano and contralto. - 他们之间多麽不相同!
What a contrast between them! - (摄影学)色调之间缺少对比度或者阴影。
(photography) lacking contrast or shading between tones. - (三)在全国人民代表大会闭会期间,对全国人民代表大会制定的法律进行部分补充和修改,但是不得同该法律的基本原则相抵触;
To enact,when the National People's Congress is not in session, partial supplements and amendments to statutes enacted by the National People's Congress provided that they do not contravene the basic principles of these statutes; - 不言而喻,本联盟国家在与本公约的规定不相抵触的范围内,保留有相互间分别签订关于保护工业产权的专门协定的权利。
It is understood that the countries of the Union reserve the right to make separately between themselves special agreements for the protection of industrial property, in so far as these agreements do not contravene the provisions of this Convention. - 我们党内还有一种人,他们把党和人民的关系颠倒过来,完全不是为人民服务,而是在人民中间滥用权力,做种种违法乱纪的坏事。
Yet another kind of people in our Party reverse the relations between the Party and the people. Instead of serving the people, they abuse their authority over the people and commit all manner of evil deeds in contravention of the law and rules of discipline. - 红墙黄瓦,画栋雕梁,金碧辉煌。殿宇楼台,高低错落,壮观雄伟。朝暾夕曛中,仿若人间仙境。
It is a magnificent sight, the buildings' glowing yellow roofs against vermilion walls, not to mention their painted ridges and carved beams, all contributing to the sumptuous effect. - 接着他们建起了这种圆形的装置,上面有两个眼孔。劳拉看了看,叫道:“像户间壁上的小洞儿。见不得人。”
Then they set up the round contrivance. It had two eye-holes in it, and as she looked at it Laura cried: "It's like things on piers. What the butler saw." - 在字里行间,你可以看出他牵强的解释。
If you read between the lines, you can detect his contrived explanation. - 机场附近受控制的空中交通空间
The controlled air traffic space near an airport. - 由于空中交通管制人员罢工,可能会出现长时间的延误。
Long holdup was expected as the air- traffic controller went on strike. - 而事实上,长时间的高负荷工作将会导致严重的工作差错,并对管制员的身体和精神造成伤害。
Requiring sustained high-perceived workload over long periods can result in errors and be harmful to both the controller's physical and mental health. - 在高度的时间压力下,管制员有可能只注意到那些迫在眉睫的冲突而忽视其他那些处于发展阶段中的问题。
Under high time pressure, the controller may be able to focus only on the immediate problem and simply "not see" problems developing elsewhere.