  • 瞧,他们正在听语录音呢!
    Look, they are listening to English tape now.
  • 瞧,他们正在听语录音呢!
    Look, they is listening to english tape now.
  • 制)品脱制容量或体积单位,用于液量或干量单位,等于0。568升
    A unit of volume or capacity in the British Imperial System, used in dry and liquid measure, equal to0.568 liter.
  • (诗歌中)为国家或战争的勇的马。
    (literary) spirited horse for state or war.
  • 为本地的华文程度把脉,有一个重要的背景必须考虑在内,那就是以往的华文使用者多不谙文,必须靠华文华语思考和沟通,普遍程度自然高。
    In assesing the standard of the Chinese language, one needs to take into account an important background factor. In the past, most people who used the Chinese language were not literate in English and relied on the former to think and communicate. Thus, the more widespread use of Chinese.
  • 我对国文学情有独钟。
    I particularly like English literature.
  • 你在专研国文学吗?
    Are you majoring in English literature?
  • 目前,西藏有包括西藏新华印刷厂在内的各类印刷厂25个,电子排版、平版胶电子分色、多色印刷等新技术逐步进入印刷企业。
    At present, the region has the Tibet Xinhua Printing House and another 24 printing houses, and new technologies have been gradually introduced to printing enterprises, such as electronic composition, offset lithography, electronic color separation and polychrome printing.
  • 他不懂[懂一点]英语。
    She knows little [a little] English
  • 棉花:涨落不定。在国利物浦市场上,棉花指数涨落不大。
    Cotton: irregular, the cotton index fluctuates narrowly on the Liverpool ( England ) market.
  • 东半球温暖地区陆栖的小型蜥蜴~agama和agamid中文定义相同。
    small terrestrial lizard of warm regions of the Old World.
  • 那时各个帝国主义国家的政府强迫人民为帝国主义的利益作战,违反人民的利益;在这种情形下,国路易乔治一类的政府就是需要的。
    The governments of the imperialist countries forced the people to fight for the interests of imperialism and thus went against the people's interests, these circumstances necessitating a type of government such as the Lloyd George government in Britain.
  • 那么,我们要你10镑,行吗?
    We'll picked you down for £lO, then, shall we?
  • 但我军向富田开进之际,被敌发觉,陈诚、罗卓两师赶至。
    But when our forces were advancing on Futien, we were detected by the enemy, who rushed the two divisions under Chen Cheng and Lo Cho-ying to the scene.
  • 伊希斯格兰中南部的泰晤士河上流,在牛津附近。该名称使用于该地和文学中
    The upper Thames River in south-central England in the vicinity of Oxford. The name is used locally and in literature.
  • 他每周支付膳宿费40镑.
    He pays 40 a week (for) board and lodging.
  • 他每周付10镑膳宿费。
    He paid £10 a week for board and lodging.
  • 每周工资12磅,并提供食宿。
    Wages twelve pounds a week , with board and lodging found.
  • 我看到自上次大修以来,你的这辆卡车已行驶一千里了。
    I see you've logged up a thousand miles on this truck since the last service.
  • 到目前为止,她已驾车穿越了37个州,行程11,000里,运输过洗衣皂、油脂、白糖、汽水和管道用品。
    So far she's logged 11,000 miles through 37 states, carrying laundry soap , grease, sugar, soda and plumbing supplies.
  • 众议院有两个法案将六百多万亩土地划为禁止伐木区。这或许足够拯救猫头鹰、钓鱼和旅游业。两上议案同时也设法缓和当地社区所受的经济损害。
    There are two bills in the House that would put more than six million acres off limits to logging. That's probably enough to save the owl, fishing and tourism. Both bills also seek to cushion the economic hardship in local communities.
  • 黎学智和他的“语词汇逻辑记忆法”
    Li Xuezhi and His Logical Memorial Method of English Words
  • 布尔,乔治1815-1864国数学家和逻辑学家,建立了一种符号逻辑的演算法
    British mathematician and logician who developed a calculus of symbolic logic.
  • 杰方兹,威廉·斯坦利1835-1882国经济学家和逻辑学家。他与人合作发展了边际效益理论(1886年发表),该理论解释了根据消费者主观估价所产生的商品及服务的价值
    British economist and logician who codeveloped the marginal utility theory(published1886), which explains the value of goods and services in terms of the subjective valuation of consumers.
  • 格兰,冰棒被称为冰棒棒糖。
    in England a popsicle is called an ice lolly.
  • 离伦敦有二十英里。
    It is 20 miles from London.
  • 里长;一小时之久
    A mile long; an hour long.
  • 那是我花10镑买的, 因为已经旧了我减价20%.
    It cost me 10 but I'll knock off 20% as it's no longer new.
  • 如今本乡住在东京西南约615里的九州岛鹿儿市的一座老人院里,这一地区素以居民的长寿而闻名。
    She lives in a nursing home in Kagoshima, a city about 615 miles southwest of Tokyo on the island of Kyushu, which has reputation for record-breaking longevity among its residents.
  • 国的驾驶员们抓住这个惊人的法律漏洞,只要空着罚款单上签名一栏不填,就可以逃避罪责了。
    An amazing loophole in the British law means motorists can escape conviction if they leave the space for their names blank.
  • 他们想要削弱同国的关系。
    They want to loosen their ties with Britain.
  • 不用担心它会导致重“华”轻“”。
    One need not worry that this lopsided approach may affect the teaching of English.