  • 首期工程是机场核心计划的其中一环,已在一九九七年年中大致完成,以期在东涌容纳二万名居民。
    Phase 1 was included in the Airport Core Programme and was substantially completed in mid-1997 to accommodate about 20000 residents at Tung Chung.
  • 但是,值得留意的是,单单在1998年的首9个月,股票市场也曾经显著下跌了大37%。
    yet, it is important to note that the stockmarket had also fallen substantially by about 37% in the first 9 months of 1998 alone.
  • 但是,值得留意的是,单单在1998年的首9个月,股票市场也曾经显著下跌了大37%。
    Yet, it is important to note that the stock market had also fallen substantially by about 37% in the first 9 months of 1998 alone.
  • 更新新契对旧契的替代
    Substitution of a new obligation for an old one.
  • 年底时,创新及科技基金连同已纳入其中的工业支援资助计划及服务业支援资助计划,已拨款10.99亿元资助248个由工业支援组织、工商协会、高等教育院校、专业团体及本地注册公司推行的项目。
    By the end of 1999, the fund, including the Industrial Support Fund and the Services Support Fund that had been subsumed under it, had provided financial support of some $1,099 million to 248 projects undertaken by industry-support bodies, trade and industry associations, higher-education institutions, professional bodies and locally incorporated companies.
  • 预计它在扣除债务服务费用之后每年将为纳税人净节20多万美元。
    The net savings to taxpayers after debt service is subtracted are projected to be more than $ 200,000 a year.
  • 厄普代克,翰·霍伊尔生于1932美国作家,尤以其悲喜夹杂的小说而闻名,这类小说包括兔子,快跑(1960年)和兔子在休息(1990年),它们讲述的是居住在郊区的美国中产阶级的苦恼和磨难
    American writer particularly known for his tragicomic novels, such as Rabbit, Run(1960) and Rabbit at Rest(1990), which concern the trials of middle-class American suburbanites.
  • 今年,我们会拨出16亿美元(相等於123.5亿港元)发展康复服务,当中接近60%会用於资助非政府机构,协助它们为残疾人士提供医疗、教育和福利服务。
    This year we will spend about US$1.6 billion (HK$12.35 billion) on rehabilitation. Nearly 60% of this is for subvention to NGOs for providing medical, education and welfare services to the disabled.
  • 他用了很久的时间在纽寻找非百老汇戏剧界作品中的各种角色。终于于1977年获得机遇。
    He spent much time in New York trying out for various productions, finally succeeding in 1977.
  • 翰把那个人当作傻瓜。
    John played the man for a sucker.
  • 尤其不能指望波斯湾国家援助经济一筹莫展的苏丹,或援助旦以及其他反对[反伊拉克]联盟的贫穷国家。
    No assistance from the gulf countries, moreover, can be expected for the Sudan, an economic basket case, or for Jordan and other poor countries that opposed the coalition.
  • 玛丽表演地最好,翰和休追随着她。
    Mary plays best, with John and Sue following.
  • 我想苏出来看电影的计划泡汤了。
    My idea of taking Sue out to the cinema is knocked on the head.
  • 这有着重要影响,因为在每年的收获季节,该糖厂每天加工4800吨甘蔗,生产500吨标准糖。
    This had a significant impact, considering that during the annual harvest season, the plant processes 4,800 tons of sugarcane and produces about 500 tons of standard sugar each day.
  • 《纽时报》说得不错,陈水扁铤而走险,确属自杀性行为。
    The New York Times was right when it said that Chen's gamble was in fact suicidal.
  • 中国军事立法在坚持符合本国国情、军情的同时,还注重与中国在国际军事领域已经加入的条、协定相衔接,使军事法的内容与国际法准则和惯例相一致。
    While adhering to the principle of suiting military legislation to its national and military conditions, China also lays stress on bringing it into line with the international military-related treaties and agreements that China has acceded to, so as to make China's military laws consistent in content with international legal norms and practices.
  • 关于贪污,不仅要束自己的手和仆役的手,毋使接纳贿赂,并当束有所请求的人们的手,毋使呈献贿赂。
    For corruption; do not only bind thine own hands, or thy servants' hands,from taking; but bind the hands of suitors also from offering.
  • 那楝房屋下陷十公分。
    The house has sunk about ten centimeters.
  • 在办理刑事案件中,人民法院、人民检察院和公安机关依法分工负责,互相配合,互相制,只能在职责分工范围内行使自己的职权,彼此不能互相代替。
    While dealing with criminal cases, the people's court, the people's procuratorate and the public security organ shall divide their work according to law, cooperate with and moderate one another. They should exercise their authority only within the scope of their own responsibilities and are not allowed to supersede one another.
  • 桥牌的一种变种,;现在已经被合桥牌取代。
    a variety of bridge in which tricks made in excess of the contract are scored toward game; now generally superseded by contract bridge.
  • 翰不喜欢工作时受人监督。
    John hates to work under supervision.
  • 约翰顺从而因循。
    John is obedient and supine.
  • 我想大约10分钟吧。
    About 10 minutes, I suppose.
  • 音乐会大什么时候开始?
    When in the concert supposed to start?
  • 让我们明天就签吧。
    Supposing we sign the contract tomorrow.
  • 现在再看美国方面的统计:截至1999年5月,全球上网人数已达1.71亿,1999年底的数字大为2亿人。
    Now, the statistics of the United States shows that the world's Net-surfers had totaled 171 million until May 1999, and 200 million by the end of 1999.
  • 最终,老翰变得愈加自私小气,脾气暴躁,而且即使当有不知情的新顾客误借了他的锤子,误坐了他的摇椅,或误折了他的连翘树枝,老翰看见他们受罚时,也不再觉得开心了。
    In time, Old John just became meaner and surlier and he wasn't even amused any more when some innocent new customer made the mistake of trying to borrow his hammer or sit in his rocking chair or break a branch from his forsythia bush.
  • 据估算,铁化合物占地壳重量的5%,但有人猜测,在地球的未知深处,如果探测得到,可能显示出更大的含铁比例。
    Iron, in combination, has been calculated to make up about five per cent by weight of the earth's crust; though some have surmised that the unknown depths, if we could explore them, would show a larger proportion of iron.
  • 这并不令人惊讶,大重复20多次的生产过程比烘焙比萨饼要严格得多。
    Not surprisingly, the process which is repeated perhaps 20 times is considerably more demanding than baking a pizza.
  • 丧失的东西,没收的物品因犯罪、犯法、犯错或违而丧失或被没收的物品
    Something surrendered or subject to surrender as punishment for a crime, an offense, an error, or a breach of contract.
  • 是的。中国人民保险公司目前在九十个国家和地区设有大三百个验货代理和理赔代理,在这些代理处之中有很多权在当地解决赔偿案件。
    The people's Insurance Company of China at present maintains about three hundred cargo surveying and claim settling agents in more than 90 countries and regions to conduct on-the-spot surveys.
  • 令测量用长度单位,等于0。01测链,7。92英寸或等于20。12厘米
    A unit of length used in surveying, equal to0.01 chain,7.92 inches, or about20.12 centimeters.