  • 甲状物与甲状腺或甲状软骨相联系的动脉、静脉、神经或其它部
    An artery, a vein, a nerve, or another part associated with the thyroid gland or thyroid cartilage.
  • 从心脏分支出的动脉
    An artery off the heart.
  • 由于动脉硬化或血拴等导致的冠状动脉的部阻塞或完全阻塞。
    occlusion of a coronary artery caused either by progressive atherosclerosis or by a blood clot.
  • 小动脉动脉的一个小的末端支,尤指连接毛细管的
    One of the small terminal branches of an artery, especially one that connects with a capillary.
  • 实际上,洛基闯宴是害死光明之神博尔德阴谋的一部
    In fact, Loki's intrusion was part of his artful scheme that caused Balder's death.
  • 黑玉色的头发,不知是天然的还是梳理成的,像波浪一样地鬈曲着,在额前梳成两大绺,一直拖到脑后,露出两个耳垂,耳垂上闪烁着两颗各值四五千法郎的钻石耳环。
    Her jet-black hair, naturally or artfully waved, was parted over her forehead in two thick coils which vanished behind her head, just exposing the lobes of her ears from which hung two diamonds each worth four or five thousand francs.
  • 医生要她每天数次用几钟时间弯曲和舒展手指,以尽量使发炎的关节保持柔软。
    The doctor told her to spend a few minutes crooking and uncrooking her fingers, several times a day, in order to keep the arthritic joints as supple as possible.
  • 她患关节炎十分痛苦.
    She was plagued with arthritis.
  • 青霉胺一种作为螯合剂用于治疗类风湿关节炎和铜中毒的青霉素的解产物,c5h11no2s
    A degradation product of penicillin, C5H11NO2S, that is used as a chelating agent and in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and copper poisoning.
  • 缓步类的支的节肢动物。
    an arthropod of the division Tardigrada.
  • 微小的节肢动物,经常滋生在花果和温室农作物的地下部
    minute arthropod often infesting the underground parts of truck-garden and greenhouse crops.
  • 一般对由多节相似的段组成瘦长身体的陆栖节肢动物的叫法;如蜈蚣或千足虫。
    general term for any terrestrial arthropod having an elongated body composed of many similar segments: e.g. centipedes and millipedes.
  • 口器昆虫或其它节肢动物的嘴的部,尤指适于某种特殊喂食方式的部或器官
    Any of the parts of the mouth of an insect or other arthropod, especially a part or an organ adapted to a specific way of feeding.
  • 节肢动物的二枝肢体;叉的河;叉的尾巴;叉状闪电;山葵在贫瘠的土壤里生长可以长出双叉的根。
    the biramous appendages of an arthropod; long branched hairs on its legson which pollen collects; a forked river; a forked tail; forked lightning; horseradish grown in poor soil may develop prongy roots.
  • 胸骨柄胸骨上部的宽大部,锁骨和前两根肋骨借其以活动
    The broad upper division of the sternum with which the clavicle and first two ribs articulate.
  • 用运舌法吹出用舌头阻住空气的流通从而开或发出(铜管乐器或簧乐器演奏的音阶)
    To separate or articulate(notes played on a brass or wind instrument) by shutting off the stream of air with the tongue.
  • 失语症,语言不能由受伤或疾病引起的大脑损伤而导致思想表达能力,口语及书面语理解能力的部或全部缺失
    Partial or total loss of the ability to articulate ideas or comprehend spoken or written language, resulting from damage to the brain caused by injury or disease.
  • 华文知识子与文化精英,必须能了解与欣赏中华文化精华,对它充满热爱与自豪,可是他绝不贬低或瞧不起其他文化。
    A Chinese cultural elite is someone who can appreciate and articulate the essences of Chinese culture with confidence and passion without putting down the values of other cultures.
  • 人造物品少于整体的一部
    something less than the whole of a human artifact.
  • 人造物品,是组成复合实体的个体;尤其是可以从系统离或附着于系统的一部
    an artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up; especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system.
  • 伊拉克的所在地是最早的古代文明之一,曾有过辉煌灿烂的历史,并拥有许多超过5000年的古文物,其中大部珍藏在国家博物馆里。
    Iraq has one of the most glorious ancient civilizations created by man, with extant artifacts dating back more than 5000 years, a substantial number of which were showcased at the National Museum.
  • 假牙安在上颚或下颚的人造的部牙齿或全部牙床
    A partial or complete set of artificial teeth for either the upper or lower jaw.
  • 因袭的过注意或拘泥于习俗以致有点做作的;拘泥于俗套的
    Devoted to or bound by conventions to the point of artificiality; ceremonious.
  • 通过酶的作用而人工的部消化。
    artificially partially digested as by enzymatic action.
  • 锘在锕类元素中的一种放射性超铀元素,人工微量制造,其最长寿命的同位素是锘255,其半衰期为三钟,原子序数102
    A radioactive transuranic element in the actinide series, artificially produced in trace amounts. Its longest-lived isotope is No255 with a half-life of3 minutes. Atomic number102.
  • 他有几艺术家的样子;他多少总算是位艺术家。
    He is somewhat of an artist.
  • 她有几艺术家的味道。
    She is something of an artist.
  • 我说松树的欣赏在艺术上是最有意义的,因为松树代表沉默、雄伟,和超尘脱俗,跟隐士的态度十相同。
    I say the enjoyment of pine trees is artistically most significant, because it represents silence and majesty and detachment from life which are so similar to the manner of the recluse.
  • 裁判可以给运动员加——男子最多可加到1,女子0.6——以鼓励创新、风险、艺术性(包括艺术才能、韵律与和谐)以及动作的流畅性等等。
    Judges may make award bonus points-up to 1.0 for men and 0.6 for women-for innovation, risk, virtuosity (artistry, rhythm, harmony), flowing execution and so on.
  • 表演艺术业部分
    Visual and Performing Arts
  • 细节绘画或其它艺术作品的一部;细节
    A section of a painting or other piece of artwork; a detail.
  • 本港的化学废物大多运往化学废物处理中心处置,但部固体化学废物(如石棉废料)则运往堆填区弃置。
    Most of Hong Kong's chemical waste is treated at the centre but some solid chemical waste, such as asbestos, is sent to landfills.