  • 在他离开之前,他把全家人都带去吃了一顿真正丰盛可口的饭菜。
    Before he left, he took all of his family out for a really slap-up meal.
  • 在我离开之前,我将把你们都带吃一顿真正的佳肴美餐。
    Before I leave, I'm going to take you all out for a really slap-up meal.
  • 教室里不断发声音,他气得将笔记本狠狠地扔在桌子上。
    The continual noise in the classroom provoked him into slapping his notebook down on the desk.
  • 评论家对这戏剧的批评确实有点粗暴。
    Critics really slapped the drama around.
  • 她打了他一个耳光并且赶他去。
    She slapped his face and showed him the door.
  • 小姑娘啪地一下把玩具扔下就哭着跑了去。
    The little girl slapped the toy down and ran out crying.
  • 托尼把帽子往头上一扣就跑门外。
    Tony slapped his hat on and ran out of the house.
  • 衣服的开叉服装中露不同颜色布料的开口或开口
    A slash or slit in a garment exposing material of a different color.
  • 只要消音起作用,就会在屏幕上现一个麦克风图标,有一条斜线贯穿该图标。
    Whenever the mute be active, an icon of a microphone with a slash through it will appear on the screen.
  • 只要消音起作用,就会在屏幕上现一个麦克风图标,有一条斜线贯穿该图标
    Whenever the mute is active, an icon of a microphone with a slash through it will appear on the screen
  • 中国同意降低关税和取消进口配额、取消口补贴,并对外开放服务业的竞争。
    It has agreed to slash tariffs and to eliminate import quotas, to dismantle export subsidies, and to open service industries to foreign competition.
  • (我们)在丛林中用长刀砍一条路
    Slashing our way through the jungle with long knives
  • 他挥刀从草丛中砍一条路来。
    He slashed his way through the bush.
  • 房间的后墙凭空放着两个怪异的裸体模特,可以看塑造他们的形体时的审慎的刀痕。
    behind the house lay two nude figures grotesquely bald, with deliberate knife-slashes marking their bodies.
  • 那动议经X先生提有Y夫人附议.
    The motion (ie for debate) was proposed by Mr X and seconded by Mrs Y.
  • 衬袖穿在另一袖子内作装饰用的袖子,做成向下延伸或通过开叉在外袖里露
    An ornamental sleeve worn under another sleeve, designed to extend below or show through slashes in the outer sleeve.
  • 向她索取的比帐单上显示的数额多4英镑.
    She was charged an excess of 4 over the amount stated on the bill.
  • 百分点等于一个百分点的单位,用来报或陈述利率或以毛利计算的股票
    A unit equal to one percent, used to quote or state interest rates or shares in gross profits.
  • 莉迪亚简单地陈述了马上要做的事,即为委员会选一个秘书和财务管理人。
    Lydia briefly stated the business in hand, namely to choose a secretary and treasurer for the committee.
  • 今早你准是脑子了问题。
    You must have a slate loose this morning.
  • 候选人名单某个政党提或认可的候选人名单;候选人名单
    A list of candidates proposed or endorsed by a political party; a slate.
  • 除非某个心怀不满的大亨加以反对并威胁要退,这样决定下来的名单就成了人名单。如果现反对或退的行为,那就称为“撕毁候选人名单”。
    The list so settled it now a slate, unless some discontented magnate objects and threatens to withdraw. To do so is called “breaking the slate”.
  • 对每一个狱的犯人,无论他过去犯了什么罪,都应既是往不咎,让他开始新的工作。
    Whatever his past crimes, every criminal who has come out of prison should be allowed to start a new job with a clean slate.
  • 主帆在风中吹动拍打,发雷鸣般的响声。
    The main sail is blown and slating with a noise like thunder.
  • 这些牛是挑来屠宰的。
    These oxen are marked out for slaughter.
  • 从屠宰场发的臭味让她感到恶心。
    The stink from the slaughter-house turned her up.
  • 如果机器故障,就把开关关掉。
    Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine.
  • “还有,在巴黎屠宰场搭起了高台,演攻克第埃普城堡③!”
    “And near the slaughter-house of Paris, that wooden erection representing the fortress of Dieppe.
  • 反对农会的土豪劣绅的家里,一群人涌进去,杀猪谷。
    People swarm into the houses of local tyrants and evil gentry who are against the peasant association, slaughter their pigs and consume their grain.
  • 他的含糊其词的答复促使我提又一个问题。
    His evasive reply prompted me to ask him another question.
  • 在空无一人的办公室里电话铃突然地发刺耳的尖叫声。
    Telephone shrilled unattended in deserted office.
  • 男孩子们突然迸发刺耳的兴奋的欢呼声。
    The boys broke into shrill, excited cheering.