  • 人们先恐后地去观看这出戏剧。
    People thronged to see the play.
  • 人们相前去观看那部新戏。
    People thronged to see the new play.
  • 他在战期间一直被囚禁著。
    He was held prisoner throughout the war.
  • 他们强把中立国推入战
    They thrust a neutral state into war.
  • 他们强把中立国推入战
    They thrust a neutral state into war.
  • 无如这一切,都被英法政府的帝国主义政策,纵容战、挑拨战、扩大战的政策所障碍,世界和平事业就遭受了最后的挫折,帝国主义的世界大战终于爆发了。
    But all these efforts were blocked by the imperialist policy of the British and French governments, a policy of conniving at, instigating and spreading war, so that eventually the cause of world peace was thwarted and the imperialist world war broke out.
  • 为了把西藏纳入英国的势力范围,1888年、1903年,英国侵略者发动了两次侵略中国西藏的战
    In order to bring Tibet into its sphere of influence, British aggressors invaded China's Tibet twice in 1888 and 1903.
  • 那一场战持续到1945年。
    The war lasted till 1945.
  • 人力是我国的主要财富,要跟得上市场的竞,我们有必要学习瑞士人的勤劳,不断改进,以高技能的人力去增加生产。
    We must be ready to learn and acquire the hard-working attitudes of the Swiss, especially their tireless efforts to seek improvement and their creative use of specialised skills.
  • 无论何时何地,坚持正确的原则,同一切不正确的思想和行为作不疲倦的斗,用以巩固党的集体生活,巩固党和群众的联系;
    always and everywhere he should adhere to correct principles and wage a tireless struggle against all incorrect ideas and actions, so as to consolidate the collective life of the Party and strengthen the ties between the Party and the masses;
  • 在世界反法西斯的伟大斗中,在亚非拉人民取民族独立和解放的神圣事业中,在推动建立公正合理的国际新秩序的不懈努力中,我们都始终站在正义一边,同各国人民和世界上一切进步力量一起团结奋斗。
    In the world's great struggle against Fascism, in the sacred cause of the Asian, African and Latin American people fighting for national independence and liberation, and in the tireless efforts to promote the establishment of a fair and rational new international order, we have always stood on the side of justice and worked in unity with the people of all countries and all the progressive forces in the world.
  • 答:我们的工作,是以不疲倦的努力,解释现在的形势,联合国民党及其他一切爱国党派,为扩大和巩固抗日民族统一战线,动员一切力量,取抗战胜利而斗
    Answer: We take it as our task tirelessly to explain the situation and to unite with the Kuomintang and all other patriotic parties and groups in the effort to expand and consolidate the Anti-Japanese National United Front, mobilize all forces and achieve victory in the War of Resistance.
  • 彼得正处于困难时期。总是找岔子与他哥哥吵。
    Peter's going through a tiresome stage. Always picking fights with his brother for no reason at all.
  • 他们俩为夺对公司的控制权打得不可开交。
    The two of them is locked in a titanic struggle for control of the company.
  • 两大玻璃制造商皮尔金顿公司和匹兹堡玻璃板公司已经推出了相互形成竞的"自动清洁"窗玻璃,玻璃表面有纳米大小的二氧化钛颗粒。
    Pilkington and PPG, two major glass manufacturers, have introduced competing “ self-cleaning” window glass products with a surface layer of nanoscale titanium dioxide particles.
  • 他们今晚夺世界冠军。
    They're fighting for the world title tonight.
  • 重量级冠军的两名夺者
    The two contenders for the heavyweight title
  • 我想,有四个方面的事情,四个方面的工作和斗,要伴随着我们整个社会主义现代化建设的进程走。
    I think the process of socialist modernization will be accompanied by toil and struggle in four areas.
  • 至于对人民群众,对人民的劳动和斗,对人民的军队,人民的政党,我们当然应该赞扬。
    As for the masses of the people, their toil and their struggle, their army and their Party, we should certainly praise them.
  • 只有克服了它,才使得本质很好而且作了长期英勇斗的红军第四方面军的广大的干部和党员,从张国焘的机会主义统制之下获得解放,转到中央的正确路线方面来。
    It was only with the overcoming of this brand of opportunism that large number of cadres and Party members in the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army, men of intrinsically fine quality and with a long record of heroic struggle, were able to free themselves from its toils and return to the correct line of the Central Committee.
  • 这次战夺去了许多人的生命.
    The war took a heavy toll of human life.
  • 许多真实的历史事件在托尔斯泰的小说《战与和平》中都有所描述。
    Real historical events figure in Tolstoy's novel War and Peace.
  • 我喜欢令人回味的小说,如托尔斯泰的《战与和平》。
    I like a novel with plenty of meat in it, for instance Tolstoy's War and Peace.
  • 委员会对那个问题已经讨论了两个小时,他们还是在激烈地论着。
    The committee have been in session on the problem for two hours, and they're still going at it hammer and tongs.
  • 在他们离婚前,我就知道离婚只不过时间的问题,因为他们老是吵不休。
    I knew it was only a matter of time before they got divorced because they were always arguing like hammer and tongs.
  • 希克逊先生和太太回到家里时,激烈地吵起来。他们的吵把邻居们全吵醒了。
    Mr and Mrs Hickson went at it hammer and tongs when they got home. They woke all their neighbours with their quarrelling.
  • 杰克逊先生和太太回到家里时,激动吵起来。他们的吵把邻居们全吵醒了。
    Mr and Mrs Jackson went at it hammer and tongs when they got home. They woke all their neithbours with their quarrelling.
  • 3.未经国会同意,各州不得徵收船舶吨位税,不得在和平时期保持军队和军舰,不得和另外一州或国缔结任何协定或契约,除非实际遭受入侵,或者遇到刻不容缓的危急情形时,不得从事战
    Clause 3:No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.
  • 我知道将来还会有不愉快的事情发生,我们还可能因某事而吵,但此时,午夜时分,能站在这儿,我就非常知足了。当时我们俩都很累,很难过,牙膏沾满了我的下巴颏。我用手紧紧地搂着--同时也就要放飞--正试着和我道别的女儿。
    I know it will be hard again. It's likely there will be a fight about something. But I am grateful to be standing in here at midnight, both of us tried and sad, toothpaste smeared on my chin, holding tight to -- while also letting go of -- my daughter who is trying to say good-bye.
  • 这种论使我们偏离正题。
    This argument leads us away from the topic.
  • (另一方面,纽约的妇女们则得了一种权利,如果她们愿意,就可穿裸胸衣乘地铁列车。)
    (On the other hand, women in New York City have won the right to ride the subway topless if they so choose.)
  • 虽然其他人已放弃取权利的斗,但彼得却始终不渝。
    Although the others gave up fighting for their rights, Peter continued to carry the torch.