  • 为了健康原因遵循定的疗生法。
    follow a regimen or a diet, as for health reasons.
  • 次要求严格的化疗疗程中,他陷入血中毒引起的休克。
    During a rigorous chemotherapy regimen, he went into shock with blood poisoning.
  • 除了用拳击袋及有名教练陪练外,她的训练方法还包括了重量训练。
    In addition to working with a trainer and punching bags, her regimen also includes weight training.
  • 拜神驱病法通常为种非科学的方法或疗法,其创始人宣称该法对治愈某特殊疾病具有唯的或独特的疗效
    A usually nonscientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease.
  • 韩国让运动员参加些最折磨人的运动训练,射箭运动员们面临的生活方式可能是最为严酷的。
    South Korea puts its athletes through some of the most grueling training in sports, and its archers may face the toughest regimen of all.
  • 氟利昂种用于些不可燃气体或液体烷属烃的商标,主要用于制冷、空气调节和推进剂
    A trademark used for a variety of nonflammable gaseous or liquid fluorinated hydrocarbons employed primarily as working fluids in refrigeration and air conditioning and as aerosol propellants.
  • 劳拉告诉记者们:“我直在锻炼身体。”她指的是每天长达3英里的骑车锻炼以及每周3次接受私人教练辅导的形体训练。
    " I've been working out," she said, referring to the daily three-mile treadmill regimen and thrice-weekly White House visits by a personal trainer that are responsible for her newly slimmeddown silhouette.
  • 种含氯的碳氟化合物,以前用作制冷剂和喷雾剂罐的推进物。
    a fluorocarbon with chlorine; formerly used as a refrigerant and as a propellant in aerosol cans.
  • 梅斯催泪毒气和化学梅斯催泪毒气交替使用的商标,种使进攻者暂时丧失战斗力的烟雾剂
    An alternate trademark used for Chemical Mace, an aerosol used to immobilize an attacker temporarily.
  • 俄国彼得世的经济改革
    economic reform under Peter Ⅰ regime in Russia (1697~1725)
  • 这些委员会将成为个未来政权的核心。
    These council will form the nucleus of a future regime.
  • 那个政权直是受到若干垄断资本家的支持而维持着的。
    The regime has been propped up by several monopoly capitalists.
  • 由类似社会制度或理想联系在起的国家集团
    Group of countries link together by have similar regime or ideal
  • 摩丝种用于梳理和设计发型的乳胶
    An aerosol foam used to control and style the hair.
  • 政府决意坚守个符合最高国际标准的知识产权制度。
    The Government is committed to upholding a world-class intellectual property rights regime.
  • 航空兵师般下辖2个至3个航空兵团和驻地场站,航空兵团是基本战术单位。
    An aviation division generally has under its command two to three aviation regiments and related stations. The aviation regiment is the basic tactical unit.
  • 我们派遣了个团去执行特殊任务。
    We detached a regiment.
  • 该团由支铜管乐队引导。
    A brass band led the regiment.
  • 委派他赴一新团任职.
    He was gazetted to a new regiment.
  • 这位军官今天上午派遣了个团的兵力。
    The officer detached a regiment this morning.
  • 正好在飞机起飞之前,我自己也往那个著名的邮袋里投了封寄给我在伦敦的妻子的信,信平安到达。
    I myself put one letter in that famous bag just before the aeroplane went up, and that letter, which was addressed to my wife in London, reached her safely.
  • 个团的制服和勋章。
    the uniform and insignia of a regiment.
  • 团的步兵正走下山丘
    A regiment of foot are descending the hill.
  • 在敌军猛攻下,这个团有半人阵亡了
    Half the regiment fell before the enemy onslaught.
  • 7月中旬的天,我从夏日炎炎的北京飞抵樟宜机场,来到心仪已久的岛国,开始了新加坡之旅。
    One hot day in mid-July, the aeroplane from Beijing having touched down at Changi Airport, I started my tour of Singapore, a land I had longed to visit.
  • 我们团暂属于第师。
    Our regiment is attached to the first division.
  • 到胡副团长处去趟。
    Report to Assistant Regimental Commander Hu.
  • 这次试验尽管规模小,却给了格雷厄姆·怀特以英格兰第位携带袋邮件飞越乡村的飞行员的荣誉。
    This experiment, although small, gave Graham White the honour of being the first airman in English to carry a bag of mail across country in an aeroplane.
  • 我从未看见过简小姐,但她走下飞机时我眼就认出了她,因为我曾见过她许多照片。
    I had never seen Miss Jane, but when she got off the aeroplane I knew her at sight because I had seen a lot of her pictures.
  • 这个战士奉命到团部去趟。
    The soldier was ordered to report at the regimental headquarters.
  • 这是个早期的例证,说明飞机不仅能在好天气里飞行,还能在狂风中顺利飞行。
    This was an early demonstration that an aeroplane was more than a fine-weather machine, and that it could fight its way successfully through violent winds.
  • 个骑马的人带着团长的命令蹄声嗒嗒地飞驰而来。
    A rider came pounding up with an order from the regimental commander.