  • ?国研究运动的人士说,就散步减肥而言,每天作一次长距离步行给你带来的好处远远超过每隔几小时逛一次商场--即便短距离步行累计的时间相同。
    When it comes to walking off those millennial excesses, a lengthy hike once a day will do you far more good than nipping down to the shops every couple of hours---even if the short walks add up to the same amount of time, say exercise researchers in Britain.
  • 一度被西方媒体誉为“民主先生”的李登辉,虽然让台湾社会享有更大的言论自由,但在国民党内却没有推动相应的民主改革,而是利用这个列宁式政党固有的精体制搞一言堂,以他个人的意志为全党的意志。
    Lee Teng-hui, once lauded by the West as Mr Democracy, failed to carry out a democratic reform within KMT despite his success in bringing greater freedom to Taiwanese society.Taking advantage of the Leninist structure of KMT, Lee Teng-hui ruled by his own will alone, putting himself above the whole party.
  • 一度被西方媒体誉为“民主先生”的李登辉,虽然让台湾社会享有更大的言论自由,但在国民党内却没有推动相应的民主改革,而是利用这个列宁式政党固有的精体制搞一言堂,以他个人的意志为全党的意志。
    Lee Teng-hui, once lauded by the West as Mr Democracy, failed to carry out a democratic reform within KMT despite his success in bringing greater freedom to Taiwanese society. Taking advantage of the Leninist structure of KMT, Lee Teng-hui ruled by his own will alone, putting himself above the whole party.
  • 1个月前,我借给你两磅50便士。
    I lent you that £ 2 . 5 0 a month ago.
  • 尾巴是雪豹最明显的特征,也是它在崎岖山地行走时,维持身体平衡的有利武器,雪豹的尾巴上覆盖着厚厚的毛发,尾长约31-39尺,有时几乎与其身长持平。
    The tail is the snow leopard's most distinctive feature -- and most useful for maintaining balance. It is thickly furred and, at 31-39 inches, sometimes as long as the leopard's body.
  • 相对于不到300镑的价格来讲,这也很值哦。
    Good value for less than £300.
  • 三名私人侦精装备着最先进的高科技武器、性能精良的车辆、武功绝技和眼花缭乱的伪装,在海、陆、空施展她们的盖世本领,追寻一名被劫持的计算机专家,确保其绝密的语音识别软件免落凶犯之手。
    A trio of elite1 private investigators armed with the latest high tech tools,high performance vehicles,martial arts techniques and a vast array of disguises unleash their state of the art skills on land,sea and air to track down a kidnapped computer ace and keep his top secret voice identification software out of lethal hands.
  • 你什么时候参加(国普通教育文凭的)高级考试?
    When are you taking A level/your A levels?
  • 国作家;查尔斯·道奇森是牛津大学的数学指导教师因他以刘易斯·凯偌为笔名写的儿童故事而被世人纪念。
    English author; Charles Dodgson was an Oxford don of mathematics who is remembered for the children's stories he wrote under the pen name Lewis Carroll (1832-1898).
  • 国曾打算与利比亚断绝外交关系。
    Britain was about to break off diplomatic relations with Libya.
  • 现在,我谨邀请安子介副主席、霍东副主席、姜恩柱社长、马毓真特派员、刘镇武司令员、特区政府各位同事,以及在场的各位嘉宾共同举杯:为祖国的强大兴盛,为香港的繁荣稳定,为各位朋友的身心健康,乾杯!
    Now, may I invite Vice-Chairman Ann Tze-kai, Vice-Chairman Fok Ying-tung, Mr Jiang Enzhu, Director of the Hong Kong Branch of the Xinhua News Agency, Mr Ma Yuzhen, Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the HKSAR, Lieutenant Liu Zhenwu, Commander of the PLA Garrison in Hong Kong, the colleagues of the HKSAR Government and our guests here to join me in a toast to the well-being of our motherland, the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and the excellent health of our guests here.
  • 速度为每小时到里(级)的大风,并且有降水、打雷、闪电的现象。
    a violent weather condition with winds 64-72 knots (11 on the Beaufort scale) and precipitation and thunder and lightening.
  • 那轻便的自行车使我很容易地骑了30里。
    The lighter bicycle got me over 30 miles easily.
  • 《格雷弗游记》中历历普城中6寸高的居民。
    a 6-inch tall inhabitant of Lilliput in Swift's Gulliver's Travels.
  • 对于不接近群众,喜欢出风头,自逞雄,“因党而骄”等现象,必须在支部中不断地进行教育,不断地进行批评斗争。
    As for those Party members who avoid contact with the masses, try to seek the limelight and outshine others, or are arrogant because of being Party members, Party branches should constantly educate and criticize them.
  • 他的语辞汇极有限。
    His English vocabulary is limited.
  • 规定的最高时速为40里.
    The speed limit is 40 miles per hour.
  • 这条路的车速限制是每小时70里.
    The speed limit on this road is 70 mph.
  • 杆一种长度量单位,等于5。50码或16。5尺(5。03米);一杆
    A linear measure equal to5.50 yards or16.5 feet(5.03 meters); a rod.
  • 印字宽度的单位,以一寸直线距离上能安置的字符数计。
    A unit of type width based on the number of times a character can be set in one linear inch.
  • 国长度单位合(待查表)尺。
    (British) a linear measure of 16.5 feet.
  • 厄尔国长度单位,等于45寸(114厘米)
    An English linear measure equal to45 inches(114 centimeters).
  • 测量水深的单位等于尺。
    a linear unit of measurement (equal to 6 feet) for water depth.
  • 一种打字机字型尺寸,每寸为12个字
    A size of type on a typewriter, equal to12 characters per linear inch.
  • 俄里俄国的直线距离测量,大约等于一里的三分之二
    A Russian measure of linear distance equivalent to about two thirds of a mile.
  • 在跑道上等候起飞的喷气航班能够以每小时1,200里的速度飞行。
    The jet liner waiting for the take- off on the run- way can fly at a speed of 1,200 miles perhour.
  • 北京主要道路、车站、旅游景点及重点文化场所的导向标识要有中文对照,一些特殊地段和场馆要实现多语种对照标识。
    Major roads, stations and stops, tourist sites and key cultural sites in Beijing shall have bilingual directional signs in both Chinese and English, and multi-lingual signs shall be available in certain special premises and stadiums.
  • 语专家国语言的研究专家
    A specialist in English linguistics.
  • 董事长披露说一年来公司损失了25万镑,但他强调说他决不考虑破产清偿。
    The chairman revealed that the company had made a loss over the year o f a quarter of a million pounds but emphasized that by no manner of means was he considering voluntary liquidation.
  • 收听国广播公司国际新闻节目
    Listening in to the BBC World Service
  • 他通过听录音的办法来学语。
    He learns English by listening to tape recordings.
  • 他通过听无线电学语。
    He learns English by listening to the radio.