  • 香港一所大学的副校长过去曾经公开批评,特区政府不够像港英政府时代,抱着“教养别人的孩子”的心态而吝于拨款,缺乏眼光。
    As noted earlier by the deputy vice-chancellor of a Hong Kong university, the SAR government should not grudge allotting funds for education as did the former Hong Kong-British authorities, who were reluctant to spend resources on "the upbringing of other people's children".
  • 把路上的耽搁算进去, 你要用半小时才到车站.
    It will take you half an hour to get to the station, allowing for traffic delays.
  • 这些事实只有一种解释.
    The facts allow of only one explanation.
  • 考虑到路上可遇到的交通耽搁,到他们的办公大楼大约要花费两小时。
    It takes about two hours to get to their office building, allowing for possible traffic delays.
  • 我不容许这种行为。
    I cannot allow such conduct.
  • 我们不允许这种行为。
    We cannot allow such conduct.
  • 我们应考虑到可出现意想不到的困难。
    We should allow for unexpected difficulty.
  • 我还是不能答应你。
    I still can't allow it.
  • 抱歉,我不能答应。
    Sorry, I can't allow that.
  • 霭理期(havelock ellis)和范德未特(van der velde)说,讲到丈夫和妻子在他们私人的卧室里的恋爱艺术,什么可以做,什么不可以做,或什么是风雅的,什么是粗鄙的,是不以条规去限定的:这种话是很明智的。
    Havelock Ellis and Van der Velde are wise when they say that what is allowable and what is not allowable, or what is good and what is bad taste in the art of love between husband and wife in the intimacy of their bedroom, is not something that can be prescribed by rules.
  • 使人出入某地的地方。
    something that allows entry or exit.
  • 这便使我们够充分利用html的巨大威力。
    This allows you full use of HTML;
  • 一个使空气流通的通道。
    a hole that allows the passage of air.
  • 我们的收入只购买最起码的生活必需品。
    Our income allows only the necessaries of life.
  • 反映出轿车后面的景象的窗口。
    allows vision out of the back of the car.
  • 一个使液体或细粒状物体出入的口。
    an opening that allows the passage of liquids or grain.
  • 它可以让用户不费力气就接到因特网和网络资源上。
    It allows users to effortlessly connect to Internet and network resources.
  • 人们够出入于一座建筑的地方。
    a doorway that allows entrance to or exit from a building.
  • 一种让水从船的甲板上往外流水的装置。
    allows water on the deck of a vessel to flow overboard.
  • 导体是够使电子迅速通过的一种物质。
    A conductor is a substance which allows electrons to flow along quickly.
  • 延展性使金属或合金被拉成丝。
    Ductility allows a metal or alloy to be drawn into a wire.
  • 空手不能诱鹰来。
    Empty hands no hawk allure.
  • 很快收得到利润的承诺吸引了心存侥幸的投资者
    Promises of quick profits allure the unwary investor.
  • 社会具有巨大的影响力,像最老于世故的人才可想到的甜言蜜语一样乱人情怀。
    There are large forces which allure with all the soulfulness of expression possible in the most cultured human.
  • 我见过有些女人的照片。她们使自己的身体呈流线型,看上去如此迷人,明摆着是唬人的。这层魔障一旦被打破,她们一走起来,就看出她们也不过是些寻常女子。
    I had seen photographs of women that streamlined their shapes and made them look so alluring that you knew it was all a trick, that once the spell was broken, and they moved, you would see that they were just ordinary women.
  • 弄清那个暗示吗?;在演讲中我们弄清了他的理论。
    did you catch that allusion?; We caught something of his theory in the lecture; don't catch your meaning; did you get it? She didn't get the joke.
  • 除外,在此不不提的是作者的用典之妙,诗中每个典故和背景实在巧合,例如“甘旨”指甜的美味这里是一个人父母的细致关怀的、“脍炙、羊枣”指兽的烤肉和羊枣这里是对父母尽孝的、“膏火资”(膏火文学指用来照明的动物的脂肪但是在清代指发给贫穷学生的补助,资只是指钱),都是一些和孝道有关的典故,正和大儿子的行动,一致无异。
    Apart from this, one could not fail to mention the poet's brilliant use of allusions. (%s)Every allusion fits the purpose and circumstance like a glove. For example "gan zhi" meaning "sweet delicacies", is now a personification of filial care of one's parents. Another allusion "kuai zhi, yang zao" meaning "shredded roast meat and sheep dates", is a personification of delicacies and reverence for one's parents. Another colorful and interesting expression is gao huo zi (the term gao huo literally meaning " animal fat for lighting" but means a stipend for poor students during the Qing dynasty and zi just means "money"). These allusions pertain to the virtue of filial piety and aptly describe the behavior his elder son.
  • 另外还有一处,写得实在可爱有趣,作者曰:“煮字可疗饥”,这一句本来是“煮字不疗饥”语出黄庚的诗,但作者却把这“不疗饥”改作“可疗饥”,这当然只有书迷才体会的吧,幽默极了。
    There is another lovely and interesting quality in the poem. The poet says, "Words, like food when cooked can satiate our hunger state."The origin of this allusion is "Words (when cooked) cannot satiate our hunger ".(first used in huanggeng's poem) By just a twist, father transforms the word "cannot" into the word "can". Only someone who is steeped in literary learning can perform a trick like this, and with a touch of humor.
  • 大熔化锅有时可会产生一些奇怪的混合餐馆,如古巴—越南、墨西哥—意大利、或者匈牙利—波多黎各餐馆。’
    The great melting pot occasion-ally produces some odd restaurant bedfellows, such as Cuban-Vietnamese, Mex-Italian, or Hungarian-Puerto Rican.
  • 为了构思累积金钱的执行计划,够结成联盟愈好,运用随后章节会述及的“智囊团”原则。
    Ally yourself with a group of as many people as you may need for the creation, and carrying out of your plan, or plans for the accumulation of money-making use of the "Master Mind" principle described in a later chapter.
  • 如此便与世界人类,保持和平相处,相信你在校和外人相处惯了,必懂得此理,我颇放心得下。
    In this way, mankind can then peacefully co-exist. I believe that you are accustomed to a multi-ethnic environment in your alma mater. I therefore feel much at ease.
  • 据说上帝是万能的。
    It is said that God is almighty.