Chinese English Sentence:
  • 另一经济学流派的观点有必要予考虑。
    There is another school of economist whose view needs to be taken into consideration.
  • 另一经济学流派的观点有必要予考虑。
    There is another school of economist whose view need to is take into consideration.
  • 这家银行的经济学家弗雷德-胡说,举办2008年奥运会将中国带来长期的永久性利益。
    "Hosting the 2008 Olympic Games would bring long-term permanent benefits to China," Goldman Sachs economist Fred Hu said.
  • 发展经济, 保障供给
    developing economy and ensuring supplies
  • 当父母突然间听到她出生以来第一次喊他们时,他们一阵狂喜,了阿金很多很多钱。
    When they suddenly heard their daughter call them for the first time since she was born, they were in such an ecstasy that they gave Ah Kin a large sum of money.
  • 她马上打电话肯尼.“他欣喜若狂,”贝蒂安妮回忆道,“他说‘就是它了,我们可以沉冤得雪了’。”
    She Immediately called Kenny."He was ecstatic," recalls Betty Anne. "He said, 'That's it , we're out of here.'"
  • 他们把要塞放弃了敌人。
    They yield ed the fortress to the enemy.
  • 杰克把自行车卖埃德加时,另送了两个轮胎。
    Jack threw in a couple of tires when he sold Edgar his bicycle.
  • 枕头套镶上花边。
    She edged the pillowcase with lace.
  • 然而,随着巴黎地面涨潮般的上升,那十一级把主教堂增高到如此巍峨的阶台一级接一级地被吞没了,尽管如此,时间还了这座教堂的,也许远比取自它的要多得多,因为时间在主教堂的正面涂上了一层多少世纪风化所形成的深暗颜色,把那些古老纪念物经历的悠悠岁月变成了其光彩照人的年华。
    but,while thus causing the eleven steps which added to the majestic height of the edifice, to be devoured, one by one, by the rising tide of the pavements of Paris,--time has bestowed upon the church perhaps more than it has taken away, for it is time which has spread over the facade that sombre hue of the centuries which makes the old age of monuments the period of their beauty.
  • 为拯救母亲的生命,爱迪生迅速找到一个帮助医生立刻母亲动手术的方法。
    To saw his, mothers life Edison quickly put on his thinking cap, and found a way to help the doctor operate on his mother at once.
  • 我们只好把咒骂语删掉。
    We had to edit out the expletives.
  • 一种应用程序它提供用户写、编辑、设置格式和送去打印的工具。
    an application that provides the user with tools needed to write and edit and format text and to send it to a printer.
  • 我把我的小说寄一家杂志编辑了。
    I submitted my story to a magazine editor.
  • 编辑这本小说配了非常精美的插图。
    The editor illustrated this novel with excellent pictures.
  • 给我接编辑部好吗?
    May I have the editorial board?
  • 我把这个想法寄了《鹰眼》编辑部决定在1月6日星期日版上采用它,刊登在第二页上,还附有两张照片:一张是我正从我们的后阳台上眺望密西西比河,另一张是我正在服药。
    I sent the story to the Hawk?Eye, and the editors decided to use it in the Sunday, January 6, edition. The story was carried on page 2, along with a picture of me looking out from our back porch and another of me taking my pills.
  • 由谁来教育文艺工作者,他们以营养呢?
    And who is to educate and nourish our writers and artists?
  • 如果党员不遵守党员所应尽的义务,党的组织必须迅速地予批评和教育。
    When a Party member fails to fulfil his duties, the Party organization should promptly criticize and educate him.
  • 现在,人们普遍认为没有一所大学能够在毕业时候教学生所有的知识。
    Now, it is generally accepted that no college or university can educate its students by the time they graduation.
  • 指导教师在学术或个人问题上学生提供建议的教育者
    An educator who advises students in academic and personal matters.
  • 我打电话爱德华,他妈告诉我他刚出门。
    When I telephoned, his mother told me that Edward had just gone out.
  • 有时声音减弱,行动变成慢动作,你一种奇异的感觉,感受一个身处惊恐之中的士兵的经历。
    Occasionally the sound fades out[7] and the action shifts into slow motion, giving you the eerie sense of sharing the experience of a soldier in shock.
  • 他的一言一行都是想别人造成一种印象.
    Everything he says and does iscalculated for effect.
  • 你允诺我最大的努力。
    I promise you my best effort.
  • 从冰箱面拿一个蛋我。
    Hand me an egg outen the refrigerator.
  • 赛马迷他们看好的选手加油。我的朋友们怂恿我开得再快点
    The racing fans egged their favorites on. My friends just egged me to drive faster.
  • 超我之心心理学上用来判断某人行为和思想的道德标准的超我部分,之后将判断结果传送自我进行考虑
    The part of the superego in psychoanalysis that judges the ethical nature of one's actions and thoughts and then transmits such determinations to the ego for consideration.
  • “他只是需要人们他信心。”“得了,别人爱管就管吧。我是不会为他那点丧失自我充当打气筒的。”
    "He just needs to be given confidence in himself." "Well, somebody else can try. I don't see myself in the role of wet nurse to his deprived little ego."
  • 这个学说将使最冷酷的自私自利成为一种法则,它对我们所要求的就是,即使眼看着一个人在挨饿,也应该不闻不问,因为假使了他饮食,三十年后也许另有一个人要因此处于饥饿状态。
    It would elevate the most heartless egotism to the position of a law; it requires us to close our hearts against the starving man, because if we hand him food and drink, another might starve in his place in thirty years' time.
  • 看来你是想写八页的长篇大论来弥补迟了四个月才我回信的过失,嗯?
    So you though you'd make up for the four-month delay in answering my letter by writing an eight-page"book" eh?
  • 他漫不经心地说,“这些钱不是我的,父亲看出我担心,他当我不在的时候缺钱用,为了让我放心,就把他钱包里的钱都倒在桌子上我看。来吧,父亲。”
    "Eh," he said, negligently. "this money is not mine. I was expressing to my father my fears that he had wanted many things in my absence, and to convince me he emptied his purse on the table.