  • 由纽时报记者收集的这些最后遗言让人们以一种看不见的形式再次去感受这场灾难:北楼最上面的19层和南楼最上面的33层遭受的损失最为惨重,在死亡的2823人中,至少有1946人,或者说69%的人是在这些楼层。
    Collected by reporters for The New York Times, these last words give human form to an all but invisible strand of this catastrophe: the advancing destruction across the top 19 floors of the north tower and the top 33 of the south, was most severe. Of the 2,823 believed dead in the attack, at least 1,946, or 69 percent, were killed on those upper floors.
  • 美苏限制战略核武器条
    Strategic Arms Limition Treaties
  • 斯特劳斯的儿子翰·斯特劳斯在维也纳成了“华尔兹之王”。
    Strauss' son Johann Strauss, established himself as the waltz king in Vienna.
  • 1849年父亲逝世,小翰接管了他的乐队。
    When the father died in 1849, the younger Strauss took over his orchestra.
  • 翰·施特劳斯的作品里,可以发现同样的情形,只不过笑声多一点,泪水少一点。
    In Johann Strauss it's similar,only with more of a smile,fewer tears.
  • 翰遗弃家庭后,再也没有人反对小翰实现他的理想。
    When Johann Senior deserted his family, the younger Strauss no longer had any opposition to his dreams.
  • 翰和小翰·施特劳斯,父子二人世称“圆舞曲之王”。他们在19世纪统治着维也纳的交际舞生活,就如同哈布斯堡王室统治着奥匈帝国一样。
    STRAUSS. JOHANN SR. and.JOHANN JR. the Waltz Kings. Father and son ruled the social dance life of Vienna in the 1800’s as the Hapsburg royal family ruled the empire.
  • "华尔街在纽市,它意味着证券市场和'巨富'。"
    "Wall Street, in New York City, means the stock market and 'big money'."
  • 江强调,以美国为首的北必须对这一事件承担全部责任。
    Jiang stressed that the US-led NATO should bear all responsibility for the incident.
  • 国家厉行节,反对浪费。
    The state practises strict economy and combats waste.
  • 我不想太严格地束你。
    I won't tie you too strictly.
  • 他宣称纽真是个首屈一指的城市。
    He announced that New York was strictly Endsville.
  • 他们接受先知的教训, 但拒绝他的种种束。
    They accept the Prophet's precepts but reject some of his strictures.
  • 接着,他大步走到一个边门,又大叫:“瑟夫!”
    Then, striding to a side door, he shouted again, `Joseph!'
  • 翰获得他移居国外的消息后,沉着应付,并没有让它在任何方面影响他的工作。
    John took the news of his transfer abroad in his stride and did not let it affect his work in anyway.
  • 约翰脱掉衬衫。
    John stripped off his shirt.
  • 翰因在检阅时鲁莽失礼被降了一级。
    John lost a stripe for being rude on parade.
  • 这些条一步一步地夺走了当地土人的土地。
    The treaties gradually stripped the natives of their land.
  • 除去它们之间的相互贸易,三者共占世界贸易额的45%——大相当于法国或英国所占的份额。
    Stripping out their trade with each other, the trio now collectively accounts 4.5 percent of world trade about the same Share as France or Britain.
  • 我不善於和异性朋友会。
    I'm not very strong on dates.
  • 年内拆卸的违例搭建物和扩建物有1500个。
    About 1 500 illegal structures and extensions were demolished during the year.
  • 翰努力争取通过期末各项考试。
    John struggled to pass his final examinations.
  • 我在度假时碰到了翰和珍妮特,在余下的日子里我和他们呆在一起。
    I met John and Janet on holiday and strung along with them for the rest of my stay.
  • 翰狠固执,听不进劝告。
    John was stubborn and would not listen to reason.
  • 翰很固执,他从不承认自己人的错误。
    John is very stubborn. He never eats his hat.
  • 抑制的低强度的,受束的,比如在一种风格或品质中;屈服的
    Having low intensity; restrained, as in style or quality; subdued.
  • 根据租规定,你无权转租物业
    Under the term of the lease you have no right to sublet the property
  • 翰专心致志地造轮船模型。
    John was submerged in making the ship model.
  • 年内,发行外汇基金债券的平均超额认购倍数为2.9倍。
    The average over-subscription rate for the Note issues was about 2.9 times in 1999.
  • 卫星电视有限公司(简称"卫视")是以本港为基地,主要透过亚洲卫星1号、2号,以及巴拉巴c2等卫星装置,为亚洲、印度及中东等地区2.6亿观众提供以25条频道、7种语言广播的45项免费及收费电视节目服务。
    Hong Kong is the home base for Satellite Television Asian Region Limited(STAR TV). It transmits more than 45 programming services in seven languages on 25 channels and has an audience reach of approximately 260million people across Asia, India and the Middle East, using Asia Sat 1 as its primary satellite platform with additional services available on Asia Sat 2and Palapa C2. The STAR TV network offers subscription and free-to-air television services.
  • 第i期工程已大致完成,开拓了568公顷土地。
    Phase I has been substantially completed, with about 568 hectares of land formed.
  • 主要核大国如期实施现有核裁军条并进一步大幅度削减核军备;
    the major nuclear powers should implement existing nuclear disarmament treaties as scheduled and further substantially reduce their nuclear weapon stockpiles;