  • 在夜晚的寒風中,我把氣球放掉,看着它飄過樹頂,融進黑暗的夜
    In the cold night air I released it and watched as it floated past the treetops and into the dark sky.
  • 隨着全球民航業的發展,人們對航需求的提高。每天在任何一個機場起起落落的客機數目大大增加,卻也是個不爭的事實。
    It is an undisputable fact that with the growing demand for and global development of civil aviation, the number of planes that take off and land at any airport every day has risen tremendously.
  • 在屋子正中堆滿書籍的桌子和鋼琴之間分明有可容六個人並行的間,可他走過時卻仍提心吊膽。
    Between a grand piano and a centre-table piled high with books was space for a half a dozen to walk abreast, yet he essayed it with trepidation.
  • 在屋子正中堆滿書籍的桌子和鋼琴之間分明有可容六個人並行的間,可他走過時卻仍提心吊膽。
    Between a grand piano and a centre-table piled high with books was space for a half a dozen to walk abreast, yet he essayed it with trepidation.
  • 一個大規模的導彈防禦"三位一體體係",即布什和他的共和黨同僚正在鼓吹的係統,包括海、和陸基截擊係統,其費用可達2400億美元或更多。
    A full- scale missile defense “ triad” consisting of sea ,space ,and ground- based interceptors-- the system Bush and his Republican colleagues are advocating--could cost $ 240 billion or more.
  • 瑞士航公司的三叉戟20飛離倫敦。
    There's a Swissair Trident out of London at 0920.
  • 是皮膚與氣的接觸觸發初次至關重要的呼吸。
    It is the touch of air on the skin that triggers that first, crucial breath.
  • 為方便本公司申請進口許可證,務請貴方以航郵件寄來一式三份估價單。
    To enable us to apply for the import license required, we shall like you to airmail your program invoice in triplicate.
  • 為方便本公司申請進口許可證,務請貴方以航郵件寄來一式三份估價單。
    To enable us to apply for the import license required, we shall like you to airmail your program invoice in triplicate.
  • 特洛伊戰爭中希臘人留在特洛伊外的一尊巨大的腹木馬像(裏面裝着希臘士兵)。
    a large hollow wooden figure of a horse (filled with Greek soldiers) left by the Greeks outside Troy during the Trojan War.
  • 在中國,北回歸綫過廣東省。
    In China, the Tropic of Cancer cuts through Guangdong province.
  • 我要到外面去走走換換氣。
    I'll just trot out for a breath of air.
  • 有一會兒,我想到逃學。氣是那麽溫暖,我能聽到山雀在樹林邊歡唱。
    For a moment, I thought of playing truant. The air was so warm, and I could hear the black birds whistling at the edge of the woods.
  • 小喇叭的空音
    An open note on a trumpet.
  • 電子管收音機中的很大間就是被這些電子管占領着的,它們産生大量的熱,因此部分電能被浪費掉了。
    In the vacuum tube radio, a lot of space is taken up by these vacuum tubes and a large quantity of beat is produced so that part of the electric power is wasted.
  • 小的真管;在高頻狀態下應用。
    a small vacuum tube; used at high frequencies.
  • 成洞身體組織或器官內洞的形成,尤指那種因肺結核而在肺中形成的
    The formation of cavities in a body tissue or an organ, especially those formed in the lung as a result of tuberculosis.
  • 管狀的,中的如韭蔥的葉子的中如管的
    Tubular and hollow, as the leaves of a scallion.
  • 星期二我整天有空。
    I'll be free all day Tuesday.
  • 星期二我整天有空。
    I'll is free all day tuesday.
  • 星期二我整天有空。
    I 'll be free all day Tuesday.
  • 把衣服放在乾燥機內使衣服在熱氣內旋轉來使衣服乾燥。
    dry clothes by putting them in tumbling barrel, where they are whirled about in hot air.
  • 氣中有氧氣,在氧氣裏熱鎢絲會燃燒起來。
    Air contains oxygen, and the hot tungsten could burn in it.
  • 她突然之間被晴亂流嚇死了。
    Suddenly she was scared to death of clear air turbulence.
  • 如今,學生人數增多,兩個或更多的學生一起上輔導課已是司見慣。
    Nowadays, with the increased number of students, it is quite usual for two or more students to attend a tutorial together.
  • 繁星在天空閃爍。
    The stars twinkled in the sky.
  • 氣的不存在,也說明了為什麽在太中星星看來並不閃爍,不象從地球上來看那樣。
    The absence of air also explains why the stars do not seem to twinkle in space, as they do from the earth.
  • 天空星星閃閃發光。
    The sky was twinkling with stars.
  • 閃爍的星星是天的裝飾品。
    Twinkling stars are garnishry of heaven.
  • 星星在天中閃爍着。
    The stars are twinkling in the sky.
  • 夜空裏繁星閃爍。
    The night sky was bespangled with twinkling stars.
  • 一片漆黑,晶瑩明亮的星星一點也不閃爍。
    The sky was black with bright, shining stars that never twinkled.