  • 114.近年香港的天环境质素下降,大家有目共睹。
    114. In recent years we have witnessed a deterioration in the quality of our natural environment.
  • 病情急转在疾病或发烧过程中病情转好或恶化的一种突性转变
    A sudden change in the course of a disease or fever, toward either improvement or deterioration.
  • 环境恶化是否能得到控制这个问题仍没有答案,但目前的前景一点儿也不乐观。
    While it remains to be seen whether or not environmental deterioration can be controlled , the current prospects are far from encouraging.
  • 例如,一些科学家把环境的恶化归结为一些自因素,而另一些人把责任都推在人类不适当的行为上。
    For example , some scientists attribute environmental deterioration to a series of natural factors , while others place the blame solely on inappropriate human behavior.
  • 全球变暖这一长期的问题确实很严重,但考虑到诸如环境的迅速恶化和不可更新资源的普遍滥用等当前的问题,它的重要性就有所降低了。
    While the long-term problem of global warming is indeed serious , its significance diminishes somewhat when considering immediate problems such as rapid environmental deterioration and the rampant misuse and abuse of nonrenewable resources.
  • 后,在认定他们的活儿干得很好之后,马上就付钱。
    Then, after determining that the job is well done, pay promptly.
  • 目前提出的多数方法本质上是确定性的并且/或者是盖论的。
    Most of the methods developed so far are deterministic and /or probabilistic in nature.
  • 美、俄两国仍保留着庞大的核武库,少数军事强国仍坚持冷战思维和核威慑政策,大力发展高精尖武器,特别是先进的导弹防御系统。
    The United States and Russia still keep their large nuclear arsenals. In addition, a few military powers continue to stick to their cold war mentality and nuclear deterrence policy, strenuously developing highly advanced and sophisticated weapons, especially advanced missile defense systems.
  • 问:人民币贬不贬值是领导人的决定,还是中国经济发展的必
    Q: Who decides the devaluation of the Renminbi, Chinese leaders or the trend of China's economic development?
  • 我们不希望通过货币贬值来提高竞争力,但我可以向你们保证,我们并没有对香港成本高昂的事实视而不见。
    Although we do not wish to engage in competitive devaluation, I want to assure you that we are conscious of our high costs.
  • 我们不希望通过货币贬值来提高竞争力,但我可以向你们保证,我们并没有对香港成本高昂的事实视而不见。
    Although we do not wish to become more competitive through devaluation, I want to assure you that we are conscious of our high costs.
  • 数百年岁月和历次革命风云所造成的破坏,至少是没有偏心的,正大磊落的,而接踵而至的那多如牛毛的各种流派建筑师,却都是特许的,宣过誓的,许过愿的,他们对低级趣味趋之若鹜,竭尽毁坏之能事,竟用路易十五时代菊苣纹饰去代替巴特农神庙里最大光轮上峨特式的花边饰带。
    The centuries, the revolutions, which at least devastate with impartiality and grandeur, have been joined by a cloud of school architects, licensed, sworn, and bound by oath;defacing with the discernment and choice of bad taste, substituting the fussiness of Louis XV. for the Gothic lace, for the greater glory of the Parthenon.
  • 实际情况仍是误用和滥用药物的后果对整个社会都会是破坏性的。
    The fact remains that the consequences of drug misuse and abuse can be devastating upon the entire community.
  • 这样惨重的失败,国民党竟还粉饰依旧,敷衍依旧;
    Even after such a devastating defeat, the KMT is still trying to gloss over its vices and explain away its failure;
  • 某些发展中国家的婴儿死亡率仍很高。
    Infant mortality is still very high in some developing countries.
  • 自然界的辩证发展
    dialectical development of nature
  • 经济的发展必会带动教育的发展。
    Economic development will inevitably promote educational development.
  • 的、意外的发展。
    a sudden unexpected development.
  • 这不是突的改变,也不是孤立性的发展。
    These developments have not occurred abruptly or in isolation.
  • 在规范第2版中,仍没有任何背离这一基本规则的交互。
    As of version 2, there are still no interactions that deviate from this general rule.
  • 恶魔罪恶的超自的人物;魔鬼
    An evil supernatural being; a devil.
  • (gregcannom化妆效果专家):我们设计出加快化装速度的东西,把脖子那部分联到一种像t-shirt的东西上,再把它整个儿套上,后把它粘在这里。
    (Greg Cannom-- Special makeup effects):We devise this thing to help with the speed of the makeup where the neck portion of it is attached to a kind of like T-shirt. So we pull that whole thing over and then just glue it around the bottom here.
  • (gregcannom化妆效果专家):我们设计出加快化装速度的东西,把脖子那部分联到一种像t-shirt的东西上,再把它整个儿套上,后把它粘在这里。
    (Greg Cannom-- Special makeup effects): We devise this thing to help with the speed of the makeup where the neck portion of it is attached to a kind of like T-shirt. So we pull that whole thing over and then just glue it around the bottom here.
  • 我认为,当时美国军事领导人的莫大功绩在于,尽管他们并没有运用那些技术的新手册,而他们却能在战争进程中适应那些技术。
    Those techniques were so powerful that we had to devise new tactics on how to use them.It is great credit,I think,to the American military leadership,that even though they did not have the new manuals at that time,that they were able to adapt the technology as the war was proceeding.
  • 致力于社会主义的科学事业,作出贡献,这固是专的表现,在一定意义上也可以说是红的表现。
    Working devotedly for our socialist scientific enterprises and making contributions to them is, of course, a sign that one is expert; in a sense, it is also a sign that one is "red ".
  • 佛兰茜衷心希望他玩一会就会感到疲倦,后溜走去睡觉。
    Francie devoutly hoped he might soon get tired, and slip off to bed. (J. Galsworthy, The Man of Property)
  • 右旋糖葡萄糖的右旋形式,c6h12o6稨2o,在动、植物组织中自存在并可由淀粉人工合成
    The dextrorotatory form of glucose, C6H12O6稨2O, found naturally in animal and plant tissue and derived synthetically from starch.
  • 幸运的是,尽管如此,伏尔泰还是写下了《老实人》,仍是空前绝后最善于冷嘲热讽的人。
    Fortunately, Voltaire was the author of "Candide" in spite of this, and in spite of this, he is, among all the men who have followed each other in the long series of humanity, the one who has best possessed the diabolical laugh.
  • 这种情形显源于他们本性上的某种缺陷,但是这种缺陷既不容易诊断也不容易治疗。
    Evidently this springs from some defect in their nature, but it is one not altogether easy either to diagnose of to cure.
  • 在双打中,球必须先落在发球员所处球场的右面或者中线,后落至对角线上对方场地的右同和或者中线。
    In doubles, the ball must first touch the server's right-hand court or center line and then the receiver's right-hand court or center line and then the receiver's right-hand court diagonally opposite or center line.
  • 先拨九号,后拨你想打的号码。
    Dial 9 first. Then dial the number which you want to call.
  • 你要先插卡,后再拨号码。
    First you insert the card, then you dial the number.