  • 该独裁者发布命令,其生日定为公众假期.
    The dictator decreed that his birthday would is a public holiday.
  • 当新总统想成为独裁者时,军们立刻限制了他的权力。
    When the new president tried to become dictator, the generals soon clipped his wings.
  • 在遭受多年的独裁统治之后,伊拉克即获得解放。
    After years of dictatorship, Iraq will soon be liberated.
  • 我对你的爱始终不渝。
    My love for you will never die. (喻)
  • 他的名声永垂不朽。
    His fame will never die.
  • 他们将被处死。
    They will die the death.
  • 这个记忆永不消失。
    This memory will never die.
  • 公爵去世之后,他的长子继承他的爵位。
    When the duke dies, his eldest son will succeed to the title.
  • 她的父亲死后,她继承他的遗产。
    She'll come into all her father's money when he dies.
  • 她去世时,她的钱遗留给儿子。
    When she dies, her money will pass to her son.
  • 如某人比他早死亡肯定作继承的人。
    Heir who will certainly inherit if a person dies before him.
  • 至于动力方式是采用“蒸汽式”抑或“柴油式”,我想贵公司交由我方全权处理吧?
    And the propulsion method whether steam or diesel, you'll leave to us, I suppose?
  • 到2008年我市的优质能源比重大幅度提高,约占终端能源消费量的86%,基本方案的主要内容为:
    2.92 million tons of coal will be switch to 1.15 million tons of LPG and light diesel in final energy consumption.2.2 Expected energy mix in 2008 in Beijing
  • 在楼宇林立地区逐步取缔高噪音撞击式打桩机(包括柴油、蒸气及气动打桩机)的法例,已在一九九七年五月制定,于一九九八年初实施。
    Legislation to phase out the use of noisy percussive hammers (including diesel, steam and pneumatic hammers) in built-up areas was enacted in May 1997 for implementation early in 1998.
  •  奥运村还提供多元文化设施,以满足所有奥运会和残奥会运动员的不同文化、宗教和饮食需求。
    The Village will offer a great multi-cultural setting that respects and embraces the cultural and religious diversity and dietary requirements of all Olympians and Paralympians.
  • 按照《九十年代中国食物结构改革与发展纲要》和城乡居民的饮食习惯,今后中国人民的食物构成是中热量、高蛋白、低脂肪的模式,在保留传统膳食结构的基础上,适当增加动物性食品数量,提高食物质量。
    In accordance with the "China Dietary Pattern Reform and Development Program in the 1990s" and the dietary habits of the Chinese people, a food consumption pattern featuring medium calories, high protein and low fat will be gradually brought into being among both urban and rural residents. On the basis of retaining the traditional food structure, food of animal origin will be added to a proper extent to improve the food quality.
  • 而这一切在21世纪中是你的企业脱颖而出的关键所在。
    This is what will differentiate your organization in the 21st century.
  • 来,脑力劳动和体力劳动更分不开来。
    As time goes by, it will become increasingly hard to differentiate between mental and manual labour.
  • 来的人会有不同的想法。
    People tomorrow will think differently.
  • 所以我认为最大的困难是要求人们以不同的方式思维和行动,以及考虑到会出现的新问题。
    I think the biggest obstacle is for people to think differently and act differently, and other things will happen.
  • 很难说出来Ms.这个词是否会被更多的美国妇女所使用。
    It is difficult to know whether or not Ms. will be used by more American women in the future.
  • 困难时期将要来临。
    Difficult times lie before us.
  • 那个困难他难住了。
    That difficulty has beaten him.
  • 对知识与资讯开发、获取、扩散和运用程度的高低直接决定一个国家民族的整体经济实力和文明发展水准。
    The keys to the strong economic and cultural growth of a nation's future are successful generation, acquisition,diffusion, and exploitation of knowledge.
  • 对知识与资讯开发、获娶扩散和运用程度的高低直接决定一个国家民族的整体经济实力和文明发展水准。
    The keys to the strong economic and cultural growth of a nation's future are successful generation, acquisition, diffusion, and exploitation of knowledge.
  • 我不能所有的信息融会贯通。
    I cannot digest all this information.
  • 胃蛋白酶胃液中一种消化酶,加速蛋白质分解成肽
    A digestive enzyme found in gastric juice that catalyzes the breakdown of protein to peptides.
  • 肠激酶上肠粘膜分泌出的一种酶,不活跃的胰蛋白酶原转化为消化性胰蛋白酶
    An enzyme secreted by the upper intestinal mucosa that converts the inactive trypsinogen to the digestive enzyme trypsin.
  • 所有这些活动都数字化。
    All of these interactions will become digital.
  • 近景摄影测量技术获得的高精度立体照片进行几何纠正和色彩还原,经过数字扫描建立起庞大的数据库,于是,汗牛充栋的图片文字便全部溶化在二进制数码的海洋中;
    Huge databases have been built with high-precision stereos obtained with close-range photography and measuring technique after they are geometry corrected, color reduced, and digitally scanned. Thus, an immense number of pictures and texts are all dissolved in the ocean of the binary system.
  • 她认为跟在这个男人的后面显不出来她的尊贵。
    She decided that it would not be dignified run after the man.
  • 如果我可以暂时离开一下话题,我讲一个有趣的故事给你听。
    I'll tell you a funny story, if I may digress for a moment.