  • 已伸展到敌方领土.
    The war was carried into enemy territory.
  • 联合国系统打击恐怖主义的斗
    The UN System Fights Terrorism
  • 在与恐怖主义的斗中应先发制人而不能处于被动
    Not reactive, but proactive steps to combat terrorism.
  • 邮件中说"我们要让世界知道在对抗恐怖主义的斗中,美国人是坚强的,是团结在一起的。
    "We will show the world that Americans are strong and united together against terrorism.
  • [3]所以,在1964年,特里和他的吸烟与健康咨询委员会就明白了,在他们宣布“吸烟危害健康,在美国应引起人们足够的重视,有必要采取适当的补救措施”时,他们就踏人了一个论的大坑中了。
    [3] So in 1964, Terry and his Advisory Committee on Smoking and Health knew they were stepping into a major pit of controversy when they announced "cigarette smoking is a health hazard of sufficient importance in the United States to warrant appropriate remedial action".
  • 如果科学、技术、或者其他专门知识能够帮助事实的审问者了解证据或者判定议中的事实,那么满足作为专家要求的知识、技能、经验、训练或者教育的证人就可以专家意见或者其他形式作证。
    if scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge will assist the trier of fact to understand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue, a witness qualified as an expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education, may testify thereto in the form of an opinion or otherwise.
  • 历史上所谓“海盗”和“水寇”,曾演过无数的武剧,红军时代的洪湖游击战支持了数年之久,都是河湖港汊地带能够发展游击战并建立根据地的证据。
    The dramatic battles fought by "pirates" and "water-bandits", of which our history is full, and the guerrilla warfare round the Hunghu Lake kept up for several years in the Red Army period, both testify to the possibility of developing guerrilla warfare and of establishing base areas in the river-lake-estuary regions.
  • 《战与和平》的原版本
    the original text of War and peace.
  • 纺织业市场的竞显然更加激烈了。
    Competition in the textile market is hotting up visibly.
  • 直到1863年美国南北战时期,感恩节才成了一个全国性的节日。
    Thanksgiving did not become a national holiday until 1863 during the American Civil War.
  • 我们有理由相信边境上的冲突可能发展成一场全面战
    We have reason to believe that the fighting on the border may develop into a full-blown war. (喻)
  • 从此就再谈不上严重的政治斗了。
    Thenceforth, a serious political contest was altogether out of the question.
  • 他们正论神学上的问题。
    They are having a theological argument.
  • 不能设想,离开政治的大局,不研究政治的大局,不估计革命斗的实际发展,能成为一个马克思主义的思想家、理论家。
    It is inconceivable that anyone can become a Marxist thinker or theorist if he is divorced from the overall political situation, if he doesn't study it, if he doesn't assess the actual development of the revolutionary struggle.
  • 马克思说,阶级斗不是他的发现,他的理论最实质的一条就是无产阶级专政。
    Marx once said that the theory of class struggle was not his discovery. The heart of his theories was the dictatorship of the proletariat.
  •  在草原权属议解决以前,任何一方不得破坏草原和草原上的设施。
    Pending the settlement of a dispute, none of the parties concerned may destroy the resources of the grasslands in question or the facilities therein.
  • 他们吵过,但现在已经完全言归于好了。
    They quarrelled but now they're completely reconciled.
  • 造成窃贼,和平把他们吊死。
    War makes thieves, and peace hangs them.
  • 如果要直接地认识某种或某些事物,便只有亲身参加于变革现实、变革某种或某些事物的实践的斗中,才能触到那种或那些事物的现象,也只有在亲身参加变革现实的实践的斗中,才能暴露那种或那些事物的本质而理解它们。
    If you want to know a certain thing or a certain class of things directly, you must personally participate in the practical struggle to change reality, to change that thing or class of things, for only thus can you come into contact with them as phenomena; only through personal participation in the practical struggle to change reality can you uncover the essence of that thing or class of things and comprehend them.
  • 和疾病已使人口减少。
    War and disease had thinned the population.
  • 和疾病使人口减少了。
    War and disease had thinned out the population.
  • 第三,由于合同是双方进行交易和处理议的惟一法律依据,我们应把合同中的每个条款都拟定清楚。
    Thirdly, we should draft every clause of the contract properly since the contract is the only legal document for the execution of transaction and the settlement of the dispute.
  • 第三,中国又是一个很大的国家,地大、物博、人多、兵多,能够支持长期的战,这同日本又是一个相反的对比。
    Thirdly, and again by contrast with Japan, China is a very big country with vast territory, rich resources, a large population and plenty of soldiers, and is capable of sustaining a long war.
  • 第三是为武装起来了的工人农民即八路军、新四军和其他人民武装队伍的,这是革命战的主力。
    Thirdly, they are for the armed workers and peasants, namely, the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies and the other armed units of the people, which are the main forces of the revolutionary war.
  • (六六)如此伟大的民族革命战,没有普遍和深入的政治动员,是不能胜利的。
    66. A national revolutionary war as great as ours cannot be won without extensive and thoroughgoing political mobilization.
  • 因此,只有无产阶级和共产党能够领导农民、城市小资产阶级和资产阶级,克服农民和小资产阶级的狭隘性,克服失业者群的破坏性,并且还能够克服资产阶级的动摇和不彻底性(如果共产党的政策不犯错误的话),而使革命和战走上胜利的道路。
    Hence only the proletariat and the Communist Party can lead the peasantry, the urban petty bourgeoisie and bourgeoisie, can overcome the narrow-mindedness of the peasantry and the petty bourgeoisie, the destructiveness of the unemployed masses, and also (provided the Communist Party does not err in its policy) the vacillation and lack of thoroughness of the bourgeoisie -- and can lead the revolution and the war on to the road of victory.
  • 我们通过长时间的论,终于制定出一份计划。
    After a long argument we thrashed out a plan.
  • 他们不怕威胁,坚持斗
    Not fearing threat , they persisted in their struggle.
  • 身为男子汉而投身于人生激烈竞之际意气消沉的话,宁可当个死人算了。
    If a man sink discouraged upon the threshold of a life of fierce competition he may as well be a dead man.
  • 身为男子汉而在投身于人生激烈的竞之际意气消沉的话,宁可当个死人算了。
    If a man sink discouraged upon the threshold of a life of fierce competition he might as well be a dead man.
  • 这个国家处于战的痛苦中。
    This country is in the throes of war.
  • 他们互争王位。
    They were rivals for the throne.