  • 不管是否喝酒,仅有名不吸烟的肺癌患者有p53基因突变。
    Only one of the nonsmokers with lung cancer had p53 mutations, regardless of alcohol use.
  • 宣言保证全体公民的平等选举权,不论他们属于哪个种族或阶级,也不管他们的信仰是什么。
    The manifesto promised equal franchise rights to all citizens, regardless of race, class or creed.
  • "我接到保守秘密的指令",他说,"北美空防联合司令部那天晚上给我来电话说,加利福尼亚沿海出现个不明飞行物。
    “ NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) called me one night to say there’ s a UFO coming up the California coastline.
  • 我们试图阻拦他不要在暴风雨中外出,但他还是不顾切地出去了。
    We tried to discourage him from go out in the storm, but he go regardless.
  • 有些人把先进科技和划时代的崭新产品,例如太空船和超级电脑联想在起。
    Some people associate high technology with state-of-the-art, cutting-edge products such as aerospace and supercomputers.
  • 错误之处大到对中国航天技术的误述,小到些日期和计算机硬件名称的错误。
    Mistakes range from substantial misrepresentation of Chinese aerospace technology to minor errors in dates and hardware designations.
  • 她对父母的意愿向很尊重。
    She always regards her parent's wishes.
  • 5.载人航天。中国于1992年开始实施载人飞船航天工程,研制了载人飞船和高可靠运载火箭,开展了航天医学和空间生命科学的工程研究,选拔了预备航天员,研制了批空间遥感和空间科学试验装置。
    5. Manned Spaceflight: Initiating its manned spaceflight program in 1992, China has developed a manned spacecraft and high- reliability launching vehicle, carried out engineering studies in aerospace medicine and aerospace life science, selected reserve astronauts and developed equipment for aerospace remote-sensing and aerospace scientific experiments.
  • 他认为行政管理上的这些琐事都不值
    He regards all these administrative details as beneath his notice
  • 5.载人航天。中国于1992年开始实施载人飞船航天工程,研制了载人飞船和高可靠运载火箭,开展了航天医学和空间生命科学的工程研究,选拔了预备航天员,研制了批空间遥感和空间科学试验装置。
    5. Manned Spaceflight: Initiating its manned spaceflight program in 1992, China has developed a manned spacecraft and high-reliability launching vehicle, carried out engineering studies in aerospace medicine and aerospace life science, selected reserve astronauts and developed equipment for aerospace remote-sensing and aerospace scientific experiments.
  • 葛:这个商品的供应情况稍好些。
    As regards this item, the situation is slightly better.
  • 在莱克辛顿大道上的凯悦大酒店位调酒师巴伯说,“我看她现在肯定成了个小人物了。罪有应得。不知道法官和陪审员会不会把那句话考虑进去,可是上天有眼。”
    Dave Barber, a bartender at Lexington's Hyatt Regency Hotel, said: "I think she has definitely become one of the little people now. Just deserts. I don't know if the judge and the jury took that into account, but the man upstairs did."
  • 欧洲、亚洲和北美洲象蛇样的蜥蜴,后肢退化,长而易断的尾巴有再生能力。
    snakelike lizard of Europe Asia and North America with vestigial hind limbs and the ability to regenerate its long fragile tail.
  • 西藏地区生态系统十分脆弱,抗干扰能力低,自我更新能力差,旦遭到破坏,在很长时间内难以恢复。
    The ecosystem in Tibet is extremely fragile, and the ability to resist disturbance and regenerate is weak. Once the ecosystem is damaged, it is hard to restore it for a long period of time.
  • 用多半尺度衡量,1988年对波音公司来说都是极好的年。这规模庞大的航空公司不但在销售方面创下记录,并积压了大量订单。
    By most measures,1988 has been an excellent year for the Boeing Company. The giant aerospace concern has racked up record sales and has a huge backlog of orders.
  • 我们认为抗战已到了紧急的转变关头,只有迅速召集这种有权力而又能代表民意的国民大会,才能新政治面目,挽救时局危机。
    We hold that the War of Resistance has reached a critical turning point and that only the immediate convening of such a national assembly vested with authority and representative of the popular will can regenerate China's political life and overcome the present crisis.
  • 种染料,用法是将其还原成可溶状态,敷涂后通过在材料中氧化重新生成不可溶的染料。
    a dye that is applied by reducing the dye to a base-soluble form, applying the dye, then regenerating the insoluble dye by oxidation in the material.
  • 身体某部位通过构造或细胞重组织的方式实现再生,产生有限新细胞;主要发生于无脊椎生物体,如龙虾。
    regeneration on a reduced scale of a body part; observed especially in invertebrates such as certain lobsters.
  • 接下来,我们面对的最大挑战,是怎样在新的情况下,确保培育出代接代的华文精英。
    The challenge is how to ensure the regeneration of that elite in the coming years and under new circumstances.
  • 八九四年,孙中山在美国檀香山组织了个资产阶级性质的革命小团体,叫做兴中会。
    In 1894, Dr. Sun Yat-sen formed a small bourgeois revolutionary organization in Honolulu called the Hsing Chung Hui (Society for China's Regeneration).
  • 胚基身体某部分或器官由此发育的组胚胎细胞,或正常发育或失去的身体某部分的再生能力
    A mass of embryonic cells from which an organ or a body part develops, either in normal development or in the regeneration of a lost body part.
  • 变形再生某身体部位通过构造或细胞重组织的方式再生,并产生有限新细胞,主要发生于无脊椎生物体,如龙虾
    The regeneration of a body part by means of structural or cellular reorganization with only limited production of new cells, observed primarily in invertebrate organisms, such as certain lobsters.
  • 去分化,反分化指高度分化的细胞或组织向更简单,更初期非特化的形式的退化。去分化发生在植物和某些动物的附器的再生之前,或些癌症出现的时候
    Regression of a specialized cell or tissue to a simpler, more embryonic, unspecialized form. Dedifferentiation may occur before the regeneration of appendages in plants and certain animals and in the development of some cancers.
  • 西藏地处青藏高原,地理环境特殊,生态环境比较脆弱,保护自然资源的再生能力,改善生态环境质量,确保自然生态系统的完整性及良好的调节能力,确保生态安全和经济、社会、生态的和谐统、协调发展,是西藏现代化发展的重要内容和可持续发展的战略选择。
    Located on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Tibet has a peculiar geographical environment and a fragile ecosystem. Therefore, it is an important part of Tibet’s progress to modernization and a strategic choice for sustainable development that Tibet should protect the regenerative capacity of its natural resources, improve the quality of its ecological environment, preserve the integrity and self-adjustment ability of its natural ecosystem, and ensure the safety of the ecosystem and the harmonious unity and coordinated development of Tibet’s economy, society and ecosystem.
  • 国民政府派专使入藏致祭,并批准势振活佛为摄政,代行达赖喇嘛职权,对于寻觅十三世达赖转世灵童应遵循的办法,西藏地方政府都按照历来的规定呈报中央政府。
    The national government sent a special envoy to Tibet for the memorial ceremony. It also approved the Living Buddha Razheng as the regent to assume the duties and power of the Dalai Lama. The Tibetan local government also followed the age-old system in reporting to the central government all the procedures that should be followed in search for the reincarnation of the late 13th Dalai Lama.
  • 规管仲裁事宜的《仲裁条例》有两个不同体制,个是沿自英国法律的本地体制,另个是包括联合国国际贸易法委员会标准法的国际体制。
    It is governed by the Arbitration Ordinance, which has two distinct regimes - a domestic regime derived from English law and an international regime which includes the UNCITRAL Model Law, the model law adopted by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law.
  • 丁烷两种气态碳氢化合物的同分异构体中的种,c4h10,从石油中合成制得,用作家庭燃料、冷却剂和喷雾推进剂,也可用作合成橡胶的制造
    Either of two isomers of a gaseous hydrocarbon, C4H10, produced synthetically from petroleum and used as a household fuel, refrigerant, and aerosol propellant and in the manufacture of synthetic rubber.
  • 压制人民的政体实行经济制裁
    Apply economic sanctions against a repressive regime
  • 所以“工农武装割据”的思想,是共产党和割据地方的工农群众必须充分具备的个重要的思想。
    It follows that the idea of "establishing independent regimes of the workers and the peasants by armed force" is an important one which must be fully grasped by the Communist Party and by the masses of workers and peasants in areas under the independent regime.
  • 你这样的养生法定可以长寿。
    Under such a regimen you'll certainly live long.
  • 你这样的养生法定可以长寿。
    Under such a regimen you 'll certainly live long.
  • 在前段统治期内生活较好。
    Life is better under the previous regime.