  • 那诗人用象徵他的爱人。
    The poet has symbolized his lover with a flower.
  • 矮天板;低低的云;矮山;太阳很低;矮家具;深深的鞠躬。
    low ceilings; low clouds; low hills; the sun is low; low furniture; a low bow.
  • 我们了一整夜时间才把婴儿哄睡着。
    It took us all night to lull the baby to sleep.
  • 羽扇豆属的任何一种植物;通常蓝紫色,直立总状序。
    any plant of the genus Lupin; bearing erect spikes of usually purplish-blue flowers.
  • 他们在园里尽情地享受日光。
    They are luxuriating in sunshine in the garden.
  • 有一豪华的园围绕着小湖。
    There was a luxurious garden surrounding a lakelet.
  • 他们把房子装饰得极为豪华,毫不考虑费多少。
    They had the house furnished in the most luxurious fashion, without regard to exponse.
  • 胡先生:一台计算机绣机。
    A computerized embroidering machine.
  • 每星期我一英镑赌足球普尔,这完全是一种小小冒险以求大利的行动,因为可能有一天我会赢100万。
    Every week I invest a pound on the football pools. It's a sprat to catch a mackerel because one day I could win a million.
  • 吃些含油多的鱼类如青鱼中所含有的ω脂肪酸将有助于干燥的头发增进湿度。
    Eating omega fatty acids found in oily fish such as mackerel will help moisturise dry hair.
  • 吃些有益健康的脂类,如在含油多的鱼类青鱼和鳟鱼中所含有的ω脂肪酸,会促进头发的保湿。
    Give your hair a moisture boost by eating healthy fats, such as omega fatty acids, which are found in oily flash including mackerel and trout.
  • 土产于马达加斯加岛的直的一年或多年生的小的属;广泛地移植在热带地区;以前分在长春蔓
    small genus of erect annual or perennial herbs native to Madagascar; widely naturalized in the tropics; formerly included in genus Vinca.
  • 一种亮丽的热带树种或灌木,原产马达加斯加;由于其巨大的猩红色总状序和橙色冠而广泛在热带地区种植;有时归入凤凰木属。
    showy tropical tree or shrub native to Madagascar; widely planted in tropical regions for its immense racemes of scarlet and orange flowers; sometimes placed in genus Poinciana.
  • 一种缠绕藤本,原产马达加斯加,栽作温暖地区和温室中的观赏植物,具厚而暗绿色蜡质的叶,白色,蜡质、沿茎呈簇生。
    twining woody vine of Madagascar having thick dark waxy evergreen leaves and clusters of large fragrant waxy white flowers along the stems; widely cultivated in warm regions.
  • 巴狄斯丁姑娘的奢望是想买一套客厅里用的荷兰黄底团丝绒的天鹅颈式紫檀座架的家具,再配上长沙发。
    Mademoiselle Baptistine's ambition had been to be able to purchase a set of drawing-room furniture in yellow Utrecht velvet, stamped with a rose pattern, and with mahogany in swan's neck style, with a sofa.
  • “野人园”乐队1997年以乐队名字命名的首张专辑在全球的发行量达1100万张,它通过走红单曲“我需要你”、“往返月球”和“真诚地、疯狂地、深深地”,赋予流行音乐以最积极的含义。
    Through worldwide sales of 11 million of its l997 self-titled debut, Savage Garden has formed a definition of pop music with the most positive connotations, thanks to their hit singles," I What You," " To The Moon And Back," and" Truly Madly Deeply.
  • 我估计我们要六个小时才能到达马德里。
    I calculate that it will take us six hour to get to Madrid.
  • 那位y公爵,在马德里风传他在巴黎破了产,而在巴黎又风传他在马德里破了产,而实际上连每年的年金都没有完。这会儿他一面在跟m太太聊天,一面却在和n夫人眉来眼去调情。m太太是一位风趣诙谐的讲故事的好手,她常想把自己讲的东西写下来,并签上自己的大名。漂亮的n夫人经常在香榭丽舍大街上散步,穿的衣衫离不了粉红和天蓝两种颜色,有两匹高大的黑色骏马为她驾车,这两匹马,托尼向她要价一万法郎……
    the Duc d'Y, who is believed in Madrid to be ruining himself in Paris, and in Paris to be ruining himself in Madrid, and who, when all is said and done, cannot even spend all his income, while continuing to chat with Madame M, one of our wittiest tale-tellers, who occasionally agrees to write down what she says and to sign what she writes, was exchanging confidential glances with Madame de N, the beauty who may be regularly seen driving on the Champs-Elysees, dressed almost invariably in pink or blue, in a carriage drawn by two large black horses sold to her by Tony for ten thousand francs...and paid for in full;
  • 兰兰属各类中的一种,长有洋红色、白色或带红点的
    Any of numerous orchids of the genus Orchis, having magenta, white, or magenta-spotted flowers.
  • 美国东北部的一种兰品红色,唇瓣呈漏斗状;有时归入朱兰属。
    orchid of northeastern United States with magenta-pink flowers having funnel-shaped lip; sometimes placed in genus Pogonia.
  • 日本的一种兰,叶子上有白色斑纹,具有细长、笔直的总状序,呈玫瑰红色至红紫色;常为园艺栽培;常归入勃利特属。
    Japanese orchid with white-striped leaves and slender erect racemes of rose to magenta flowers; often cultivated; sometimes placed in genus Bletia.
  • 一个广布的草本属,叶掌状,乳白色或粉色至红紫色具多数长度不等的雄蕊。
    widely distributed herbs having palmate leaves and creamy white to or pink to magenta flowers with many stamens of unequal length.
  • 曼德拉草一种产于欧洲南部的植物(茄参属药用茄参),开有黄绿色朵并生分叉的根。这种植物曾被认为具有魔力,因为它的根与人体形似
    A southern European plant(Mandragora officinarum) having greenish-yellow flowers and a branched root. This plant was once believed to have magical powers because its root resembles the human body.
  • 玉兰一种中国落叶树(玉兰木兰属),因其芳香的杯状大白而常被栽种
    A deciduous Chinese tree(Magnolia heptapeta) often cultivated for its large, cup-shaped, fragrant white flowers.
  • 第四届中国戏剧梅奖和第四届上海戏剧白玉兰主角奖得主。
    Yue Mei-ti is the winner of 4th Chinese Drama Plum Blossom Prize and Leading Role Prize of 4th Shanghai Magnolia Drama Prize.
  • 木兰任一种生长于亚洲和西半球的属于木兰科的多种常青或落叶树木及灌木,生有芳香的树枝和呈白色、粉色、紫色或黄色的很大艳丽
    Any of numerous evergreen or deciduous trees and shrubs of the genus Magnolia of the Western Hemisphere and Asia, having aromatic twigs and large showy white, pink, purple, or yellow flowers.
  • 与桃心木相似的木材任一种与桃心木相似的树木的木材
    Any of several trees having wood resembling true mahogany.
  • 心木具有耐久的特性
    Mahogany has the quality of being durable.
  • 松木桌面镶有一层桃心木的装饰薄板。
    The pine table top is overlaid with a mahogany veneer.
  • 柳桉树硬而重的红色木料,常作菲律宾桃心木出售。
    hard heavy red wood of the red lauan tree; often sold as Philippine mahogany.
  • 西印度一种树,有硬的暗的原木,在纹理和价值上类似桃心木。
    West Indian tree yielding la hard dark born wood resembling mahogany in texture and value.
  • 檀香木扇子在左边,右边是喷上了香水的桃心木扇子。
    Sanalwood fans are on the left side and those on the right are made of scented mahogany.