  • 翰由于偷了钱而连累了自己的朋友。
    John compromised his friends by stealing the money.
  • 合同189,199号预威海号装运,或其他直船只也可。
    Contract 189199- book Weihai or other direct steamer.
  • 翰的得为叫我气得要命。
    I am steaming mad at John's behavior.
  • 翰的行为叫我气得要命。
    I'm steaming mad at John's behavior.
  • 翰在战争中目睹的苦难使他对双方军队都不同情。
    The suffering John had seen in the war steeled his heart against both the opposing armies.
  • 该理事会还应就此考虑被要求提交的来源于巴黎公1967年文本第六条之3与符合本协议义务的通知所必需的措施。
    The Council shall also consider in this connection any action required regarding notifications pursuant to the obligations under this Agreement stemming from the provisions of Article 6ter of the Paris Convention (1967).
  • 午安,下周我们订两名速记员。
    Good afternoon, we would like to contract two stenographers for the coming week.
  • 现在,我想提议为我们的好朋友史蒂文翰逊干杯。
    At this point, I shall like to propose a toast to our very good friend, Steven Johnson.
  • 现在,我想提议为我们的好朋友史蒂文翰逊干杯。
    At this point, I would like to propose a toast to our very good friend, Steven Johnson.
  • 他说,1999年第三季度,美国对管理人员的需求量比上一年增加了16%,而亚洲的需求量增加了40%。
    Mr. Stewart said that demand for executives in the US was up l6 per cent in the third quarter of l999 compared to the year before and that in Asia demand had increased by around 40 per cent.
  • 约翰用棍子打他。
    John beat him with a stick.
  • 翰总是说一些不该说的话,招惹麻烦。
    John is always sticking his chin out by saying something he shouldn't.
  • 翰总是好打听与他无关的事情。
    John was forever sticking his nose into things that didn't concern him.
  • 过度节俭,吝啬不寻常的或过度的节俭;极端的节或吝啬
    Unusual or excessive frugality; extreme economy or stinginess.
  • 如经服务提供方认可,还可以通过双方的书面定延长这一限定时间。
    The period may also be extended by written stipulation between the Parties, provided the stipulation is approved by the Provider.
  • 我们一定要遵守合和信用证的规定。
    We must keep to the stipulations of the contract and the letter of credit.
  • 法律、行政法规未规定有强制性标准或者其他必须执行的检验标准的,依照对外贸易合同定的检验标准检验。
    in the absence of such stipulations, import and export commodities shall be inspected in accordance with the inspection standards agreed upon in the foreign trade contracts.
  • 中国要求,在别国遗弃化学武器的国家应按公规定,尽快彻底销毁所有遗弃化学武器。
    China demands that, in keeping with the stipulations of the convention, the country leaving chemical weapons in another country destroy all such weapons as soon as possible.
  • 用来搅拌茶或咖啡的小的勺子;容纳大一杯液体。
    a small spoon used for stirring tea or coffee; holds about one fluid dram.
  • 股票交易所于一九二九年大崩溃。
    The New York stock exchange crashed in 1929.
  • 在纽证券交易市场显示股票交易的大的显示屏。
    the large display board at the New York Stock Exchange that reports on stocks traded on the exchange.
  • 股票期权方面,到一九九九年年底,共有17只股票的期权合在市场上买卖。
    As regards stock options, contracts in respect of a total of 17 stocks were traded in the market by the end of the year.
  • 他是纽证券交易所的一位年轻的经纪人。
    He is a young stockbroker at the New York stock exchange.
  • 你先看这是纽证券交易所,一位「司丁哈丹」先生写来的信,他的情况绝非特例,事实上,是常可见到的。
    Here is a letter from William B. Steinhardt,a New York stockbroker. His case isn’t isolated. In fact,it is typical of hundreds of cases.
  • 母亲试图阻止小女儿外出与男孩子会。
    The mother tried to stop her young daugher going out on dates.
  • 这座房子在第一个交通指示灯大一英里以外的地方。他们静静地走过纪念碑
    The house is about a mile past the first stoplight. They walked past the memorial in silence.
  • 他直接前往纽约。
    He went straight to New York without stopping anywhere.
  • 他直接前往纽约。
    He went straight to New Yourk without stopping anywhere.
  • 发展2000万平方米(含旧城平房区1200万平方米)电采暖,用电量为40亿千瓦时,替煤量132万吨。地热及水源热泵采暖替煤:
    electric space heating will be developed to 20 million square meters, including 12 million square meters of one-storey buildings in aged urban area, resulting in 1.32 million tons of coal switch to 4000 GWh of electricity.
  • 总值60亿元的新界西北及新界北渠务工程现正分别处于规划、设计和施工阶段,其中大部分为扩阔、挖探和拉直现有河流的河道整治工程。
    Drainage improvement projects in NWNT and NNT valued at some $6 billion are at various stages of planning, design and construction. Most of the projects are river training works which include the widening, deepening and straightening of the existing watercourses.
  • 翰逊太太打扫房子准备接待来聚会的客人。
    Mrs.Johnson straightened up the house before company came.
  • 翰因看过多的小字体而弄坏了眼睛
    John strained his eyes by reading too much small print