  • 如果其子把所得到的财产投资于生产,或者收回贷款的债主又把这笔钱借给另一个土地所有者去生产,或者收回贷款的债主又把这笔钱借给另一个土地所有者去改良土地,或借给制造商去扩充其业务,这笔钱就仍然是资本,因为用在了生产方面。
    If the children invest their fortunes in a productive employment, or the mortgagee on being paid off lends the amount to another landholder to improve his land, or to a manufacturer to extend his business, it is still capital, because productively employed.
  • 他喜欢房东无微不至地照顾他。
    He likes being mothered by his landlady.
  • 当我们把沙发往楼上搬时,房东说:"慢慢来,小心点。"
    "Easy does it, " said the landlady when we moved the sofa upstairs.
  • 星期天,他的房东不但供给早餐,还供给晚餐。
    On Sunday his landlady provided dinner as well as breakfast.
  • 莎莉的房东把房租每周提了10先令。
    Sally's landlady has put up the rent by 10 shillings a week.
  • 房东成了她的好朋友。
    She found a good friend in the person of her landlady.
  • 房东赶走了一名不交房租的房客。
    The landlady turned out a tenant for not paying the rent.
  • 当我们把沙发往楼上搬时,房东说:“慢慢来,小心点。”
    “Easy does it,” said the landlady when we moved the sofa upstairs.
  • 房东说她不愿意有不按时作息的房客。
    The landlady said she would have no lodger who did not keep good hours.
  • 我后悔,因为我无法再容忍我房东的行为。
    I regret it because I can't tolerate my landlady's behavior any more.
  • 那妇人把孩子交给房东代为照看后,就匆匆赶出去找工作了。
    The woman deposited her child with the landlady and rushed away to look for a job.
  • 房东的证据将对她很不利。我对陪审团的判决并不乐观。”
    "The landlady's evidence will weigh heavily against him. I'm not optimistic about the verdict."
  • “然后他就和房东的儿私奔了。”“毫无疑问,她是个愚蠢的恶妇。”
    "And then he ran off with the landlady's daughter." "She was a silly cat if ever there was one."
  • 无论天气如何,房东太太要带狗出去散步两个小时,这时那侄便和一个看上去很不体面的中年男人上了楼。那人每天也真够准时的。
    The landlady was sent out for a two-hour walk with the dog, no matter what the weather; whereupon the niece and the respectable looking middle-aged man promptly went upstairs. He was as regular as clockwork.
  • 她的小儿坐在她的腿上。
    Her little girl sat on her lap.
  • 这个班上有几名孩子能在一分钟内跑完一圈。
    There are a few girls in the class who can lap in under one minute.
  • 式外衣上的翻领;翻出来以显示衣服的反面。
    a lapel on a woman's garment; turned back to show the reverse side.
  • 块头很大、使人讨厌的妇
    a large unpleasant woman.
  • 直接初步的立法主要是表示许可而非说明性的;娇惯子的父母。
    direct primary legislation is largely permissive rather than prescriptive; permissive parents.
  • 那小孩有了件新玩具,简直高兴极了。
    The little girl was as happy as a lark with her new toy.
  • 淫荡下流或好色的子。
    lewd or lascivious woman.
  • 她在他家当女仆。
    She worked as a lass at his house.
  • 他被王封为桂冠诗人。
    He was awarded the poet laureate by the queen.
  • 从各方面讲, 罗拉都是一个完美的孩。
    Laurel was a perfect girl in every way.
  • 溺爱子女
    lavish care and affection on one's children
  • 他说,对于这位一手将他抚养大的人用什么东西作为回报也不为过。这种细腻的方式可以用来弥补他不能陪伴母亲的遗憾。
    Nothing is too good for the woman who brought him up singlehandedly, he says, and it's a small way to try and made up for the time he is unable to lavish on her.
  • 你会发现妇一般不像男人那么慷慨大方。
    You will generally find women loosen up less lavishly than men.
  • 至于你,绅士先生,这年轻子毫无疑问是你的合法妻子。
    And as for you, squire, as sure as you stand there, this young lady is your lawful wedded wife.
  • 劳伦斯太太在她儿死后悲伤不已,两个月未出家门。
    Mrs Lawrence was all broken up after her daughtet's death, and did not go out of the house for two months.
  • 美国零售巨头沃尔玛公司最近惹上了一起官司,被指控其拒绝支付员工的节育健康保险费用的作法有失公平。近日,一联邦法官宣布将此案定为集体诉讼案。
    A federal judge has granted class-action status to a lawsuit that claims Wal-Mart's denial of health insurance coverage for birth control is unfair to female employees.
  • 男外行,女外行
    A layman or a laywoman.
  • 穆罕默德至少还用醇酒,多汁的水果,和黑发、大眼、多情的少,替我们画了一帧将来快乐的景象,这是我们这些俗人所能了解的。
    Mohammed at least painted a picture of future happiness with rich wine and juicy fruits and black-haired, big-eyed, passionate maidens that we laymen can understand.