  • 世界民(指以四海为家的人)
    a citizen of the world (=a world citizen)
  • "作为一个民,你必须遵守法律,否则你将会受到惩罚。"
    "As a citizen, you must obey the law or you will be punished."
  • "她是美国民,但居住在加拿大。"
    She's an American citizen but lives in Canada.
  • 他是英国公民吗?
    Be he a UK citizen?
  • 每个民都必须坚持这些原则。
    Every citizen must uphold them.
  • 他是英国公民吗?
    Is he a UK citizen?
  • 国民特定国家的公民
    A citizen of a particular nation.
  • 我的儿子是美国民。
    My son is an American citizen.
  • 公民个人财产所有权
    ownership of personal property by citizen
  • 英国的外国人,在英国指不是英国民,不是英联邦国家的民,也不是爱尔兰共和国
    Person who is not a UK citizen, not a citizen of a commonwealth country and not a citizen of the Republic of Ireland
  • 可以申请成为加拿大民。
    You've become a Canadian citizen.
  • 中世纪欧洲城市公民
    A citizen of a medieval European city.
  • 一个叛逃到以色列的苏联
    A Soviet citizen who defected to Israel.
  • 他正成长为一个好民。
    He is developing into a good citizen.
  • 忠实的民们与他们的国王站在一起。
    Loyal citizen ranged themselves with the King.
  • 她因结婚成为英国民。
    She became a British citizen by marriage.
  • 每个民都应当是遵守法律的。
    Every citizen should be obedient to the law.
  • 在法律上享有投票权的民。
    a citizen who has a legal right to vote.
  • 每个民都有建设祖国的责任。
    Every citizen has the duty to construct his country.
  • 每一民均可要求法律的保护。
    Every citizen may claim the protection of the law.
  • 不是一国公民的人
    Person who is not a citizen of a country
  • 具有民的权力和义务的地位。
    the status of a citizen with rights and duties.
  • 二等民;二等住宿。
    a second-class citizen; second-class accommodations.
  • 对于安基塔来说,离婚也就意味着被驱逐出境,因为她没有民身份。
    For Ankita,a non-citizen,divorce spelled deportation.
  • (2)对民生存权的重点保护。
    Main protection on citizen's right to subsistence.
  • 因此,马克理所当然地是威罗维利镇上最受爱戴的民了。
    Mark was Willowville's best-loved citizen, all right.
  • 外籍民没有资格任总统。
    A foreign-born citizen is ineligible for the Presidency.
  • 她是英国民,但居住在印度。
    She's a British citizen but lives in India.
  • 一大部分最好的民都痛恨他的专制君主统治。
    A large proportion of the best citizen hate his despotism.
  • 罗马人古代或现代罗马人、居民或
    A native, inhabitant, or citizen of ancient or modern Rome.
  • 所有民都应有获得诉诸法院的权利。
    Access to the court shall be opened to all citizen.
  • 所有民都应有获得诉诸法院的权利。
    Access to the court shall is open to all citizen.