  • 计划的第步,是由国防部高级研究计划局、国家航空航天局、波音公司和鲍尔航天与技术公司联手,在未来几年内制造颗名为nextsat(下代卫星)的可修理卫星实物模型。
    The first step is a joint effort between the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency,NASA,Boeing,and Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corp. to build a mock-up of a repairable satellite called NextSat in a couple of years.
  • 我们把改革当作种革命
  • 对于中国同邻国在海洋事务方面存在的争议问题,中国政府着眼于和平与发展的大局,主张通过友好协商解决,时解决不了的,可以搁置争议,加强合作,共同开发。
    Regarding disputes over marine issues between China and its neighboring countries, the Chinese government shall, in view of the vital interests bearing on peace and development, stand for their settlement through friendly consultation. With regard to issues that cannot be solved for the time being, China stands for pigeonholing them and for strengthened cooperation and joint development.
  • 关于这件事他无所知。
    He knew nothing regarding the case.
  • 悲观者个悲观者,尤指对商业情势
    A pessimist, especially regarding business conditions.
  • 个抽象的东西变得具体。
    regarding something abstract as a material thing.
  • 他不考虑我的意愿就把假日的切都定下来了。
    He booked the holiday without regarding my wishes.
  • 中国目前共有11个军工集团公司,即中国核工业集团公司、中国核工业建设集团公司、中国航天科技集团公司、中国航天科工集团公司、中国航空工业第集团公司、中国航空工业第二集团公司、中国船舶工业集团公司、中国船舶重工集团公司、中国兵器工业集团公司、中国兵器装备集团公司和中国电子科技集团公司。
    Currently, China has 11 military industrial group corporations, namely, China National Nuclear Corporation, China Nuclear Engineering and Construction Corporation, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, China Aviation Industry Corporation I, China Aviation Industry Corporation II, China State Shipbuilding Corporation, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, China North Industries Group Corporation, China South Industries Group Corporation, and China Electronic Science and Technology Corporation.
  • 他对这个规划提出了个新的意见。
    He set up a new opinion regarding the project.
  • 他们对这个规划提出了个新的意见。
    They set up a new opinion regarding the project.
  • 研究人员说,这对航天业的价值尤其重要。因为他们正在研制的这种材料(种称作复合材料的增强塑料),可用在飞机和卫星上。
    The work will be particularly valuable to the aerospace industry, the researchers say, because the material they were working with, a reinforced plastic known as a composite, is used in planes and satellites.
  • 我写了封关于我女儿学校考试的信。
    I wrote a letter regarding my daughter's school examinations.
  • 关于折扣事,请贵方告知最有利之方式。
    Please inform us of your best business terms regarding discount.
  • 我们想得到些有关你方产品的技术数据。
    We'd like to have some technical data regarding your product.
  • 大草原城美国德克萨斯州东北部城市,位于达拉斯和沃思堡中间。座落在个高度城市化的地区,该城有航天工业并为个大型游乐园的所在地。人口99,616
    A city of northeast Texas halfway between Dallas and Fort Worth. Located in a highly urbanized area, the city has an aerospace industry and is the site of an enormous amusement park. Population,99, 616.
  • 、中国保护知识产权的基本立场和态度
    I. China's Basic Position Regarding the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
  • 这引起系列有关战略的问题。
    This gives rise to a series of problems regarding our strategy.
  • 我们想得到些有关你方产品的技术数据。
    We 'd like to have some technical data regarding your product.
  • 乔治·布希否认他是伊朗军售案的主宰人物之
    George Bush dens he is in the loop regarding the irangate scandal.
  • 乔治。布什否认他是伊朗军售案的主宰人物之
    George Bush denied he was in the loop regarding the Irangate scandal
  • 个实数在不计其正负号时的值。
    a numerical value regardless of its sign.
  • 我极力反对,但她置之不理仍意孤行。
    I protested, but she carried on regardless.
  • 他们不计费用多少,把房屋装修新。
    They decorated the house regardless of the cost.
  • 她不顾切后果,决心这样做。
    She is determined to do regardless of all consequences.
  • 用多半尺度衡量,1988年对波音公司来说都是极好的年。这规模庞大的航空公司不但在销售方面创下记录,并积压了大量订单。
    By most measures, 1988 has been an excellent year for the Boeing Company. The giant aerospace concern has racked up record sales and has a huge backlog of orders.
  • 肯特市美国华盛顿州中西部城市,位于西雅图南部。是个位于原农业区的新近城市化了的社区,同时又是个航天工业的食品加工中心。人口37,960
    A city of west-central Washington south of Seattle. A newly urbanized community in a former farming region, it is a food-processing center with an aerospace industry. Population,37, 960.
  • 不考虑性别和年龄的群驯养牛。
    domesticated bovine animals as a group regardless of sex or age.
  • 其表现如:,不顾主观和客观条件的盲干。
    Their manifestations are: (1) blind action regardless of subjective and objective conditions;
  • 空军具备了相当水平的全天候、全天时、全空域作战能力,批高技术武器装备正在陆续装备部队。
    The Air Force has acquired an all-weather, all-aerospace and round-the-clock operational capability of a rather high level, and is being equipped with certain high-tech weaponry.
  • 个问题特别突出,它与每个美国人都息息相关,不论他属于哪个团体,不论他住在什么地方。
    There is one issue that stands out above all the rest, one in which every American is concerned, regardless of what group he may be a member and regardless of where he may live.
  • 我要你知道,这个世界上有个人会永远等着你。无论是在什么时候,无论你在什么地方,反正你知道总会有这样个人。
    I want you to know, this has a personal meeting to wait for you forever in the world.Regardless at when and regardless your where, anyway you know the head quarter has so a person。
  • 不管费用多少,我们必须采取切措施抢救这位老人。
    Regardless of expense, we must take every measure to save the old man's life.