  • “是的,我回来了,卡德鲁斯邻居,我正准备着想使你高兴一下呢。”唐太斯回答道,答话彬彬有礼,却仍掩饰不住他内心的冷淡。
    "Yes, as you see, neighbor Caderousse; and ready to be agreeable to you in any and every way," replied Dantès, but ill-concealing his coldness under this cloak of civility.
  • 统一战线然建立了并坚持了三年之久,可是资产阶级特别是大资产阶级却时时刻刻在企图破坏我们的党,大资产阶级投降派和顽固派所指挥的严重的磨擦斗争在全国进行着,反共之声喧嚣不已。
    Although the united front was formed and has been maintained for three years now, the bourgeoisie, and especially the big bourgeoisie, has constantly been trying to destroy our Party, the big bourgeois capitulators and die-hards have been instigating serious friction throughout the country, and the anti-Communist clamour is incessant.
  • 买办阶级和地主阶级然也住在中国的土地上,可是他们是不顾民族利益的,他们的利益是同多数人的利益相冲突的。
    The comprador and the landlord classes also live on Chinese soil, but as they have no regard for the national interests, their interests clash with those of the majority.
  • 然考试成绩不佳,却仍然盲目相信自己的小聪明。
    In spite of his bad results in the examination, he has a fond belief in his own cleverness.
  • 然朋友们和姐姐们也像母亲当初哄我出厨房那样,尝试着各种花样让我放弃一些计划,可总是以失败而告终。
    My friends and sisters try to pry me away from my plans in much the same way that my mom tried to coax me out of the kitchen, but they're hardly ever successful.
  • 很多工具都支持corba,然它们的源码可能不是100%的互相可移植。
    Numerous tools support CORBA, although their source codes may not be 100% portable among them.
  • 然它们仅直接适用于联邦法院的诉讼,但是它们在32个州内都作为证据法的范本。
    While they are applicable directly only to proceedings in federal courts, they serve as the model for evidence codes in 32 states.
  • 然有些观察家负责地宣布,isdn将在今后的岁月中与xdsl共存,但其它观察家持不同看法。
    Although some observers dutifully pronounce that ISDN will coexist with XDSL for years to come, others aren't so sure.
  • 但是,人们要清醒地看到,国际军控与裁军的任务还十分艰巨和复杂,核裁军取得了
    Nonetheless, mankind should remain coolly cognizant that the path to international While some progress has been made in nuclear disarmament, the major nuclear
  • 但是,人们要清醒地看到,国际军控与裁军的任务还十分艰巨和复杂,核裁军取得了一些进展,但保持着世界上数量最多、质量最精核武器的核大国,既未放弃核威慑政策,也没有停止对核武器和外空武器包括导弹防御系统的发展。
    Nonetheless, mankind should remain coolly cognizant that the path to international arms control and disarmament is still extremely complex and difficult. While some progress has been made in nuclear disarmament, the major nuclear powers, with the world's most sophisticated and largest quantity of nuclear weapons in hand, have neither abandoned their policy of nuclear deterrence nor stopped the development of nuclear weapons and outer space weapons including guided missile defence systems.
  • 然在强调族群融洽的时刻,这么“昭示天下”式的表达方式也许稍嫌刻意,释出的却是明白而且正面的信息:促进彼此的了解,加强社区凝聚力。
    At a time when the importance of racial harmony has been stressed repeatedly, such a publicised visit may seem rather contrived. However, the message behind it is loud and clear: promoting mutual understanding and enhancing social cohesiveness.
  • 对于红军的这一封信,然没有更正,但是后来的指示,就没有那些悲观的论调了,对于红军行动的主张也和我们的主张一致了。
    Although it has not made any correction of the letter to the Red Army, its subsequent directives have not been couched in the same pessimistic tone and its views on the Red Army's operations now coincide with ours.
  • 然与功能齐全的白板应用软件相比,im服务的白板功能还很原始,但它们通过给予用户一个中央区来表达想法而增加了协作性。
    Although the whiteboards of IM services are primitive compared to full-fledged whiteboard applications, they aid collaboration by giving users a central place to present ideas.
  • 这些革命运动然沉重地打击了帝国主义在中国的势力,但终究没有能使中国摆脱半殖民地的地位。
    These revolutionary movements dealt heavy blows to imperialist influences in China, but they failed to deliver the nation from semi-colonialism.
  • 然这些组件与corba有关,但你会看到在微软的com中也有类似的功能。
    Although these components are related to CORBA, you'll find similar features in Microsoft's COM.
  • 所以一天晚上,我们上网花了75美圆注册了"gamers.com"这个域名(laomao:真有眼光!那时候我听说过internet,可是只能上上业余的bbs,知道那种bbs吗?就是私人自己用一台电脑一根电话线办的,用户每天只能上10-30分钟不等,然和现在的网络不能比,可是那种乐趣是我这辈子也忘记不了的了,我现在的硬盘上还保留着几十m的灌水记录)。
    So one night,we logged onto the Internet,registered "gamers.com"for 75bucks,and off we went.
  • "这种材料然旧了些,但有朝一日会用得着的,不要扔掉。"
    "This material, though a little bit old, will come in useful/handy one day, so don't throw it away."
  • 第七次大会所通过的党章然规定了奖励的条文,但是,在过去十一年的执行过程中,证明并不是必要的。
    Although provisions regarding commendation were made in the Party Constitution adopted by the Seventh Congress, our experience over the past eleven years has proved them to be unnecessary.
  • 因财力有限,在国际市场上购买一些然技术不先进,但价格低廉、在商业上是合算的二手设备。
    Due to its limited financial capacity, it has to buy some commercially worthwhile second-hand equipment with less advanced technological level but at a low price.
  •  然在美国科技界,常常听到创新,可是科技界在美国只是局部的社会。
    Talks about innovation have long been commonplace among technology professionals in the US, but they just form a slice of American society.
  • 然电脑发展的潮流在向着结构紧凑和低成本方向发展,但是也不可能很快每个人都能拥有属于自己的电脑。”
    "Despite the trend to compactness and lower costs, it is unlikely everyone will have his own computer any time soon."
  • 这种做法直到1978年时才受到质疑,因为这一年最高法院裁定,在录取新生时,然规定严格的种族配额不符合宪法,但是大学校园仍可以考虑种族因素,因为在美国大学对促使校园中能有多种民族有极大的兴趣。
    This practice went unchallenged until 1978 when the Supreme Court ruled that, although rigid racial quotas were unconstitutional, universities could take race into account since there was a "compelling interest" in promoting diversity in America's colleges.
  • 我的工作苦,但也有所补偿。
    My job is hard, but it has its compensation.
  • 我方同时为其他厂家代理,但其货色并无竞争之冲突。
    We handle several other agency, but in non compete line.
  • 目前的经济调整然是痛苦,但是必要的,因为这有助恢复香港的竞争力。
    This adjustment, although painful, is necessary as we fight to regain our competitiveness.
  • 编制宗谱然已经不再盛行,但在台湾还是有人在做。
    The compilation of Chinese genealogy, though long past its heyday, is still being carried on in Taiwan.
  • 李资政的一番话,是要惕励执政党,在执政以来所取得的昭著彪炳的政绩,值得欣慰,但不要自满,应开放门户,招贤纳士,加强阵容,为国为民,全力以赴。
    By making the point, SM Lee warned the ruling party against complacency bred from its past achievements, and alerted it to the necessity of recruiting the best and brightest people to renew itself.
  • 我们的执法工作见成效,但我们绝不感到自满,并且非常明白,继续保持警觉是至为重要的。
    While we can point to some success in our enforcement efforts, we are not complacent at all and realise only too well that continued vigilance is essential.
  • 目前的想法是要求internet装置通过符合java的浏览器运行java小应用程序,然微软公司和其它厂家也在计划提供与之竞争的平台。
    The current thinking calls for the Internet device to run Java applets through a Java-compliant browser, although Microsoft Corp. and others are planning to offer competing platforms.
  • 赞美然不值钱,多人重金收买之。
    Compliments cost nothing, yet many pay dear for them.
  • 然极其贫困,却能够愉快地、自由自在地搞创作。
    He had been able to be happy and free to compose, though extremely poor.
  • 光河五舅然未受高深教育,但继承了外祖父的好手艺,还写得一手好字。
    Despite his lack of formal learning, he nevertheless inherited his father's artistic talent and wrote well with the brush pen. Guanghe also dabbled in composing poems.