  • 那脏乱的垃圾堆使我们的城羞。
    That filthy dump puts out town to shame.
  • 有些孩子一直长不高,因为他们身上缺少一种特殊的荷尔
    There are some children who remain as dwarf because they lack a particular hormone
  • 他的父亲是一位学校教师,是他最早的音乐启教师。
    His father, a schoolmaster, was his earliest music teacher.
  • 西斯河流程约338公里(210英里)的南英格兰河,向东流向北海宽湖三角湾。巨轮航运远至伦敦,它是该国主要商业水路。牛津以上上游部分通称为伊塞斯
    A river of southern England flowing about338 km(210 mi) eastward to a wide estuary on the North Sea. Navigable for large ships as far as London, it is the principal commercial waterway of the country. In its upper course above Oxford it is often called Isis.
  • 我们的快乐没多久就被可怕的消息上了一层阴影。
    Our happiness was soon eclipsed by the terrible news.
  • 我们的快乐被可怕的消息上了一层阴影。
    Our happiness was eclipsed by the terrible news.
  • 研究鸟的种群和野生生物生态学的西·弗礼泽大学的生物学教授弗雷德·库克说:“该省依靠伐木业收入使收支相抵。
    "The province depends on revenues from lumber to balance its budget," said Fred Cooke, a biology professor at Simon Fraser University who studies bird population and wildlife ecology.
  • 如今科学家声称,他们发现人类在说假话,不吐真言时也会受同样的羞辱。
    Now scientists claim to have discovered that humans suffer the same indignity when we are economical with the truth.
  • 库兹涅茨,西1901-1985俄裔美国经济学家,他因完善了以一个国家的国民生产总值来判断该国经济发展状况的方法,而获得了1971年的诺贝尔奖
    Russian-born American economist. He won a1971 Nobel Prize for developing a method of using a country's gross national product to determine its economic growth.
  • 对在中国少数民族三大英雄史诗中产生于新疆古族和柯尔克孜族的《江格尔》和《玛纳斯》两部史诗的搜集、整理、翻译和研究取得了很大成就。
    Tremendous achievements have been made in collecting, editing, translating and researching the Janger of the Mongolians and the Manas of the Kirgiz, two of China’s three important epics of ethnic minorities.
  • 台梭利,玛丽亚1870-1952意大利医师和教育家先驱,提出了强调发展儿童潜能的教育方法
    Italian physician and pioneer educator who proposed a method of teaching young children that stresses the development of initiative and natural abilities.
  • 分离和死亡会产生同样的结果,假如爱德和美塞苔丝之间隔着一道监狱的墙,那么他们不得不分手,其结果与让他躺的坟墓里一样的。”
    Absence severs as well as death, and if the walls of a prison were between Edmond and Mercédès they would be as effectually separated as if he lay under a tombstone."
  • 在埃古的挑唆下,奥赛罗决意杀死苔丝德娜。
    Egged on by Iago, Othello makes up his mind to kill Desdemona.
  • 克莱说:"我从历史中得知埃及人一日三餐都少不了啤酒。当你在野外工作时来上两瓶啤酒,你就会全身冒火,更谈不上去干推拉重物的活了。
    "All I can remember from history is that Egyptians drank beer for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and as someone who has done field research on drinking beer, I know after I've had two beers and its really hot, I'm not pushing or pulling anything," Clemmons said.
  • 1944年圣诞节前夕,艾森豪威尔接哥马利的一份电报,电文如下:看样子你要付我五英镑了。
    On Christmas Eve 1944 Eisenhower received a telegram from Montgomery which read:“It seems you have to pay me five pounds.
  • 1944年秋,艾森豪威尔作为盟军远征军总司令,来墨西哥湾哥马利的作战指挥所巡视。
    In Autumn 1944,Eisenhower as the supreme commander of the supreme commander of the allied expeditionary forces came to Montgomery's command post in Mexican Gulf on an inspection tour.
  • 起初参谋人员以为这是一次重要军事行动的暗语。可是当艾森豪威尔真给哥马利送去五英镑时,大家才知道哥马利确实在收债。
    At first all the staff officers took it to be a secret code for an important military manoeuvre,but when Eisenhower did actually send Montegomery five pounds, they realized that Montgomery was really collecting a debt.
  • 催产素一种少量多肽荷尔c43h66n12o12s2从脑垂体后叶释放出的,在分娩时使子宫松软肌肉收缩,并在哺乳期加速乳汁从乳房中流出
    A short polypeptide hormone, C43H66N12O12S2, released from the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, that stimulates the contraction of smooth muscle of the uterus during labor and facilitates ejection of milk from the breast during nursing.
  • 赤霉素一种植物荷尔,如赤霉酸,用来促进植物茎部生长
    Any of several plant hormones, such as gibberellic acid, used to promote stem elongation.
  • 启发,阐释智力上或精神上进行启;使别人懂某事
    To enlighten intellectually or spiritually; enable to understand.
  • 背景是一处动人的风景,但画的重点是娜·丽莎脸上那迷人、温柔而又神秘莫测的微笑。
    The background is a dramatic landscape. But the focus of the painting is the attractive, gentle but enigmatic smile on the face of Mona Lisa.
  • 70年代,中国翻译和编写了一批环境保护科普读物,广泛介绍环保知识,起到了很好的启作用。
    As early as in the 1970s, popular science textbooks on environmental protection were compiled or translated into Chinese to widely introduce environmental protection knowledge and enlighten the people on such knowledge.
  • 启迪智力、伦理或精神上的提高;启
    Intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement; enlightenment.
  • 内蒙古文工团
    Song and Dance Ensemble of Nei Monggol
  • 采纳施行,抗战幸甚,中华民族解放事业幸甚。
    Please accept and act upon these proposals, and great advantage will ensue to the War of Resistance and the cause of national liberation.
  • 一直到今年5月8日,北京一家新闻网站以《toshiba还要中国消费者多久》为题,把事件捅了出来,紧接着,新闻媒体纷纷跟进报道,网站也开辟论坛,“东芝事件”顿时成了舆论焦点,反应激烈。
    It was as late as May 8 this year that a Beijing-based website brought the matter into the open. China's media followed with reports and comments. Website forums were devoted to the ensuing discussions. Instantly, the Toshiba incident became a hot topic, drawing vehement responses.
  • 放射免疫测定用经放射性物质标记的物质(如荷尔或酶)进行免疫测定
    The immunoassay of a radiolabeled substance, such as a hormone or an enzyme.
  • 他在1976年特利尔奥运会上被取消了参赛资格。他对其使用的重剑进行了改制,使之在没有击中对方的情况下民能显示其得分。
    At the Montreal Games of 1976 he was disqualified, for he tampered with his epee, causing it to register hits even when none had been scored.
  • …湖用于湖的名字中,一些湖名的特定组成部分;如,伊利湖;卢斯米湖;伦
    For the names of actual lakes, see the specific element of the name; for example, Erie, Lake; Lucerne, Lake of; Lomond, Loch.
  • 山金车酊一种由欧州产a。大纳的干花头制成的药酊,用以减轻挫伤和扭伤引起的疼痛和炎症
    A tincture of the dried flower heads of the European species A. montana, applied externally to reduce the pain and inflammation of bruises and sprains.
  • [东北异常寒冷]东北和内古东部地区冬季出现了异常严寒天气,冬季9个旬中除2000年12月中旬和2001年2月下旬外,其余7个旬气温明显偏低。
    Extremely Cold in Northeast: Extraordinarily cold weather occurred in northeast and the eastern part of Inner Mongolia. Except mid December 2000 and late February 2001, the temperature in the rest seven months of the nine winter months is on the low side.
  • 泪水迷了她的眼睛。
    Tears misted her eyes.