  • 这种威信甚至扩展到了游戏场上:孩子头儿或游戏的的组织者都是那些明的孩子而不是逃学者。
    This popularity even extended to the playground, where it was the clever ones, not the truants, who were gang leaders and organised games.
  • 委员会对主席那个明才智明的计划感兴趣吗?
    Did the committee tumble for the chairman's clever plan?
  • 不过,他尽管在朋友们面前,在自己心里,都说她的面貌一无可取,可是眨下眼的工夫,他就发觉她那双乌黑的眼睛美丽非凡,使她的整个脸蛋儿显得极其慧。
    But no sooner had he made it clear to himself and his friends that she had hardly a good feature in her face, than he began to find it was rendered uncommonly intelligent by the beautiful expression of her dark eyes.
  • 要小看人类的智力是不可能的—如果第一个就从自己的算起。人人都以为自己明。
    It is impossible to underrate human intelligence begin with one's own.
  • 他真明,居然找到了来这里的路。
    He is really clever, and has unexpectedly found the road here.
  • 她不很明,但她是我所认识的完美无瑕的好人。或许只有智商相当低下才能做到出污泥而不染。
    She is not very bright, but the only completely good person I know. Maybe you have to have a fairly low I.Q. to remain unspotted from the world.
  • 在施展这种特殊本领的对象中,有谁比尼克的美丽、慧、却易轻信的新任女上司--达西·马圭尔更合适呢?
    And who better to apply his distinctive ability to than Darcy McGuire,his beautiful,talented and unsuspecting new boss.
  • 约翰既明,理解能力又强。
    John was both clever and quick in the uptake.
  • 我认为约翰很不明——他反应有点迟钝。
    I don't think John is very intelligent—he is a bit slow on the uptake.
  • [谚]明人做起糊涂事来,那才糊涂透顶。
    If wise men play the fool, they do it with a vengeance.
  • 我们几乎立刻就发现杰基不同寻常--它是一只非常明的狗。
    Almost immediately we realized Jacky was an exceptional dog--a very smart one.
  • 杰基和我们生活了许多年,虽然它是我们曾经养过的最明的狗,但我们再也没能说服它表演马戏班绝技。
    Jacky lived with us for many years,and although he was the smartest dog we ever had,we could never persuade him to perform circus tricks again.
  • 驴子摇耳朵,傻子装明。
    All asses wag their ears.
  • 【谚】睡得早,起得早,明、富裕、身体好。
    Early to bed, early to rise, make a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
  • 早起使人强壮,富裕,明。
    Early rise makes one healthy, wealthy and wise.
  • 好了,好了!像你这个年纪的人应该明些了!
    Well, really! You ought to know better at your age!
  • 某些党的领导同志根本不愿意研究上级政府的法令指示,甚至把上级政令故意置之高阁,单凭自己的明去指导同级政府工作,这等于胡行乱为!
    Some leading Party comrades did not bother to study higher-level government decrees or directives and even ignored them entirely, guiding the work of the government at their level according to their own whim. This is irresponsible!
  • [谚]神爱者去世早, 明者不长寿。
    whom(=those whom) the gods love die young.
  • 他是个既明又有勇气的人,决不会凭空攻击的。
    He is a man of great intelligence and courage so he couldn't tilt at windmills.
  • 越来越聪明
    To gain in wisdom
  • 你真聪明!
    How wise of you!
  • 我们知道他是很明的。
    We know him very wise.
  • 明人总是为将来打算。
    A wise man always looks ahead.
  • 他错误地认为她是明的。
    He misdeems that she is wise.
  • 他被认为是一个很明的人。
    He was accounted a wise man.
  • 明见行为,空话不顶用。
    Be wise in deed, not word.
  • 有些自作明的人说,天才是“留长发、吃奇怪的食物、独居的人,是说笑话的人调侃的对象”。
    Some wiseacre has said that a genius is a man who "wears long hair, eats queer food, lives alone, and serves as a target for the joke makers."
  • 你没理会那些坏主意,做得明。
    You acted (ie behaved) wisely by/in ignoring such bad advice.
  • 她很明地邀请他的父母去做客。
    she acted wisely when she invited her parents.
  • 明的她知道治疗需要时间和支持。
    She wisely knows that healing takes time and support.
  • 虽然佩服他的勇气,我认为他这样做是不明的。
    Much as I admire his courage, I don't think he acted wisely.
  • 再过些时候,自会有更明的人出现。
    By and by some wiser man would appear.