  • 我上期从这里买了一件裤子,我一洗就缩水了。
    I bought this pair of trousers last Friday. As soon as I washed it, I found it shrank.
  • 期一,吃鸡。期二,吃通心面加色拉。期三,吃烧腌肉丁。期五,吃莴苴片。反正那一段时间吃得很好。
    Monday. Chicken. Tues, macaroni salad. Wed, baked corn beef hash. Fri, shredded lettuce. Anyway, it was high on the hog while it lasted.
  • 她还出演过两部重要的古典纽约舞台剧《驯悍记》和《我们的城市》,但发现由于其"荧屏女"的名声,戏剧方面的角色越来越难找了。
    Hunt also starred in two major classical New York theatre productions The Taming of the Shrew and Our Town?but found theatre work harder and harder to come by because of her reputation as a “ television” actress.
  • 要我在一个期内完成这项工作,所给的时间太少了。
    To expect me to get the work done in a week is to give short shrift.
  • 几个电视网之中,美国广播公司在二月份的一次晚上新闻广播中做了简短间接的报导,但国家广播公司、有线电视新闻网及哥伦比亚广播公司一直延迟到上期,也不过略为一提。
    Of the TV networks, ABC ran a brief and oblique mention on an evening newscast in February, but NBC, CNN and CBS held off until last week, and even then mostly gave the story short shrift.
  • 由于关切苏联抱怨美国在外交方面做得不够,白宫期六宣布布什将于期日首途赫尔辛基与戈尔巴乔夫商讨波斯湾情势及其他事务。
    Concerned by Soviet complaints that the U.S. has given diplomacy short shrift, the White House announced on Saturday that Bush will head to Helsinki this Sunday to discuss the gulf Situation, among other things, with President Mikhail Gorbachev.
  • 忏悔期二的斋戒日。
    the pre-Lenten festival of Shrove Tuesday.
  • 后来,雨云一下子凝聚在大地的上空。三天见不到一线亮光。整个地球就像金平时那样完全被云雾掩盖着。
    Then quite suddenly rain-clouds condensed over the whole globe. Within three days not a break was anywhere to be found. The earth was as completely cloud-shrouded as normally is the planet Venus.
  • 用这种方法减缩之后的卫结构和火箭模型结合后,可以进行载荷耦合计算工作。
    Once the satellite structure, shrunk through this method, is connected with the rocket model, coupled loads computation can then be conducted.
  • 甚至连那些一向在媒体面前保持低调的明也发现这种颁奖盛典的确可以帮助自己扬名立万,宣传自己的作品。
    Even spotlight-shunning stars find themselves sucked into festivities to plug their work.
  • 好的,abe先生。两人座的一桌,期四晚上八点,禁烟区,对吗?
    All right, Mr. Abe. A table for tow on Thursday evening at eight, non- smoking- is that right?
  • 我一期前刚在你们店里买了一架照机,现在快门就坏了。
    Yes, I bought a camera at your store just a week ago, and now the shutter is not working.
  • 我一期前刚在你们店里买了一架照机,现在快门就坏了。
    Yes, I buy a camera at your store just a week ago, and now the shutter be not work.
  • 给老板工作了几期后,我对他的那套方法便讨厌极了。
    After a few weeks' working for the boss I sickened of his method.
  • 日比平均太阳日短三分五十六秒。
    A sidereal day is shorter than a mean solar day by 3 minutes and 56 seconds.
  • 冥王距离太阳第九远而且通常也是最远的一颗行,它绕太阳运转的恒年为2484年,在近日点时距太阳45亿公里或28亿英里,在远日点时距太阳74亿公里或46亿英里,其直径不到地球直径的一半
    The ninth and usually farthest planet from the sun, having a sidereal period of revolution about the sun of248.4 years,4.5 billion kilometers or2.8 billion miles distant at perihelion and7.4 billion kilometers or4.6 billion miles at aphelion, and a diameter less than half that of Earth.
  • 不过此次奥斯卡之夜,黑人双荣登领奖台,非裔司仪(伶牙俐齿的黑人女影乌比·戈德堡)担纲主持颁奖盛典,以及黑人演员西德尼·波蒂埃荣获奥斯卡荣誉奖,这一切都证明了黑人演员在电影界日益提升的地位。
    But seeing the two winners on stage with the evening's African-American emcee (the often acid-tongued Whoopi Goldberg) on a night when Sidney Poitier was one of the honorary award winners, made quite a statement.
  • 围攻战甚至有某些有利之处:在一个时间过得很慢的期六,我总能以捕蛇打发时间,不断地发现一条又一条。
    The siege even had certain advantages:on a slow Saturday I could always hunt snakes. And I kept finding them, one at a time.
  • 跨国公司来华投资日益增多,目前世界前五百家跨国公司中,有近四百家来华投资。摩托罗拉、西门子、贝尔、朗讯、三菱重工、伊藤忠商社、沃尔马特、飞利浦、波音、雀巢、惠普、联合利华、通用电气、荷兰皇家壳牌、诺基亚、爱立信、三、松下电气、大宇等著名跨国公司在华均有较大投资。
    Investments from transnational corporations are also on the rise. At present nearly 400 multinational corporations out of world's top 500 have investment in China, among them are Motorola, Siemens, Bell, Lucent, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Itochu, Walmart, Philips, Boeing, Nestle, HP, Unilever, GE, Shell, Nokia, Ericsson, Samsung, Panisonic, Daewoo etc.
  • 木卫一木四颗最明亮的卫之一,距木的距离排为第九。它首先为伽利略所发现
    One of the four brightest satellites of Jupiter and the ninth in distance from the planet. It was first sighted by Galileo.
  • 木卫二木最亮的四颗行之一,与木的距离排在其卫的第七位,最早为伽俐略观测到
    One of the four brightest satellites of Jupiter and the seventh in distance from the planet. It was originally sighted by Galileo.
  • 枪炮口上,瞄准用的小圆金属突起,如来福枪上的准
    A small metal knob on the muzzle of a firearm, such as a rifle, used for sighting.
  • 期天你曾去观光游览吗?
    Do you go sightseeing last sunday?
  • 这个期你领失业救济金了吗?
    Have you signed on this week?
  • 我已经坚持祈祷了好几个期,但没有任何回应,只有这寒冷,这黑暗,这刺骨的风,还有这被遗弃的痛苦。
    I had prayed steadily for weeks, and there had been no answer but this coldness and darkness, this harsh air, this abandonment.
  • 期像是在不顾後果的放任中度过的。
    Last week seemed to have been spent in reckless abandonment.
  • 锡克教的主要神诞和节日,计有锡克教始祖纳那大师的诞辰、第十位大师高宾大师诞辰,以及人日(即所有锡克教徒的诞辰)等。
    The main holy days and festivals observed by the Sikh community are the birthdays of Guru Nanak (founder of the faith), Guru Gobind Singh (the10th Guru) and Baisakhi (the birthday of all Sikhs).
  • 该庙逢期日早上举行崇拜,节目包括唱诗、读经、祭司讲道等。
    Religious services, which include hymn-singing, readings from the Guru Granth (the Sikh Holy Book) and sermons by the priest, are held every Sunday morning.
  • 看过好多中国人写冼海生平的书,有关新加坡的部分同样是语焉不详。
    Similarly, books penned by Chinese on the life of Xian that I have come across are vague on this.
  • 西蒙在车祸中安然无恙,他感谢他的幸运之
    Simon was unhurt in the car accident, for which he thanked his lucky stars.
  • 再多干一个期天都不行!
    Not for another Sunday。
  • 期一以来,他一直在这里。
    He has been here since Monday.