  • 但中国政府似乎相信能控制局面,以政府目前所有的政治控制手段,是绝不致于让入世对政治生活的冲击泛滥的。
    Given its means of control, it is unlikely to allow the political impact of its WTO entry to lead to chaos.
  • 这是有这笔财产应付的费用。
    the charges against the estate.
  • 亨廷顿美国西弗吉尼亚州西部城市,在查理斯顿市西边,濒俄亥俄河。1871年作为铁路终点城市始建,有玻璃和化学工业。人口54,844
    A city of western West Virginia on the Ohio River west of Charleston. Founded in1871 as a railroad terminus, it has glass and chemical industries. Population,54, 844.
  • 我从来没有见过如此挤和迷人的地方。
    I have never seen such a crowded and charming resort.
  • 由存款者有并且由理事会管理的州特许的储蓄银行。
    a state-chartered savings bank owned by its depositors and managed by a board of trustees.
  • 伊丹荷兰西部一城镇,位于爱塞美尔湖畔。1357年获准建市,有著名的奶酪市场。人口24,019
    A town of western Netherlands on the Ijsselmeer. Chartered in1357, it has a famous cheese market. Population,24, 019.
  • 普福尔茨海姆德国西南部一城市,位于斯图加特西北偏西。1195年特许建立,它有著名的珠宝业和钟表制造工业。人口104,023
    A city of southwest Germany west-northwest of Stuttgart. Chartered c.1195, it has a noted jewelry and watchmaking industry. Population,104, 023.
  • 这是利用一个交叉点开关实现的,对4插槽或16插槽的底架而言,该开关分别以4×4或16×16的矩阵形式,有每块卡的一条无阻塞通道。
    This is achieved with a crosspoint switch that has a nonblocking path for each card in either a 4-by-4 or 16-by-16 matrix for a four- or 16-slot chassis, respectively.
  • 叽叽喳喳的女士们蜂而来,拨弄着各种饰物,讨价还价。
    chattering women swarmed in, fingering trinkets, trying to bargain.
  • 阻止某人有(权利等)
    Syn cheat out of
  • 他们走下飞机时受到了欢呼和抱。
    Cheers and embraces greeted them as they they stepped dowm from the plane.
  • 拥军爱民
    support the army and cherish the people
  • 我拥抱了每个孩子。
    I hugged each child.
  • 阿里卡智利北部一城市,位于太平洋岸秘鲁边界附近。1929年后秘鲁和智利均称为己有(对其有主权),该市是自由港和旅游胜地。人口139,320
    A city of northern Chile on the Pacific Ocean near the Peruvian border. Claimed by both Peru and Chile until1929, it is a free port and popular resort. Population,139, 320.
  • 购买这些奇异巧克力的顾客都很识货。这些人崇拜有天赋的甜品师恰如篮球迷们戴迈克·乔丹一样痴迷。
    The clientele for these exotic chocolates are high-end buyers who follow favored candymakers the way others follow basketball hero Michael Jordan's sports career.
  • 西印度群岛东北的一群岛屿,波多黎各以东,年由克里思多佛.哥伦布发现;由美国和英国有。
    a group of islands in northeastern West Indies (east of Puerto Rico) discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1493; owned by United States and Britain.
  • 电影结束后,人们从电影院蜂而出。
    The crowd swarmed out of the cinema after the film ended.
  • 人们正蜂到电影院去看这部新电影。
    People are flocking to the cinema to see the new film.
  • 公民有公民权利或特权的人
    One who possesses the rights or privileges of a citizen.
  • 你不能完全肯定一个有美国国籍的人就出生在美国。
    You can not even take it for grant that if a man have american citizenship he bear there.
  • 你不能完全肯定一个有美国国籍的人就出生在美国。
    You can not even take it for granted that if a man has American citizenship he is born there.
  • 有世界冠军是我们每个公民的骄傲。
    It's a civic pride to have a champion.
  • 宣称对地产有所有权
    Laid claim to the estate.
  • 波浪和婆浪相抱相
    And the waves clasp one another.
  • 抱表示喜爱或礼貌而紧抱
    To clasp in fondness or politeness.
  • 松开扣钩或松开拥抱
    To release or loosen from a clasp or an embrace.
  • 抱用胳膊紧紧地夹住或抱住,通常作为亲热的表示
    To clasp or hold close with the arms, usually as an expression of affection.
  • 抱(出于爱)尤指用双臂环抱或紧紧搂住;
    To clasp or hold closely, especially in the arms, as in affection; embrace.
  • 单一业主指一人有公司,它是企业家经营的典型模式。
    A sole proprietorship is a business owned by one person. It is the classic example of entrepreneur.
  • internet有强大的服务器,每台为成千上万个客户工作。
    The Internet has powerful servers, each working for thousands of clients.
  • 情侣紧紧拥抱。
    The lovers were in a clinch.
  • 紧抱,紧紧靠着抱或紧缠在一起
    To embrace or cling together closely.